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Well we can only get them through a certain provider - I get them trough work - and the vision you only get one appointment per year and I just had mine, I can't see paying $8 from June on for something I can't use. Dental we are waiting until I move to get what I need done so I'm pretty much paying $30 a month for a 'maybe'. With cutting our hours I just can't justify the waste, not when every penny counts.

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Be careful when they start that "cutting you hours" bit. Where I worked, they started by cutting our hours, okay, that hurt. But then, I guess the owners of the company weren't making enough profit because they then cut our pay by 5%. I am sympathetic to a point, I know people own businesses to make money and I want them to do that (it's how they pay us), but THEN, they closed some offices and laid off everyone who did not have a lot of seniority (thank goodness I have been there over ten years!). Now, we are running just on bare bones administration and staff. We are finally working more hours, to make up for the cut employees, but we have taken another pay cut! I have worked at two places that downsized by over 50% and cutting hours is just the first step. If you don't have MAJOR years there, I would be looking for a new job!

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Well they were open and honest us with us in the fact that if we didn't start cutting hours NOW that in 3-4 months people would have to be let go, and that it would be dependent on how many days you've called in sick, your work reviews, etc. They've also told us to not over order on our supplies (to cut the cost of our department down) and for my department we are drying 2 loads of clothes in one dryer (whereas before it was one per dryer) to cut down on power cost. The CEO basically said every department - housekeeping, nurses, xray, lab, materials - had to cut $5,000 from their departments and 50 hours from their employers hours. Some departments who only have 4 people or having to take FULL days off without pay which is a lot worse than me losing 2 1/2 hours per week. Something about the new health reforms medicaid/medicare isn't paying as much and it's getting bad. The next biggest hospital near us is actually in serious talks of shutting their doors. Thankfully I only have 6 1/2 more months (hopefully) because I can't afford to look for a new job, not one that pays like this one and that offers PTO time because my final PTO check is being left in my American bank account to cover bills that will continue to come out after I leave.

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Lord. A few weeks ago my mom learned that her husband's brother hadn't paid their land taxes since 2007! They own the house that sits on the land but the land is in my stepfather's brother's name. So he went and said he paid it but my found out today he didn't, he hadn't even paid the land taxes on the land his OWN house sits on. So mom is taking over paying the land taxes and 2007's $200 is due by the end of this month. If I had it I would give it to her but we've already loaned her almost $600 - and we are going to need that before Aug - we just can't take anymore of a hit...

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Will you lose the land if the taxes are not paid on time? If so, give her the money because you need a place to live. If they can be paid in installments, I would let her and her husband handle it.


Yes, but she apparently worked out something with whoever it's owed to. There is no way we could have given her the money - not with us having already given almost $600 and everything we have to pay for.

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I'm off tomorrow - yay! Although I feel like I'm trying to get sick - poo! my throat is really scratchy and sore... *sigh* L's taking the next 2 days off because he's sick with some flu like thing. Of course I would get sick the same time he did, sympathy sickness and everything. We decided today that the night before Jasper and I leave I'm going to stay in Atlanta at a hotel JUST in case some major traffic accident occurs between my mom's house and the airport. Don't want to miss that flight! I'll probably ask my best friend to stay with me (and just pay for our room) and let everyone else know they are welcome to stay at the same hotel but obviously they'll have to pay for their own room. If they don't I guess we'll pick a spot to meet so I can say good-bye to everyone.


I can't believe we've been married 5 months tomorrow... or the fact he's been gone for almost 5 months and we are already half way through March... roll on summer!

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My laptop has been acting funky since Jasper knocked it off the other day and it is ALL L's fault. How? Welllll while we were webcamming I got up to go to the bathroom. Jasper didn't get up and follow me so he was left at the poor mercy of his father. While I'm in the bathroom I start to hear kittens meowing and I know exactly what's going on. Every time I leave Jasper alone with L on webcam L plays a video of kittens meowing to see if Jasper reacts (he doesn't, yet my husband continues to do it). Then I heard L making the 'pssshhh' noise I make when I'm calling Jasper (my cat thinks he's a dog). Then I heard a loud bang.




Jasper had went to the laptop in reaction to the noise (because that's the noise mommy makes when she wants him) and his big monkey tail had knocked the laptop off in the floor. I think I deserve a Mac for all my trouble...

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oh no, sorry about the laptop!!!


i was thinking about you today. I have to take some online tests for work training and they have some of the stupidest, non-nonsensical questions filled with bad grammar and spelling, I wonder if the person was drunk when they wrote them! It is so annoying, i can't believe i actually have to answer these. ugh. but i gotta do them....

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Like CPT codes for billing? Or like emergency codes (we have those that will be paged over the hospital. Like code pink is a missing baby from the baby department).


The billing ones. Like I, who wash dirty clothes, need to know what a Stark Law and all that is. Blah. We have code pink too - although it's for just a missing person for us since we don't have a baby department anymore.

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That is wacky. I can understand having to know the paging codes, but the billing....??


One of them today had something to the effect of: Professor A submitted a research paper and it was rejected by 2 journals. What should professor A do?

1. Give up and try a new research topic.

2. Write to the editor of the 2nd journal and ask them to take another look at it.

3. Do more experiments and provide incontrovertible evidence.

4. Submit paper to a 3rd journal.


I said 4, submit to a 3rd journal. They said 2, write to the 2nd journal. The answer then continued to say, "Professor A can do any of these options but 2 would be the best." it's like..... well, if the professor can do any of those options, why don't you just have an "any of the above" option, instead of picking one of the options and making us be mind readers??? ugh!!! i was so annoyed. i had to answer stupid questions like this all day.

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^ lol, reminds me of those stupid test questions from high school in English were they gave you a sentence and then gave you 4 options in how it's suppose to written properly with commas or such. I remmeber one saying there is no wrong answer - WHY give me the question then??

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