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I def. thinks it unrealistic to a degree. I mean, the baby book meh but I wouldn't mind having my band awards since I worked my butt off for that State medal for 4 years. She asked me not to do it until after my brother graduates (for SOME reason) so who knows, maybe she'll have forgotten about it by then.

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Recycled air- bad food- and the fact that in any potential accident there's no way a body that size would survive a 100G stop. That an the fact that I've been flying all my life, and crying children on flights drive me crazy. Nope; the children are grounded until their 2nd birthday


I have to agree. I know everyone has different views on this and that's fine but personally I couldn't be responsible for disturbing everyone on the flight with a crying baby (and you never really know how they will react, I'm sure).

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L bought a $5 cook book today that's in a series of cookbooks. Some of the recipes looked delicious! He's also talking about picking up this Master Chef cookbook which is like the basics of cooking - how to cut onions, how to cut a chicken to get the best flavor - this idiot is def going to need that, lol. I can't wait to actually start cooking properly. I've always enjoyed the process of it whenever I cooked on my own.


My nephew was just as cute as can be too. We did the whole window routine and I made the kiss face and he did the same but then he like pushed his face to the glass so his nose and lips were smushed against the glass. So cute!

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So picture the scene.....


OG and I are talking over facetime on her lunch break, when she glaces to her right. Now I've never really seen the look of scared on her face, but even having never done so I could tell from her reaction.


0.0 went the eyes, a quick exhale of breath and a movement backwards.... A classic flight response.


What was there? A massive (and I mean massive) spider.... like this thing had it's body totally off the ground it was tat big. So what was wifes response to this issue? She started throwing clothes at it.... her clothes? Oh no.... she threw residents clothes at it!! Cue much laughter at my end.


So she had to call one of her colleagues down to get rid of said critter with a dustpan. With me laughing throughout the piece. I have to be honest though, if it had been a choice between having to kill the spider (that was HUGE) or leaving it to feed on OG while I escaped? I think I would have chosen the latter!!!


I had to that the colleague for riding to the wifes rescue

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LOLOLOLOL Oh OG, you’re adorable.



On campus the other day I saw this HUGE black spider. I stopped to see if it was alive, and turns out it was actually a fake spider. Some guy coming from the other direction saw me stop and look and decided to stop and look too. We had a bit of a laugh and “can you imagine if that thing was real(s)?!” lol

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It was HUGE Sherry. Huge. You know that saying about bugs in the South being as big as Volkswagons? It's no lie. I was minding my own business when I saw it scurry accross the floor out of the corner of my eye. I actually screamed, 'Oh My God!' when I saw it and every time it would move I'd have a small fit and slide further back in my chair. When my co worker walked in to see the spider surrounded by clothes she busted out laughing. Not sure what throwing clothes would have done to it but at the time it was a pretty sane idea! And there was my husband, laughing his butt off at me the entire time.


I have no idea what we are going to do when we live together - we both hate spiders. It's going to a contest to see who jumps on the higher surface!

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Went to the gym again tonight. I did 30 minutes with a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down and even jogged for 15 of those minutes - not consecutively mind you. I'm not that good yet... I would jog for 5 minutes, go back down to a brisk walk, and repeated it. By about the 3rd 5 minute job I was having to pause the machine but I still trucked on through. I left my hair down again and I was super sweaty by the end of the work out. Felt good. I'm thinking of going again tomorrow and Monday night and then I'll hit it again Wednesday (I'm off Tues) because Thurs and the weekend I work first so I won't go after work then. I may try to grab some on Friday but that depends since I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn Saturday morning.


We are officially at the 200 day mark! Hopefully. That date isn't set in stone so it's a kind of goal were you count down to it but it very well could change. One that we know won't change is that in 5 months L starts looking for our house.

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Check out the app called "From couch to 5K". I haven't gotten it yet but my boss has it and she loves it. It'll instruct you how to work out so you can get used to running more often. It'll be like "Run for 1 minute, walk for 2" on one day, then another day it'll be "Run for 2 minutes, walk for 1" and so on. I need to get that app for my fat ass

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I used to do a lot of treadmill and jogging in my youth. Be careful. I didn't feel it at the time buy now my knees and hips are shot. I have to do most of my excercising by walking (which a trainer told me is just as good as running for losing weight and getting fit and easier on your joints), riding my stationary bike, and swimming.

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jigs is right. Jogging can hurt your knees. Swimming is a GREAT form of exercise, folks who are very old can do it. It doesn't hurt your joints yet it is very effective at working out all of your body's muscles and building up stamina and endurance.

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Make sure when you’re stretching your quads afterwards, you pull your leg in towards your butt (standing like a stork) if you pull your leg away from your body, you can hurt your knees. I really wish my high school gym teachers had told us that because I had sore knees until a few years ago.

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A woman was discussing a conversation she had with her mom about her LDR:


Mother: "it is so great how you two communicate" (meaning skype, IM, cards, etc)

Daughter: "we had to to ensure our relationship continued"

Mother: "it is the key to a successful relationship. And you two have mastered it even before you are living together"


Best way to sum a LDR up I think.

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I used to do a lot of treadmill and jogging in my youth. Be careful. I didn't feel it at the time buy now my knees and hips are shot. I have to do most of my excercising by walking (which a trainer told me is just as good as running for losing weight and getting fit and easier on your joints), riding my stationary bike, and swimming.


That's why you should use the eliptical trainer/cross trainer. It won't do the same damage to your knees/joints.

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