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Good luck, study the book inside out. I've held a British Passport all my life and I've failed it, I've done it with young people and they've failed too. I passed the Australian one first time though!


Ah, thank you for that Anya. I deleted that link by accident when L sent it to me earlier. On that one (the offical one I guess) I managed to get 10 questions right out of he 24 vs. 6 on the other. Granted a few of those was my husband on web cam going 'noooooo, not that one...'

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You'll get it, OG.


To be honest, a lot of my answers came from a book that I spent a while reading when I was in London. IT was in some bookshop that I spent some time in. Had a title like "So you want to move to England". I toyed with the idea of moving to England for years and spent time reading it to get info.

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It's pointless to complain about the exam being too hard/obscure/british born-citizens not being able to pass it, etc.... just memorize it and get it over with! just another hoop....


Well, I agree. It's still in the future but funny to realize even citizens can't pass the tests.

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You'll get it, OG.


To be honest, a lot of my answers came from a book that I spent a while reading when I was in London. IT was in some bookshop that I spent some time in. Had a title like "So you want to move to England". I toyed with the idea of moving to England for years and spent time reading it to get info.


I could see you in a quant little English cottage.

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I could see you in a quant little English cottage.


D'aww *blush* That's what I used to want - work in the local hospital or something, lol.


It's still a small fantasy of mine. I don't think it's going to happen because I have a lot to do here but that is okay. I plan to visit England a lot like I've done in the past, maybe I'll visit you in England. ^^

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D'aww *blush* That's what I used to want - work in the local hospital or something, lol.


It's still a small fantasy of mine. I don't think it's going to happen because I have a lot to do here but that is okay. I plan to visit England a lot like I've done in the past, maybe I'll visit you in England. ^^


Ah, yeah!!! L can only take so much historical buildings, lol! He did good when we went to the Egyptian part of The Met though. He was trying to be interested but dusty artifcats just aren't his thing, and I love him for it. He DID try to knock a whole shelf over of them though.

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Well, I agree. It's still in the future but funny to realize even citizens can't pass the tests.


i know. life is full of stupid stuff like that. like my godfather not getting his phd for 6 months because a margin was off on 3 pages. ugh. they did the same thing for mine too - luckily i am in the computer age and all my margins were fine!! the grad student handbook had only 2 major rules for the phd dissertation: 1" margins everywhere, and font 10 or 12. Imagine if I had used 11 or 13!!!

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i know. life is full of stupid stuff like that. like my godfather not getting his phd for 6 months because a margin was off on 3 pages. ugh. they did the same thing for mine too - luckily i am in the computer age and all my margins were fine!! the grad student handbook had only 2 major rules for the phd dissertation: 1" margins everywhere, and font 10 or 12. Imagine if I had used 11 or 13!!!


Yeah, that would have drove me crazy. lol.

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I know I would. I could not tell you our Bill of Rights, what our Ammendents are, or our Presidents. Im pretty sure I couldn't even recite the entire Star Spangled Banner despite the fact we were made to in middle school...


Really? I know all of that stuff. I'm a citizen. I should. Silly stuff, no. But those things are the principles our country was founded on and we should ALL know them. I don't think you are unusual, OG, but that doesn't make it any less sad. As my bf used to say, "Americans know less about their country than any other people in the world, and we have one of the shortest histories."

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Really? I know all of that stuff. I'm a citizen. I should. Silly stuff, no. But those things are the principles our country was founded on and we should ALL know them. I don't think you are unusual, OG, but that doesn't make it any less sad. As my bf used to say, "Americans know less about their country than any other people in the world, and we have one of the shortest histories."


Really. I'm proud to come from were I come from but history wise my heart has always been on the other side of the world in places like Egypt, Rome, Greece, England... my mom has told me it's one of the reasons it's easier for her to watch me move over seas. She said she could remember me as a little girl always talking about traveling and distant places... I just have never really 'fit in' with everyone else here. I don't have the same mindset. My uncle (who took frequent trips to Ireland and back dated our family tree all the way to Ireland and then to England) always said I was a Brit at heart... and that's not too far off the marker really.

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God I am in LOVE with my nephew! He's getting so big and growing up so fast. he's starting to mimick us as well. i do this thing were I call Jasper from another room (my cat thinks he's a dog) were I like tick my tongue and making the snapping motion with my fingers but with no noise. Tyler has started to mimick that and it is ADORABLE. He's also went from tugging on Jasper's tail to actually petting him and will even lean down and give him a kiss on his head - must get a picture of that! He's also blowing kisses now by putting his hand to his mouth and pulling it away. However he has also started some strange things, like running from one end to the living room with his head turned to the side and his eyes closed? Not sure were that comes from... I can ask him for a kiss now too and he'll lean his forehead down to my lips.


such a stinker.

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I def can feel the difference in just a week of watching how much I eat. My scrubs felt loose today and I just went to take my wedding ring off for it's weekly clean and I didn't have to fight to get off like I use to. I still had to wet my finger for it to start to slide but once it started sliding it just slide off.

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That UK test is ridiculous, most of the questions there have nothing at all to do with being a good citizen or knowing things that are relevant. I bet most members of Parliament and almost all civil servants would fail that test. And at least one of the questions is wrong in the way it is phrased (what year was voting made equal)

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3 more days and then I'm off 3 days.. come on Friday!!!!


my niece's birthday present still hasn't arrived. Hm. Damn well better get here before the 9th with what I paid for expediated mail service! Really looking forward to seeing my girls this weekend. I think we are eating at Chuckie Cheese on Friday night. god, I haven't been there since I was 6. :s

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What are you going to eat at chuckie cheese? I say this because I know you are trying to lose weight, and it helps a lot of people to mentally plan their dinner that night. We do this at weight watchers a lot - go online, look at the menu and calorie counts, and figure out what would be the best option - days before the dinner. Don't forget to factor in 1 slice of cake!

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I honestly don't even know what they serve to be honest. I'm mostly trying to watch portion sizes so that will be my biggest hurdle. It's not even her party - her party is Sat at a park and I know there will be pizza and cake there. Going to be so hard to eat 1 slice of pizza!

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