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The requirements for the carrier for them to fly international are extremely specific and they sell the proper ones on site at the cargo facility so I'd rather eat the gas and the extra money for the carrier and know 100% it falls under regulations. That and I want to see how far the cargo area is from the main terminal to see how far L and I will have to walk after we drop Jasper off there the day we fly out. As for why so early - my brother has plans later in the day and has to be back here by noon.

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Well, no Atlanta for me. lol. I couldn't sleep last night thanks to Jasper. We had a really bad thunderstorm and he HATES rain on the roof and was going beserk and walking all over me and meowing - when I finally nodded off about 3 am I woke up at 5 AM with a roaring migrain, texted L to let him know I wasn't going and rolled over and slept until almost 11. L and I FaceTimed for a little while before he had to go and get ready for a guy's night.

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We Had $750 when we checked today. We took out $275 today to pay off the tv but we are putting $420 in there this week. I've got my direct deposit set up to put $150 every paycheck in there. Hopefully it continues to build so we can have a nice cushion

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I'm currently redoing my budget to take into effect the $30 loss per pay check for cut hours (although I'm going to talk to boss Monday about switching back to 2nd shift every 2nd weekend). currently 1 weekend I work second, next weekend I'm first, and third weekend I'm off. But I'm losing some major money when I work first on that weekend because of the shift diff. Hourly I'm making 8.25 on first but if I were to work 2nd I could bring in 8.50 an hour on the weekends. So that could even out the hours lost some. I'm also going to cancel insurances come June (since I can't use them any more anyway) so that's an extra $40 a month. When I did the old budget I also stopped it mid way through Sept so I'm going to continue it until the end of Sept.


We are thinking (hopefully) I can put my 2 week notice in and a) either not have to work at all in October or b) work 1 pay period in October. I really want 1 week with my uncle and his wife, the next week with my best friend, and the last week with my mom before I move. Currently we are looking at L flying in on October 31st (instead of the 2nd) because he wants a few more days here but we'll have to see with budget and time frame.

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Good job on the savings guys! We don’t have any right now, just $50. It’s not a priority at this point. We can live just fine off of his larger cheques and my smaller cheques, but it doesn’t leave room for savings. I cannot wait to be working full-time or nearly full-time hours and start making some real money.

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It's nice to see the bank account grow and know we are steadily closer to the big day. Good Lord, it's April 1st! It's APRIL already?!?!?!


Well I just redid the budget. We can def do L arriving on the 31st (I didn't take into account hours coming back or my insurance coming back in to give myself a buffer) which means this month is the 6th month mark. I'm so nervous. All this uncertainty with the sponsor income going up is driving me nuts. You guys know how I get (remember how I was before L arrived last time?) They were suppose to announce it in March to go with the visa fee increase but it's looking like they are saying they will be announcing it in June. Ready to pull my hair out...

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100% I do. On the one hand I'm taking all those extra little moments I get and trying to get them to slow down - like today I spent an hour in the living room floor playing with Tyler doing nothing but throwing a blanket over us and covering him in kisses. Or having him fall asleep on me and just letting him lay there in my arms for longer than he should - but on the other hand I just want to put my head down and keep marching toward Oct/Nov.


Have you guys set a date or agreed on a month yet?

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Awww those sound like wonderful moments. I am just trying to enjoy this time, the little moments and the life that we have now, BUT I am beyond ready to be his wife and I can’t help feeling like a little zip forward in time would be great.


Nah, I got bored of weddings and with $50 in savings, it’s not even a plausible thing right now. We’ll figure it out.

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Tyler just scared 10 years off me. I was watching him in the living room while mom ran to the bathroom (because my nephew is HUGELY extroverted, even at almost 2). She had given a Dorito chip before she left and he was munching on it. Next thing I knew I heard a choking sound coming from him and had to react. Scared the crap out of me. Scared him too, he just bursted into a fit of tears after the whole thing, hard for an aunt to soothe an upset nephew she she herself is a little rattled!

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