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these traditions are all fine and great when the family lives in the same town (like people used to 100 years ago). We live in a global society now so some of these things aren't practical. besides, weren't people complaining that your wedding (1 hour away) was too far???? blah!


That's the thing though, people here STILL live in the same town they grew up in, which is one of the reasons moving to England appealed to me so much. no on in my family has moved more than 10 miles (other than my mom when she moved an hour away to here) from my hometown. I can literally trace back about 100 years worth and my family was still in my hometown. No one has left. Yeah, they were. Me moving 4,000 miles away is going to be like the first member of a family in 100 years going to college to be honest.

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I understand. it's going to be a big shock to them, but really, it's your life. you have to live it for yourself and to be happy. you're going to love england, it's going to be a great experience. my family, everyone has moved and traveled and we are spread all over the world, so for me to say i'm moving to europe or australia or whatever wouldn't be a big deal. except to my mom but everyone else would be like 'whatev.' unless i moved to central africa, and then they would get freaked out. the guy I am seeing, M, his family is like yours. he said he is the black sheep for moving away 1000 miles (but still in the US!) l


whatever. they'll get over it. and hopefully no one dies so you don't have to worry about the funeral thing!! i don't like funerals either, i don't find them cathartic. i do like the idea of wakes where you share memories of the person who has passed.


what about skype? i guess if something happens one day, you can have a techie family member set up an internet connection so you can be there, at least electronically?

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I really can't wait. When L and I were discussing him flying over he was like 'Do you want me to come?' I was like 'Why on Earth would I not want my husband to come with me?' He said 'Idk, thought you were looking at it as B's Great Adventure.' hahaha. I'll be the black sheep in mine, for sure!


I don't mind memorial services - after the person has been buried or cremated - were you share fond memories and laugh (almost a party atmosphere). That I can handle, I've even told L if I go before him that's fine with me but he can't have it until after I've been cremated and I don't want a service AT the crematorium either.


I'm going to attempt to show mom how to use Skype before i leave but wakes here consist of being in the funeral home with the body in the casket - again, everything I hate about death.

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I think your family is just going to have to become more global. Ya know? It is kind of strange to me in this day to never leave one's own little town or to complain about the distance of an hour. That is so bizarre to me.


What does your mom think will happen to her on a plane?

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I think your family is just going to have to become more global. Ya know? It is kind of strange to me in this day to never leave one's own little town or to complain about the distance of an hour. That is so bizarre to me.


What does your mom think will happen to her on a plane?


It's strange for me too (although the furthest I've ever lived from my home town is an hour) but I've always had my sights set on other parts of the world like Egypt, Rome, England, Ireland, France... not to live there but I know there is a world outside the one main strip of road in a Southern town.


That it'll crash pretty much. L and I have given her every statistic about airplanes we know - and my husband knows A LOT - and she still won't budge. She's afraid of heights (L is too, won't even get on a ladder) but the man will fly. This is the woman though that the week before I flew to NEW YORK was watching 9-11 documentaries. :s

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honestly, i get freaked out on planes too, and i fly a lot. however..... i think it's a risk worth taking, to see the world, experience amazing things, see old friends, make new ones. if i die while i am having an adventure, that's just the way it's going to be. better than to be afraid all your life and have the fear stop you from living the life you want to lead.

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It's strange for me too (although the furthest I've ever lived from my home town is an hour) but I've always had my sights set on other parts of the world like Egypt, Rome, England, Ireland, France... not to live there but I know there is a world outside the one main strip of road in a Southern town.


That it'll crash pretty much. L and I have given her every statistic about airplanes we know - and my husband knows A LOT - and she still won't budge. She's afraid of heights (L is too, won't even get on a ladder) but the man will fly. This is the woman though that the week before I flew to NEW YORK was watching 9-11 documentaries. :s


I am horrified of height. I mean to the point of getting vertigo and puking. That makes no difference on a plane because you can not see the ground. It is a different feeling altogether. It is far more likely she would be killed falling under a bus than on a plane. It is odd to me too that she has never been on a plane. She really needs to to see how different it is than what she expects.

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I've only flown once - to NY to meet L - and the only part that I didn't like was the landing. For some reason it made me sick to my stomach? But I never felt scared or anything and this was before I started watching ACI. Now I'm going to be a mini plane expert when flying, lol. That's my mom though - and really most people who live here's mentality. She's safer in a plane than the car she drives every single day.

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I am horrified of height. I mean to the point of getting vertigo and puking. That makes no difference on a plane because you can not see the ground. It is a different feeling altogether. It is far more likely she would be killed falling under a bus than on a plane. It is odd to me too that she has never been on a plane. She really needs to to see how different it is than what she expects.


That's L with height. I am a roller coaster junkie but he REFUSES to get on one with me but the man would fly every day of his life if he could! I can understand why she thinks it's gong to crash because of the fact you don't think about the fact millions of flights take off every single day vs. the planes that crash. You never talk about the flights that don't crash, only the ones that do.

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That's L with height. I am a roller coaster junkie but he REFUSES to get on one with me but the man would fly every day of his life if he could! I can understand why she thinks it's gong to crash because of the fact you don't think about the fact millions of flights take off every single day vs. the planes that crash. You never talk about the flights that don't crash, only the ones that do.


Oh I will go on a rollercoaster. Love them. I have even been repelling about 6 times. It makes me VERY uncomfortable but I will do it. If you don't face fears you can not over come them.

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I've had to be very stern to Jared about my feelings on my death should it happen. I absolutely do not want a viewing and I will positively be cremated. (I'm already way to green and I feel like I can't take up precious land even when I'm dead). Jared knows If my family gives him grief about it that he's not to give in. I don like funerals either. My dad took pics of my grandma and grandpa at their funerals and that's disgusting to me. Bot how I want to rem someone.

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I've had to be very stern to Jared about my feelings on my death should it happen. I absolutely do not want a viewing and I will positively be cremated. (I'm already way to green and I feel like I can't take up precious land even when I'm dead). Jared knows If my family gives him grief about it that he's not to give in. I don like funerals either. My dad took pics of my grandma and grandpa at their funerals and that's disgusting to me. Bot how I want to rem someone.


I feel the EXACT same way M. To the T. I did relent on the aspect of that I didn't want anyone at the crematorium while I was being burned. L apparently wants to be there (if I go first) and the man doesn't ask for much so fine. But NO ONE else is to be there. My mom has taken pictures at EVERY viewing she has been to and it is completely morbid to me. Why would you want that kind of picture?? Thankfully I'll be 4,000 miles away and mom can't stick me in the ground!

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I didn’t understand why my auntie took photos of my grandma’s gravesite, but I find myself wishing I had a photo of it. It’s the strangest thing how you choose to document something... that said, I would never want a photo of a dead relative :S


Where are your veggies OG? PS. Share the mashed potatoes. It’s been ages!


...I”m hungry.

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What about just adding some carrots, or a piece of fruit? getting proper vitamins is extra important when you’re on your period.



I have a max of 500 cals left today... but the lower end is more like 200. Wonder what I am going to snack on when I get home. I’m thinking popcorn and a boiled egg.

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