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Wow...that lady is brutal. I'm willing to bet that she has some mental issues going on, whether it be dementia or something with her frontal lobe.


Congrats on the 10 month anniversary!!!!!


B and I have our 2 year in 2 days. I won't be seeing him for it (crud) but we'll probably just end up talking or something, lol.

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Oh yeah. That whole floor has residents that get up and constantly want your attention. Not sure how those ladies handle it honestly.


Thanks! And only two more until we are married, haha


Congrats on the 2 year!!! It sucks you can't spend it together... we are spending Christmas webcamming. Not much but it's something.

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Thanks Indigo!


So my mom just gave me a heart attack. It's a little chilly so I went to her bathroom to get the small heater, which means I have to walk through her bedroom. As I got to her bedroom door after grabbing the heater all of a sudden my mom yells BOO from her bed. Yeah.... I chucked the heater in her direction. Thankfully I missed, but it'll teach her to scare the crap out of me!

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I slept better last night I guess. Didn't fall asleep til 3 am but I slept more soundly. Odd but I felt like I had barely slept when I sleep good. When I sleep bad I may feel bad but at least I feel like I got rest. Ugh.


Web cammed with CS today! Felt like it had been forever since I had seen him. I guess it has been almost a week since we web cammed thanks to Skype being down. -.- Now I'm just sitting here, waiting to go to work. I'm making like 10 or 11 dollars today though an hour so no complaints here!


I also wanted to wish all those who read my journal a Merry Christmas, and I hope your holidays are spent with family and friends you have all the best in the new year!

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thanks Sidehop.


Worked out for 30 minutes today before work and God my thighs are sore. If I feel like crude tomorrow I'll hold off and go on Sunday instead of tomorrow. I dunno, see how I feel about it in the morning. The elevator was screwed up at work as well still. Almost had a damn heart attack again.


You know, it just doesn't feel like Christmas. I know that's a weird thing to say but it doesn't. I think it's the weather. Last week felt like Christmas, last few days here have been 60 degrees. And on top of it all I don't have my own place to decorate and CS isn't here. That last one is the biggest I think. CS isn't here and it just doesn't 'feel' like Christmas. Could be me working both days as well. I dunno, it just doesn't feel the same. Not in a bad way, just.... different.

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Yeah. I"m use to working Christmas but Christmas Eve is a first. I think it's a whole bunch of things just rolled into one. I do have NYE and NYD off! My uncle invited me to his NYE party but with the radiator being an iffy thing in the car, I more than likely won't go, just whip up some strawberry Daqs at home, watch the ball drop with my mom, and wait for CS to call me.

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Had another tossful night. Ugh. Finally fell asleep at 4ish, woke back up at 11. Got to talk to CS for about 2 1/2 hours on the webcam, a nice way to spend Christmas morning.


So after CS and I finished our... intimate time... I got up to let Jasper in the room and as I was stepping over him, I wacked my knee on the wall. OH.MY.GOD that hurt!!! There's a nice little red spot on my knee too. Still hurts almost 20 minutes later, and on my bad knee too!


Just waiting to go to work now, a short five hour shift. Hopefully the day rooms aren't that bad tonight.

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I was reading about your weight loss. YAY! Congrats and keep up the good work.


Reluctantly I got on my scale last night and it said 186 and I was like @#$%%, LOL


Come' on January, going to get my fat fanny back in the gym and re-lose the weight I just gained back. Grrr.

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I'd kill to weigh 186 again. I just want to lose it in my stomach and my chin. I hate my chin.


I was going to the gym today but my thighs are aching from yesterday. And if I don't leave work tonight I can also go tomorrow since it's a hop and skip away from work. God I hope it doesn't snow or sleet. I mean, it won't be that bad. The room I get to stay in has a tv, a heater, it's own bathroom... pretty niffty. And I get food for free the next day. Woohoo!

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Free food is always the best food. LOL


Seriously, I would be content at 150-160. I have always been a thicker curvier girl and I honestly can't see how I would look good weighing 120 or 130 like the bmi says you are supposed to weigh. I would look sick and sucked up. Not saying that's the same for everyone but on me, I would look close to death I think.


I noticed that my recent weight gain went straight to my fat little face and my rounder stomach. This is exactly why I hate having pictures of me, all you see is face. LOL

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Oh I know! I'm 5'4" and for my age and heigh, I'm suppose to weigh like 130-140. I weighed that in HS and I don't like how thin I was in HS. I most def. like the curvier girl I have become. I jsut want to be a HEALTHY curvy girl, lol. 150-160 is my weight goal as well. I don't want to weigh less than that. I'll have to post a pic of me when I was in HS. Looking back on pics of that time make me sick, lol


Same for me. Chin and stomach. That's why when we do our wedding photos, I want the photographer standing on something taking a slightly angled down pic so you can't see my chin. No lie. I'll buy the damn stool for her to stand on, lol

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