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I ended up getting my niece this. Her birthstone is March and I had her initials engraved on the back in monogram style. It also came with a free jewelry box that I just did her initials again in the monogram style on. What really ate me was the express delivery I had to pay in order to get it here before her birthday (procrastinating aunt and all

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We are not in high school any more people - grow UP! You have a child, how about you ACT like it and stop bouncing from man to man and bringing all this drama into your child's life.


It used to bother me when I would go online and see pictures of someone's kid, just born like 1-2 months ago yet the Relationship Status: Single. (and it was true).

The sadder thing was, I used to see this a LOT. And it wasn't because of cheating or whatever either. People have kids with their boyfriends and when the boyfriends decide not to stick around, they can leave without any legal or financial ramifications!


I don't mean to be preachy because I am fine with people living together and having sex prior to marriage...but don't have a kid outside of marriage! It's so risky! And in some places, people really DO treat it like high school, dating around and sleeping around...but they "collect" kids along the way. That can't be good for their development at all.

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It used to bother me when I would go online and see pictures of someone's kid, just born like 1-2 months ago yet the Relationship Status: Single. (and it was true).

The sadder thing was, I used to see this a LOT. And it wasn't because of cheating or whatever either. People have kids with their boyfriends and when the boyfriends decide not to stick around, they can leave without any legal or financial ramifications!


I don't mean to be preachy because I am fine with people living together and having sex prior to marriage...but don't have a kid outside of marriage! It's so risky! And in some places, people really DO treat it like high school, dating around and sleeping around...but they "collect" kids along the way. That can't be good for their development at all.


This girl is just... a train wreck. She use to be a really good friend but I don't know. She has a kid with this guy and they've been on and off (cheating on boths ides) she was just with a guy 6 months ago and apparently got pregnant by said guy and her and her 1st baby daddy are raising the new kid... it's just... mind boggling.

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I have a niece like that. She has 4 kids and always bounced from one loser to another. Her oldest daughter slept with one of mom's boyfriends while her mom was pregnant by the guy! Now all three of them have herpes. My niece has given it to half the town and all her kids are messed up mentally and emotionally except her son, who was raised by his dad in a stable home.

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What were these girls thinking? My niece said she didn't believe in abortion, so that's why she had 4 kids by 4 different fathers. I told her that I admired her stance, but maybe she should start to believe in either bc or abstinence, because what she was doing wasn't working very well for her. She has three daughters who are all in some form of therapy. The oldest is extremely promiscuous with both men and women (she is currently living with her gf but seeing guys on the side). Her middle daughter is on more meds than you can shake a stick at. She has been diagnosed as bi-polar, with ODD and OCD and whatever else is the mental disorder of the month. Her youngest is three and already in treatment. She has had these kids living in people's garages, crashing on people's couches, and living out of the car. Some mother, huh?

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My niece hits them all the time when they interfere with her Facebook time. She is always too busy to mind her kids and lets others do it. Now that her oldest is an adult, her middle girl is stuck watching her little sister. She calls her kids "brats". I just cringe when I hear that. I love my son more than anything and I always plan things for us to do together, I always have. Being a mother is both a privilege and a blessing, but I guess she doesn't see it that way.

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My niece hits them all the time when they interfere with her Facebook time. She is always too busy to mind her kids and lets others do it. Now that her oldest is an adult, her middle girl is stuck watching her little sister. She calls her kids "brats". I just cringe when I hear that. I love my son more than anything and I always plan things for us to do together, I always have. Being a mother is both a privilege and a blessing, but I guess she doesn't see it that way.


Some people who can pop them out like popcorn don't see them as a blessing. It is really sad. Some do of course and love their kids a lot. The ones that don't make me truly sick. It moves me with so much anger that I can even think violent thoughts against them and it is ridiculous, because no one should be violent. But I have really have a huge disgust for people who abuse and neglect their kids.

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Not a bad day all together! Work was pretty laid back and restful (well, as restful as work can get). I'm coming behind myself in the morning so I didn't a lot of end night stuff I usually do, I'll take care of it tomorrow morning. I work first the next two days... yay.. although apparently I have the 9th-12th off. No idea how I managed that one! Today was the first day of my 7 day stretch though We actually are having a bad thunderstorm now - we've been under a tornado watch since about 3 this afternoon and it won't expire until 11 tonight. For a good hour we were under a tornado warning so all of us employees were on high alert.


I walked into the house to a VERY energetic 20 month old. He's apparently started this new thing were he'll take off running accross the living room but turns his head to the side and closes his eyes while running. Thus far in 10 minutes of me being sat here he's tripped over a toy 4 times but keeps getting and doing it. Child logic and all...

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Mom blew a breaker in the house last night by having a heater AND a coffee maker plugged into the same outlet - idk - so of course the breaker that blew is the one her computer sits on and the internet modem is connected to her computer. So internet last night so no journal posts! i have my iPhone of course but I figured I had to be up at the butt crack of dawn again this morning for work, might as well just go to bed instead of trolling ENA on my phone. I watched a few episodes of Sex and the City season 1 on the DVD L bought me for V-day and then went to bed about 7-8. Slept all 9 1/2 hours too (woke up a lot though) and I STILL don't want to get out of bed. Blah!

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So in order to stay in the UK forever after I move I have to take a test on British Life.... yeah. L, someone who was born and raised there, failed a mock test just like it. I find that hilarious for some reason. But I guess it's the same way around here isn't it? In order to be a citizen you have to know all the presidents right? I as an American could not tell you over half of them...

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If you fail, are you allowed to take it again and again until you pass? I sure hope so!


Better start catching up on Monty Python's Flying Circus.


You're only allowed 2 times to take it. I've taken 2 mock ones today and have failed both. It's such random questions! Like 'what percent of people in the UK in 2001 identified themselves as Muslim?' 0.0 How should I know?!

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I' kinda weird, I can name all of our presidents and I know how many representatives each state has in the House of Representatives. I think we could all be a little more aware of how our gov't works than we are. It is our country, after all. Many of our problems in this country stem from ignorance of our rights and responsibilities. We have more power as a private citizen than most people know about. So, we are starting to let our gov't dictate to us instead of vice-versa, the way it used to be. I remember a time when the gov't actually listened to us instead of treating us like children. That being said (not going to start a political debate, HATE THEM), the Muslim question was way out of left field. Maybe L can move here after all. Our test is hard, but not ridiculous!

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