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Is it narcisstic (I can't even spell that word, Lord) to know I am beautiful but to not find myself hot? lol, it never makes me feel better when a fellow woman is going without too!


Well I know I am beautiful inside, the outside needs some work for sure. Some days I could care less, other days I wish I could take a magic pill, wake up and see hotness when I look in the mirror. Meh...

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As a female, when you age, you stop wishing you were more sexy, hot, beautiful, or cute. You just wish you were more patient and kinder. That is true beauty, but when I was in my twenties, I was called "cute" and "sexy", but I wanted to be beautiful. Guess what? I am! And it has nothing to do with my looks.

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I've always been very plain Jane. Jared just tells me his favorite ice cream has always been vanilla and that makes me feel better. Since I've put on weight, I don't feel as attractive and I feel like my skin is getting worse but whatever. I don't feel comfortable dressing up at all but I do things to make me feel a bit more attractive, like always wearing earrings and opting for a skirt over shorts ( though I always wear shorts underneath the skirts haha)

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Well if you need a guide around London, let me know I'm only about 15miles outside


lol, awesome! I think we still want to try to do a week in London (I'm a HUGE history buff) before we try for kids, not sure if we will get to though. We'll be living 3 hours I think from London?


Gah, I love my mom but Jesus. She never pronounces my last name right - EVER. For those who know it it's pronounced with the first 4 letters then the last 3. Mom prounounces it with the first 2 letters and then the rest. Drives me batty. We were talking about how dad had my name in nanny's obituary (they have my maiden name) and she said, 'Yeah, that's not your name. It's xxxxx' to which I just went 'no, mom, that isn't my last name either!' I swear.

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You can totally do London. My sister sends us all an online scrapbook of her adventures in London each week, would you like to see it?


Well, it's down to how much I want to see London vs. how much I want kids - everyone knows which one is going to win. We have so much we have to save up for in those first 2 years (and those things are the reasons we are already having to delay starting), I'd rather not delay it longer. If we can swing it I'm all over it if not, I'm okay.


Oh yeah, I'd love to see it!

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Went grocery shopping today and afterwards had my nails one. Fills awesome to have new nails. The lady even gave me a discount (no idea why) so I tipped a little more than I normally do. It was a new place I was trying on the other side of town and I will def. be going to them from now one!


Hoping the rain holds off for a few more hours, I really want to take Tyler out (since mom cut the grass with a weed wacker) and get some of his high strung energy out. My brother and I are getting up at 6 AM (groan) and leaving the house by 6:30 to go to Atlanta to pick up a carrier for Jasper's Grand Adventure. Going to be a looooong morning.

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