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They definitely could be prosecuted. Speaking from personal experience of dealing with a lawsuit regarding one of the patients in the office I work for..It's very closely related to this situation and the daughter who did not provide proper medication dosing, failed in taking the patient to doctor's appointments/emergency room visits when she wasn't doing well and not providing adequate nutrition or seeking help is actually sitting in jail right now. From my understanding, unless a person wishes to perish at home without anyone intervening and it's in a will..or your father was the power of attorney over her..they could get in trouble for several reasons. Not giving the medications AS PRESCRIBED by a doctor, not providing the oxygen as prescribed, ignoring the fact that she had a drastic change in behavior/not eating - blatantly not seeking assistance..I'm not sure if that's something your family would want to pursue, OG..but that's defintely neglect. 100% so.


I'm so sorry for your loss and I know how bad it hurts to lose a family member..especially when you have family issues, it's just not a pleasant situation in the least. I feel terrible for your grandmother and her experiences in her last days..but now she is at peace.


and your father is a terrible person. I'm so sorry.

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Thank you all again. Especially you DN, I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I tend to have the same view that TOV spoke of. For me while it pulls at my heart to know she phsyically may not be next to Papa, I know spirtually she is. I'm not religious but I am a spiritual person and I know the Nanny I knew and loved is no longer with us, she is some were else. For the rest of my family (like my sister and brother) it pains them more to know she won't phsyically be were she should but that's how they choose to grieve.


Dang - we def. plan on sharing the information we have with my grandmother's doctor and seeing what course of action we should take. I work in the health care field (in a nursing home specifically) and while there is no abuse in our facility, I'm constantly around elderly people, most of whom I know by name and can have lucid, in depth conversations with. It pains me to know anyone could do this to our elderly.




Had to get back to normal life as it were today. Went and applied for my passport, my very first. My picture they took makes me look like a terrorist, no lie. lol. I thought L's was bad. 2 more days and I'm off for 3 days, looking forward to that. I've kind of just been doing things and not really putting in the 100% at work I normally do since my mind is else were. My boss and coworkers are awesome and more than understanding. Today was really the first time since Sunday I felt like I actually pulled my weight so to speak.

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Your future IS bright!


Even though my grandpa died 7 years ago..I still miss him dearly and sometimes even expect to see him sitting in 'his' spot at my nanny's house when I walk in..I would always kiss him on the head and he would say 'hey babydoll'..I relive our conversations and memories frequently..and Hayden will know of my grandpa too. Relive the memories with your children, she will always be with you.

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She def will Dang. Even before she passed I told L I wanted to carry on the memory of gardening with our kids like she did with me. I'm even starting doing some stuff with Tyler. He can't go outside right now - our grass is really tall and we have issues with snakes and ant hills. The lawn mower is broke so mom won't let him go outside to play til she can cut the grass so he is going ape crazy right now because all he wants is to go outside.

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She def will Dang. Even before she passed I told L I wanted to carry on the memory of gardening with our kids like she did with me. I'm even starting doing some stuff with Tyler. He can't go outside right now - our grass is really tall and we have issues with snakes and ant hills. The lawn mower is broke so mom won't let him go outside to play til she can cut the grass so he is going ape crazy right now because all he wants is to go outside.


OMG, we have the SAME issue!!!!! Our lawn mower is broke and the grass is insane..Hayden is going crazy too!! But it's so bad that my dad is literally using a weed eater to cut the grass as much as he can so Hayden can go play without us being too scared of not seeing the snakes.

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Could you guy buy a cheap used one at Salvation Army or something. I have a gardener, so no problem. Most people out here do. I don't know anyone who cuts their own grass. Strange how things are different in defferent parts of the country, huh? I remember my mom gardening and mowing her own grass. I've never done that.

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Lol, Dang mh mom is thinking about doing the same thing. She couldn't the last 5 day because we had Tyler but I think she is roping my brother into her helping her with it the next few days using the weed wacker. No neighbours - we live in the middle of no were! Bit she is getting it fixed, it's just taking a few weeks.

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1 more day and I'm off... I'm about tired of certain people 'not able' to get stuff done on their own shift but expecting me (second) to do it and do everthing else I'm suppose to do. I couldn't just 'forget' to do something. So people pleasing OG did what they 'forgot' and 'forgot' to do a few things she was suppose to do.


I got home to make spagehtti for dinner (no fast food, yay!) and as I was going to get the noodles out of the box guess who dumped them in the floor? Moi. What was funnier was I dumped them on my mom's head - she was leant down grabbing a pot lid - what a mess. At least I have some to take to work with me tomorrow along with maybe half a piece of chicken left over from lunch today.

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Yoplait is pretty good and I'm not a yoghurt person at all!


Like Jigs, my family has people come to mow the lawn. A lot of people here too, it's not just "rich" people or whatever. A lot of times, you can pay some highschool kid who is trying to get some money to do it for you instead of hiring an actual gardener. That way it is cheaper.


The only person who I know mows his own lawn is N. He does it for his grandparents since there is a fair bit of land and he's pretty good at it. I've never mowed a lawn in my life but like to garden.

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The joy of living with a former ER doctor. I sometimes think I know more about what can kill/hurt/maime me than I should, lol.

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My mom took care of a dude who had a glass bottle partly up his bum. Said he was naked and sat on his chair without knowing that the bottle was there and so that's how he got a bottle up his bum. Total accident.




Crazy, crazy stuff goes on. 0_0

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Something I have really wondered about in the ER is that you do have to take care of a lot of "bad" people. I mean, nasty people...people who abuse their kids...known local sex offenders/convicted rapists, etc. I admire my mom for taking care of them when she could just as easily say "f you" or give them subpar care that would give them pain later, pain that (let's admit it) they probably do deserve. But she doesn't. I really admire her for that.


I've had to take care of some pretty crappy people in hospice and did just fine but not on the same level that she does, ya know? It must eat her up a little bit.

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