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Yep. You have to pass it with 75% (I failed with 25%) before they will issue you your Indefinite Leave to Remain visa. You also have to take a similar test before you can become a citizen.


There must be a book out there that you can get on this subject. Just like for the DMV driving tests, they have that written section, and you can find the most commonly asked questions. I bet that the muslim % population number is in one of those books/study guides.


A think a lot of life is just jumping through hoops. My godfather wasn't awarded his PhD because 3 pages of his dissertation - the margin was off by 1/4th of an inch! He had to retype the thing (this was back in the days before computer programs) and he had to submit it the next semester. After that fiasco, he never gave a penny to the almuni association.


Anyway, memorize the stupid questions, jump through the hoops, and you'll get the citizenship. As long as you are married to L though, it should be fine, right....? I mean, they're not going to deport you if you can't get those quizzes right, right?

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I think that questions waw out-of-line. You should know there are Muslims there, they are citizens and you should know about them. But how many? Wow! Like I said, let L come here.


Like I said, I can understand why it's so in depth to some of the questions I'm seeing in order to become a American citizen. Here really isn't an option nor a financially viable one unless I just can't move there at all due to visa restrictions.

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I do believe there is a book for the tests. I think you have like 100 questions to study from and they pick 24 of those 100 to be on the test, something like that. I'll have to message my step brother's ex wife (the live in the UK) and see how his Life test was. I know she said he barely passed.


This is true, and a very nice reminder for a control freak. L's def. worth all the hoop jumping and the FORTUNE this will cost us. Do you know the test is like $700? I think dollars, may be pounds.


I'm pretty sure they can. I'd have to do some research on it (since we've only ever concentrated on the moving visa aspect) but my spousal visa is only good for 2 years I believe - then we have to do ILR which there is a test (the Life test) and MORE money.

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I would buy the test book (if it's available) and read it 30 times and memorize the answer to every single question. That's exactly what I would do. L is worth it!! You may as well pass on the first time and not worry about it again.


Yeah, there is too much hoop jumping in life sometimes, but you gotta do it.

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I would buy the test book (if it's available) and read it 30 times and memorize the answer to every single question. That's exactly what I would do. L is worth it!! You may as well pass on the first time and not worry about it again.


Yeah, there is too much hoop jumping in life sometimes, but you gotta do it.


We are def. getting the book, lol I hate tests. Grrr. This is the main reason (one of) that we are having to delay starting a family - who could concieve a child in THAT stress? lol


That's all the visa process is - hoop jumping. But ILR will give me the same access L has to public funds and I'll be able to leave the UK and enter again whenever I want whereas on my spousal visa I can't be gone for longer than 2 weeks I believe. I believe.

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At the same time, I wouldn't get tooooo stressed out over it. If you get the book, and you start reading it now, read some more books or watch documentaries about british history, and you memorize the answers to 100 questions, you'll be fine!! Tests are annoying, but I can't tell you how many times I crammed furiously 2 hours before an exam, and then passed it. I don't think you need to stress out too much, but get prepared for it and it will be fine.

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Oh very true. I asked L a question and he goes 'Stop panicking'. I said I'm not panicking! I can be curious! lol That was me ALL through high school. Leave it til last minute, cram, and I passed. I took 2 weeks to study and I failed it. Def. won't be cramming for this obviously but as long as I know it's not a free for all question thing I'm good. I actually knew all the history (all 2 of them they asked on the mock test) questions but some of the more recent stuff I was like 'eh?' and certain things like 'how many members of Parliament are there?' are something you would just naturally learn living in the country.

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There's long term memory and short term memory. I think it's a better idea to learn fundamentals in the long term but maybe some of those wacky details, are best at the end. You're not going to be taking that test until next year, so if you read that book say, once a month, and then a few days before the actual exam, you do hardcore cramming, you'll be just fine.

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I never thought of it that way - fundamentals long term, less fundamental short term. Make sense. The stuff you may use again (like I knew the year the Church of England was established) vs. the wacky question. I actually won't be taking it til 2014 I believe, either 2 years after my visa is granted or 2 years after I move. Not sure. But I did have a giggle when L couldn't even pass the test, lol

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I never thought of it that way - fundamentals long term, less fundamental short term. Make sense. The stuff you may use again (like I knew the year the Church of England was established) vs. the wacky question. I actually won't be taking it til 2014 I believe, either 2 years after my visa is granted or 2 years after I move. Not sure. But I did have a giggle when L couldn't even pass the test, lol


We have a similar test for US citizenship too and I took a practice one and failed that, lol. I think I read somewhere that said that most americans would.

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We have a similar test for US citizenship too and I took a practice one and failed that, lol. I think I read somewhere that said that most americans would.


I know I would. I could not tell you our Bill of Rights, what our Ammendents are, or our Presidents. Im pretty sure I couldn't even recite the entire Star Spangled Banner despite the fact we were made to in middle school...

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That's what I really liked about physics and chemistry - there wasn't so much memorization (except for god-awful Organic Chemistry!!!) you just had to figure out what made sense. anything that would be necessary to memorize (like constants) were given to us on the exam. The rest you just had to work out.

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I know I would. I could not tell you our Bill of Rights, what our Ammendents are, or our Presidents. Im pretty sure I couldn't even recite the entire Star Spangled Banner despite the fact we were made to in middle school...


Oh come on I can sing the Star Spangled Banner and I am not even American.......lol

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I can sing the first line to "O Canada" lol!!!


O Canada...O Canada...maple syrup, hockey, and eh! Yeah that's all I know. haha, i kid.


I know Star Spangled banner but I don't even like it. I've never liked it, even as a kid. It grated on my nerves. And it's too long! I think we should change our song to the one that goes like:


"My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountainside, Let freedom ring!"


Short, sweet and simple.

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I really can't. O say can you see is all I can say, lol.


Fudgie - I'm sure you would know being a fellow English history buff, but did you know the song you like, 'tis of thee' is written off God Save the Queen? I think


I just asked my mom to tell me the pledge of allegiance and she couldn't. To be fair, I had to think about it!!

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I really can't. O say can you see is all I can say, lol.


Fudgie - I'm sure you would know being a fellow English history buff, but did you know the song you like, 'tis of thee' is written off God Save the Queen? I think


I just asked my mom to tell me the pledge of allegiance and she couldn't. To be fair, I had to think about it!!


Hahaha, I knew that. Isn't that funny? psssst Ours is better though!


I have to *think* for the pledge of allegiance too. Public school made me rattle it off every morning and then I went to private school so it's not a "reflex" anymore!

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