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how many cals is 9 pts?


depends on the type of food. it's hard to convert. especially with the new system. because most fruits and veggies are 0. If I had to guess, I would say that one sandwich is around 300 calories. depends on which bread you choose.

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The average 6" Subway sandwhich, without any toppings or sauce, is between 400-500 calories. I worked with a girl last year that used to run a Subway during her college days. The calories they post are just for the bread and meat only. Cheese, toppings, etc... more calories. Some of their sandwiches are very healthy, though. I like the turkey breast on the 7 grain bread with pesto sauce, avocado, and onion only. Mayo just kills the entire calorie chart thing.

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Jesus. I'm not 17 anymore, can't be doing many of those all nighters any more! At least work was busy since it was a delivery day but god I was a tired when I got home. So much I slept from about 3 to 8:30. My long forum birth certificate came today (yay!) so I have an appointment Tues before work to go apply for my passport! L's and his gran's birthday cards to me arrived as well but I can't open them until my birthday. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow so I can catch up on my zzzz's and get some moving stuff out of the way before I work my 6 day stretch. L's going out with some work buddies tomorrow night so we really won't get to talk. Can't blame him, I wouldn't say no to free food and beer!

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Don't tell me that Annie, lol. I think living with L will be amazing on my sleep patterns. When I'm with him he puts me on a normal sleep pattern since I go to bed when he does and my husband isn't an insomniac. I don't know how he's able to sleep til 11 am on his days off and then still go to bed at 9 pm. I'd be up until 3 am if I slept until 11. However we both do like naps and don't try to talk each other out of them. Even on our honeymoon we were taking early afternoon naps, haha

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hey - naps are great. don't knock them. it's ok if it's your honeymoon - part of the great thing about vacation is that you get to do what YOU want. and if that means margaritas at 11, followed by naps in the afternoon, go for it!

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I def love me some afternoon naps.


Ah! So ready to be with my husband! In True B and L fashion after we were like 'okay, lets do this 5th of Nov' L goes and looks at ticket prices - 1500 pounds. :s We kind of forgot the 5th of Nov was a holiday type thing in England. We did notice though normal economy seats weren't available so maybe closer to the time those will and those own't be so expensive. If not we'll just have to push it back a few days or even by a week.

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