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So I go outside to warm the car up while I get ready for work. And as I'm cranking it I slip on the wet ground and before I can catch it the door closes. With the keys inside. With the car running. And wouldn't you know it, my mom has the spare key and is out somewhere.




So I'm just sitting here, waiting on her to get back here with precious gas going out the exhaust.

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Okay, well, I DID get back into my car. Eventually. My mom came about 15 mins after I locked myself out only for us to find out that the spare electric lock she had (you know, the thing you click to lock and unlock your car doors) didn't work and she doesn't have a spare door key to my car. >.


Come to find out the broken electric lock wouldn't open the car doors but it would sound the alarm on the car and operate the trunk. Wonderful. Still didn't get my doors unlocked. So we are standing there wondering what we are going to do, it's pouring freezing rain, I'm ill, and in one of my moods. My mom says my back seat should let down but there is no latch inside the trunk. At this point I said F it, crawled into my trunk and proceeded to kick my back seat out. Yeah. Kicked it out.


Once I got the driver's side of the back seat kicked in I managed to crawl through the opening (a real testimant to the fact going to the gym is working for me. No way could i Have done that a week ago!) and crawled through the rest of my car to unlock the door. As my mom opened the car door I just busted out laughing. No idea why. Maybe losing my temper and kicking in my seat combined with the stupid situation I locked my keys in, I dunno. But I laughed.


So I change scrub bottoms (mine were muddied beyond believe) and headed to work. Half way down the road my window starts to fog to the point I can't see * * * * out of it. I'm thinking great. Call my mom.


Me: "What am I suppose to do?"

Mom: "OG, do you have it on defrost?"

Me: *waving my free hand around like she can see it* "Where the H is that at?!"

Mom: "Really?"

Me: "I never use it!"


So I finally got that going. And then as I was pulling into work it started snowing. REALLY snowing. I'll post pics in a bit. I had hte option to stay at work but I really didn't want to so I drove home. Not too bad of a ride. It was still snowing pretty bad when I left and I had to use a magazine to scrap the snow off my back window (lovely). I only had one bad moment on a bridge. I felt the car hit slush and the back end start to veer so I instantly let off the gas (even though I was only going 30 MPH).




Yeah, this goes down as the worst luck Christmas I have ever had. Except for it snowing today. Never did I think the South would see a white Christmas. I guess that's global warming fo ryou....

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Well I don't really know what that's like. I live in Southern Calif., so it never snows at my place. It snows in the mountains nearby, so I can go visit the snow, but it's never right outside. I think it would look really pretty, but I'm not sure I want to live where it snows so that I would have to shovel it and deal with salt and all that. snow ball fight.

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The roads were actually not that bad on the drive to work. I have to get to the gym tomorrow night. I'm starting to feel short of breath when I do a lot of exercise. Ugh.


We only get snow once a year here and the past two years its been in march. The south also hasn't seen a white christmas like this since 1960 something. It has never snowed on Christmas before and we were all prepared for it not to. We don't get real snow though, we get that slush crap.

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Isnt it weird that you had never seen snow before and had to get pics from CS - then you wake up to a white christmas!!! This crazy weather is creeping me out though. It's also the coldest "summer" we've had down here for a while..

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Oh no! We have seen snow before but we only get it once a year and it's not the pure powder kind, like up North or our West gets. It'll settle on the ground but in like 12 hours it's melted to slush. We have, however, never had snow on Christmas. That is a first and believe me, we were all shocked down here. And I'll be even more shocked if we get around snow fall this year, I really will. It has NEVER in my life span snowed more than once a year down here. If we get two times, I'm gonna start supporting global warming, hahaha


I almost froze tonight getting gas. Thanks to my lttle stunt yesterday I was running low so I stopped to get some and oh.my.god! My hands were frozen by the time I got to the car and I only pumped $15 worth! It didn't snow again today but the temperature is like 25 degrees F ( -3 for those Celsius users). So what is out there still will freeze tonight. Wonderful.

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Yeah. I have a weather app on my Droid and I have the system set to Celsius since that's what CS uses. The MAIN weather app still displays my F degree but at the top it shows what it is in C so I don't have to go to the conversion app so he'll know what I'm talking about in his temp range. Yeah. Minus 3. And it gets even colder than that which is why I'm winning that bet with CS that England's cold is nothing compared to down here.


And there is wind which makes it feel SO much colder.

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49 days until CS arrives!!!!


I also made plans with the bestie for her to come down New Year Day and exchange gifts and spend a few hours together. Hopefully I can get SEx and the City 2 on my Netflix. We are HUGE SATC fans. Plus I get to see my Smuckers, her daughter.


Jasper just knocked over ANOTHER drink. UGHHH. His monkey tail is what does it. It literally sways back and forth like a ? mark and he knocks everything off with it. I feel bad, I popped him and raised me voice at him and now he's sitting accross the room looking at me with those big, golden eyes all sad like. Dangit. I see myself cuddling him in about ten seconds....

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