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My niece's gift came today BUT it came via UPS and it has to be signed for. They came at like 3:30 and my mom had just left to go pick my brother up at school. Well. I offered to pick my brother up from school tomorrow (on my way home from work) so mom could stay at the house in case they ran again.

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my best friend just texted me to tell me they've changed the dinner place Friday from Chuckie Cheese to O'Charley's - *facepalm* I should have known with her things would change at the last minute. Oh well, at least I have a larger selection of food rather than a sub or pizza!


Hopefully the food choices there are better and you can have more variety for healthy eating.

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Is off for 3 days, wohoo!!!!!!!!!!


I went and picked up my new glasses today too! They are a little tight on the sides right now (they'll adjust to my big head!) and it's weird having slightly rounder and larger lense area than my previous ones but I'm digging them.

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And this is the inside of them - pretty blue!

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My niece's gift arrived today as well. This is the necklace with her birthstone:

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And the engraving on the back of it..

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Today is my niece's third party. God... has it already been 3 years already? Still seems like yesterday. I remember the night before she was born I had misplaced my cell phone and something told me that would be the night my best friend went into labour, the night I couldn't find my bloody phone. So I went to bed about 3 am (I worked at a gas station at the time) and woke up about 1:30 PM and was due in for work at 2. In the mad rush to get me ready for work I stumbled accross my phone on the kitchen table (which I had looked there HUNDREDS of times the night before) and happen to open it. I was bombarded by missed calls from my best friend from as early as 8 am that morning, my best friend's MIL, and my best friend's mother. My heart instantly went into over time because the previous Friday she had been diagnosed with preclampsia and had immediately been taken out of work. I happen to open my text messages to see a blaring text message from the bestie's mother saying, 'SHE'S IN LABOUR!'


Naturally, I went into best friend over drive. Called into work, showered, changed, and was at the hospital in less than an hour. Went back and saw her before she had her epidural (she was not liking contractions at ALL, didn't even like anyone to be talking when she had one) and gave her what comfort I could. Tried to ease the drama of the situation (note to self, let everyone know BEFORE the birth they won't be allowed in the room!) and just paced the floor like everyone else. The preclampsia had sent her into early labour but she was far enough along (35 weeks) and my niece looked okay that the doctors felt the labour shouldn't be stopped. When she was about 7 cm dilated her blood pressure spiked dangerously high and they forbid anyone but her husband to visit. So all we could do was wait. We heard she was in active labour a few hours later and all croweded around the door that lead into the delivery area. I was the first to see those tiny feet kicking in the air when they put her on the scale to weigh her - she came in at a whopping 5 lbs. 1 oz - and when they wheeled her into the nursery we all croweded around the window.


I can't imagine the joy you feel as a mother the first time you see your child but I know the joy of seeing your niece/nephew for the first time and, as aunt, it's the most instentanious love I've felt in my life yet. She had my heart the moment I laid eyes on those blonde curls through the nursery window. And she looked so serious staring back at us, lol. I didn't get to hold her until the next morning but I was the 3rd person (mommy and daddy were first) to hold her and when they put her in my arms everything just kind of clicked. We shared absolutely not a drop of blood but in that moment - and to this day, 3 years later - I would do anything for that little girl. She changed my life forever by making me an aunt for the first time and I can't wait to watch her grow into an amazing woman.


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Dinner tonight for my niece's birthday was great. Listened to my full level and didn't over eat. And Everyone loved her gift that I got her! After dinner we stopped by Toys R Us and bought my niece a kitchen set and my best friend and I were talking about kids and when L and I could start and what sex I would want. then she and I had to go out and fill her tank up and while we were out we kind of had a heart to heart. I told her it was easier for me to move away knowing she had someone like her boyfriend who loved her, who took care of her, and who looked at my niece as if she were his own and it was the truth. As her best friend I feel like I'm leaving her in very capable hands and that's a weight off my shoulders. She even admitted that at first she was mad at me for deciding to move but that she understood it was my life and I had to do what was best for us in the long run. It was a nice talk and brought us both to tears.


I'm currently settled down on her couch about ready to go to bed. I have to be up at the ungodly hour of 7 am to fullfil my auntie duties... The things I do for that little girl!

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My niece's birthday was great. My best friend and I got up at the butt crack of 7 am to be at the park by 8 am to hold the gazebo (you can't make reservations, it's a first come, first serve bases). And might I say it was FREEZING this morning. I could not feel my fingers or toes for most of the morning. And while we were super happy there was no rain, the Universe decided to throw us wind. Not light wind but about 15 MPH wind. have you ever tried hanging birthday decorations in 15 MPH wind? You can't, especially when your best friend buys cheap .99 tape to hold the decorations down with. Hint: It doesn't stick - to anything. So we battled with putting decorations up all morning and me calming a Mad Cow moment - and oddly enough it wasn't me who had it, it was my best friend. Which is probably why we are best friends, tbh. lol. Once her mom got there me and the bestie went and picked up the cake and birthday balloons. But once the party started it was nice and calm - as calm as a 3 year old's party can be. We ate pizza (I had 2 slices) and cake (had 1 small piece). Watched her open presents and run around on the play ground.


Afterward on the drive back home my best friend thanked me for coming and for helping her this morning and that she couldn't have done it without me. Today brought up a lot of emotions and I'm not ready to talk about them - not even in my journal. I've talked with L about them and I'm currently working through them myself but there's a lot to disgest and look at it. I wish there was a crystal ball you could look into the future and see if the decisions you are making now will be the right ones in 25 years.... anyway, wonderful party. Spent time with great people (and some insane, ha!) now I'm off to grab a bite to eat and upload birthday pictures to facebook!

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Whats wrong?


Are you free to text M?


Life can do that. Know that there are no guarantees to anything. You may regret decisions or you may not. You will survive and learn, though, regarless. Just know yourself and what is right for you and do the best you can from there.


Thank you Jig. I think that's what I'm battling the most - no guarantees. As a control freak it drives me crazy.

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