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We call that "storyboarding" in Weight Watchers. Picture yourself driving to CC. Having fun at the party, drinking a diet soda or a water with lemon. Focusing on conversations rather than the food. When it is time to eat, have a big serving of salad, 1 slice of veggie pizza, and 1 slice of cake (mind you, these are way more than enough calories!) and you get to have fun, don't feel deprived, and don't stuff yourself silly. The goal of the day is to celebrate the birthday, not to overeat, right?


Here is their nutritional information:

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Edited to add: If you don't know what she will be serving, then the best thing you can do is bring a diet friendly food that you know you can eat - maybe a big bowl of fruit salad, some cut up vegetables and light dip or hummus. Maybe baked chips and salsa? So then it is easier for you to walk past whatever your trigger foods are.

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It is, it's just my first time outside home/work of watching what I eat and i have to do it for 2 days. I won't be arriving at her house until 5 PM Friday and I think we are doing dinner at 6. So I can fill up a good lunch of salad or something so I don't eat as much at CC. The next day is going to be hard because I think we are going to be up at 8:30 or leaving the house at 8:30 to set up her party at the park which is at 1. I really want to try to stick with drinking water at CC - this past week I've only had maybe 3 cups of soda compared to my normal 5-6 a day and have drunk at least 1 liter of water a day if not more. I actually weighed myself today and I weigh 210, 2 1/2 lbs. weight loss I think, I'd have to check the weigh in thread.


I know she mentioned serving pizza at the park party so I'll find out from her if she is and if she is I'll try to get something other than pizza at CC.

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This will be a good exercise for you. Since she is your best friend, you can tell her that you are trying to watch your weight and you'd like to get some healthier options for you to snack on at the party. Fruits and cut up vegetables are pretty popular outdoor picnic options so those are safe bets.


Trust me, I know - it is like the hardest thing in the world to walk past some foods. I went to a seminar last week, and there was a breakfast buffet table lined up. Bagels, cream cheese, donuts (my favorite!!!!) and yogurt, fruit and granola. I lovingly looked at the donuts and bagels and cream cheese, and walked by them and got a ton of fruit and put some granola in my yogurt and walked back to my seat. sigh. wasn't easy, but i told myself it was the right thing to do.


You girls can go for walks together to get some exercise. Maybe play some games with the 3 year old - like running around the park together?

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Well she texted me and she told me they were only doing pizza at her official birthday party Saturday (and cake, of course). I did see on the CC site they have a garden fresh salad. I may have to just go with that because no way can I get an individual pizza with 6 slices and not 5 of them. No way. I know myself.


Even just looking at mozzalero sticks makes me drool over them...


I'm sure I'll do a lot of running around the day of the party with setting up and taking pictures (this aunt is the official birthday photographer every year) but she's going to be insanely busy the day of the party. I offered to stay the whole weekend (because you know my time to spend with them is dwindling down) but her boyfriend is home so that's not happening. I admit, it hurt my feelings more than a little but I can understand.

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Personally, I think for an informal, park, 3 year old's bday party, it would be ok for you to pay for and bring a veggie platter or something else you like. Sucks about her boyfriend. There's not room for you to stay in the living room?

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I might. Well I'm spending the night there Friday (she has a spare bedroom) but the are having date night Saturday. He works out of state (like a plane ride away) so he's home for like a week and then gone for 3 kind of thing. Being in a LDR myself I can understand when you only have x amount of time or x date to spend with your SO.

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I can relate to this conversation. My sister is a size 4. I am a size 11. Her body looks amazing and she does not work out, nor does she really watch what she eats. She eats about as much as me, if not more. Her place is FILLED with snacky food and she has so many sugar cravings that I find myself derailed. It’s not her fault though, I just need to have more discipline. Sunday was definitely my cheat day. Bacon and cheeseburger and a caramel mocha from Starbucks... equals a LOT of calories.

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My best friend lost a ton of weight last year on some diet so I always feel so insecure when I'm around her body wise. What is with me and every best friend I have me feeling like the insecure one? always. The friend I've reconnected with? When we were super close I was always insecure around her because she knew how to do make up properly and her hair was always perfect and she had great clothes... i had to hide what I went to school in. It was like this big personality I have just shrinks when I'm in proximity of someone who does something/has something I don't. Like my best friend. I use to never feel insecure around her but since she dropped all the weight every time I'm around her I can't help but compare the fact SHE has had a child and I look like I'm 5 months pregnant with one. and the insecurity starts. It usually evaporates when she asks me a question. She's the only friend I've ever had who actually came to ME for questions and answers and advice. So that part balances the physical insecurity but it's still there.


And I just went on a mini ramble, lol

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I just successfully did not buy Subway despite the emotional craving - YES!! Instead I picked up some chicken livers for mom to make tomorrow and some spaghetti sauce so I can make spaghetti to tonight.


As well, isn't it always the luck that an amazing hair day happens when you have to work?

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I use nothing but Paul Mitchell products on my hair and it looks great 6 days out of 7! I use their shampoo, conditioner, and something called "Super Skinny" which makes you hair glossy, shiny, soft-looking, and have absolutely NO FRIZZ! You should try their products. I swear by them!

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