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A woman was discussing a conversation she had with her mom about her LDR:


Mother: "it is so great how you two communicate" (meaning skype, IM, cards, etc)

Daughter: "we had to to ensure our relationship continued"

Mother: "it is the key to a successful relationship. And you two have mastered it even before you are living together"


Best way to sum a LDR up I think.


so true re: communication

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Mmmmm, I really want to try a strawberry smoothie to see if I like it...


Do it! They are delicious. I make one with OJ, plain yogurt, ice, and frozen berries for breakfast sometimes. I also make one with frozen berries, Nutella, milk, and ice (it's almost like a shake just no ice cream) which I'll make for a dessert.

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Do it! They are delicious. I make one with OJ, plain yogurt, ice, and frozen berries for breakfast sometimes. I also make one with frozen berries, Nutella, milk, and ice (it's almost like a shake just no ice cream) which I'll make for a dessert.


Gah, see there are so many reciepes for them! I've seen ones with milk, ice, vanilla extract, yogurt....

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So L and I have decided that if we can afford it when the time comes for him to fly over here 3 days before I fly out to help me finish up any last minute packing, emotional support, etc. it realistically would probably mean pushing the move date closer to the end of Oct (which we were mentally/emotionally prepared for anyway because of other matters). So we might very well spend our first anniversary apart but we were more than likely going to have to do it anyway. Granted its all based on L'a bonus and such so we won't know til closer to the time.

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I think that sounds like a really good plan, and I think in a lot of ways it will make the transition easier for you. Instead of flying from the place you’ve lived your whole life, all by yourself, you’d have your husband there to support you. It may even be better for your mom, seeing you are “taken care of”.

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I agree, I think it will help me having him there. In fact, I know it will. I hadn't thought of it helping my mom though, thank you Sherry. Honestly I like the idea so much I'd be willing to push the move into the first week of Nov just because I know how much he will help me with the stress of those last few days, Jasper, my first international flight...

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My little brother got his first tattoo today! Awwww, such a milestone for him. He's super afraid of needles to so I know how worried he was about the pain but said 2 hours after having it done he wanted another one, it's a very addicting thing! He got a Celtic cross on his right inner forearm - for religious reasons for himself and our family came from Ireland (technically England THEN Ireland) - it was a great first idea for him, I'm glad he went with it. It's super sore though - I don't ever remember mine being sore afterward, must be because it's on a sensitive part of his arm.


The more I think about our idea of L coming over and flying back with me, the more I like it. So much so I'm pretty comfortable with us pushing the move date to be able to do it. I'd still like to aim for before our 1st anniversary but there is so much in the air that determines that - how long it takes L to find a house, then he has to mail me the documents, then how long it takes for them to process our visa, then I have to mail him back his passport - but I think with all that if it's going to push us flying over after our 1 year (which would be 1/2 way through October) I'd just rather push it back until the first week of Nov because that would mean a few more pay checks from my job which would be extra money (since I've only budgeted until mid-Sept). Extra money never hurts!

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Tyler also had his first hair cut today! Technically it's his second - he had to have it shaved when he was a few months old when he had heart surgery - but it's the first time since his hair has grown long that we've cut it. no one told me about it either! I left the house this morning with him having a head full of hair:

image removed


To this when I got home!

image removed



He's still handsome though.

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Hmm .. I wish I'd cut my hair like that instead of cutting it just below shoulder length a few weeks ago when I felt like a change. It's fine at this length but I miss it being longer. I think that's a very pretty cut although you never know what its really going to look like till it's done, and you wake up the next morning once the blow dry has worn off

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My hair has really grown out again. I've scheduled a haircut tomorrow, actually. I need to get the split ends removed and all that, just a trim, and to remove the bulk.


I like to have hair "bulk" removed when I go to the salon. It makes it so I can keep the length but have it be more manageable. In the lab these days, I've always been pulling my hair back with a tie, so I'm at a point where I either have to SHORT hair that is short enough that it doesn't need to be pulled back, or long hair that is easily pulled back and will STAY there. I can no longer do the "medium-length-not-long-enough-to-properly-pull-back" look. I have to stick with long.

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I need a haircut! my hair is shoulder length now and I hate it! As you grow older, you look much better in shorter hair. I never believed this as I used to have my hair down to my butt (I hated short hair). Shows you how you change as you age. I love short hair now and find long hair an annoyance. I look better in short hair now, too.

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I can't do ubber short hair - right below my shoulder is the shortest I've ever had it - and I don't look right with short hair. Right now is the longest I ever have it, I can reach around and grab it without tilting my head back so I like to keep it between right below my shoulders and there.

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It will be good to have your husband with you when you move. I am glad I had my husband with me for emotional support when we moved. My son went kinda mental because he had never lived anywhere else and with his developmental issues he HATES change.Also too my mom just bawled I mean BAWLED when we left. It was pretty hard.

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