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Yay for savings!! I had to just about max the credit card out for new furniture. Getting ready to make some big montly payments soon. I get my bonus this week too! I hope to have about 5k saved by the time the move is complete. I'm a saving freak. Our year end goal is to have 10k saved.


I have a photo of me up when I was at my heaviest. It's funny because in that pic I thought I was very pretty but you can see how big I was.

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Long 8 hour day at work. And it was SO a Monday as well. Just everything hitting the fan at once... I work the next 3 weekends so I can have from the 25th-30th off. So ready to have that vacay!!! L only has to work today and tomorrow and then has Wed through next Monday off. Lucky! Only day I'm off that he is off is Friday.


I have a appointment Thursday after work because I think I have another infection. Ugh. Then since I'm close to the interstate I'm just going to head down to Atlanta and pick up Jasper's crate. Might as well knock it out.

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At least you get Friday! My husband is also off. We don't get off where I work but they do let us out early at 2 pm and pay us for 8 hrs work.


That was very thoughtful of him. I think you'll like cooking once you get into to it and you're at your own place cooking for your husband vs living at home with parents.

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Well ii can rest easy, nanny will be buried with dignity. Her family paid for the funeral. It's Thursday, viewing is from 10-11 and then the funeral is at 1130. I'm going to talk to my boss about going (I'm scheduled to work 7-3 that day and it's a delivery day) but I might have to ask the girl who is working fri and off thurs to switch with me.

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I won't be standing at the gravesite - I don't do funerals and I don't say my goodbyes at them. I'm going mostly for support for my brother and sister (and to make sure my brother does nothing stupid). I already told my sister I won't go into the viewing room and I'll sit in my car during the funeral waiting on them. My best friend is going (support for me). I went to her gran's funeral with her so she is being awesome right now. All I said was the funeral was at 1130 and she said she would be there. My mom is watching Tyler, she admitted to me on the phone (and started crying) that she was glad my sister asked her to watch him, that even as an ex daughter in law she couldn't handle to see how my gran is going to look in the coffin. We found out she only weighed 94 lbs when she died.

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Well I am glad your nan had a respective burial considering who things were prior, looking back into the thread since this topic.


I see she has confidence in your balance in on of the photos while she was holding you.

Always freaks me out to no end when people allow a young toddler to rest on their arm and keep themselves upright even though they have 101% confidence.

I'd rather sit down next to them on the couch, look down and talk to them even if they make no sense to me.

Maybe the infant can teach me a thing or two as well.


Yes I have a problem with holding infants.

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Well I am glad your nan had a respective burial considering who things were prior, looking back into the thread since this topic.


I see she has confidence in your balance in on of the photos while she was holding you.

Always freaks me out to no end when people allow a young toddler to rest on their arm and keep themselves upright even though they have 101% confidence.

I'd rather sit down next to them on the couch, look down and talk to them even if they make no sense to me.

Maybe the infant can teach me a thing or two as well.


Yes I have a problem with holding infants.


What do you mean by resting on their arm Dark? I'm trying to picture it but I'm not quite getting it.

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The image you had has been removed.

My ex used to do it with her 'friends' baby in complete confidence of the baby's balance.


I always felt like rushing up and keeping my hands somewhere around the baby just in case he/she decides to move about.


Possibly due to how I was as a child at that age.


Apparently at an outdoors lunch out in the back yard with neighbors, I decided to start rocking my high chair ion order to get out of it.

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Oh! It's a pretty standard hold for a baby honestly. I tote my nephew around like that. The baby isn't really balancing on your arm, you have your arm wrapped around their legs at all times. Granted babies DO lean back in that position but if your grip on their legs is good enough you should be able to squeeze and firmly tell them 'no' and they come back up in the sitting position or be able to counter them leaning back.

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I think I'd still need to get over my worries as I was the type of child who would be on to of my Father's shoulders and randomly decide to lean back 180 so the whole World was upside down.

Fortunately my Father knew when I was going to do it.

My Father would throw me up in the air then catch me upside down and hang me by my legs when he was around his friends.

I think me Father mistaken my laughter and screaming for me enjoying what was going on due to me liking to see the World upside down on my Father's shoulders.


Who knows.

He also allowed me to sip beer from his bottle from a very early age.

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lol, you as a child and my nephew would get along greeeaattt then. We were outside the other day and I had him on my shoulders and he either wanted to lean back all the way - thankfully had a hold of his legs - or would lean forward TOO much and look like he was trying to crawl down my face. Kids are always going to get hurt though. I mean, I can say that with years of being around kids in the same way a mother of 3 does (every time my nephew goes into his drama crying when nothing is wrong I just bend down to his level while he's screaming and gentle say 'you aren't maimed, you aren't bloody, you didn't lose a arm, you're fine.') but I imagine when it's our first child, I'm going to be that over protective mother who won't even let her first born eat dirt, lol.


My dad allowed me to do the same actually. I also got a taste of alcohol whenever I had a sore throat - nanny was a firm believer in the 'old' ways to cure sickness. Sore throat, a cap full of Jack Daniels.

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Who knows.

He also allowed me to sip beer from his bottle from a very early age.


Mine was the same. I always find it funny when people get shocked by this kind of thing. In my culture at least it's completely normal. My dad used to give us shandy (beer and sprite) on a Sunday evening if he was having a beer, and when we had company over on special occasions, we would be given a small glass of wine if we wanted one. This was from the age of around 3. As adults my brother and I rarely drink. My gran believed in a drop of whisky in a baby bottle. I was a happy baby

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