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7 more months. I have to tell myself 7 because I know the realistic point is we may not have me over by our anniversary. All depends on how long it takes L to find a house that accepts pets, get the house documents to me and however long it takes Them to approve us. It'll all work out but for my peace of mind I have to tell myself it's still only 7 months. I'm a control freak to the core and I don't always go with the flow easily or as easily as I could... but I'm optimistic. If we have to push it back we will. It won't be the end of the world because as my husband said today, 'What's a month compared to 40 years?'


I knew that old man could be good with words when he needs to be.

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It's so true.. I tell myself something similar when I get upset about how long retraining is taking.. What's 4-5 years of study if it brings me 30-40 years of working in a job I actually enjoy..and the alternative is 45 years working in a job I hate?

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Got Jasper microchipped this morning - it took me and my mom both to get him in his carrier. Lord. Once he was in there for about 20 minutes he calmed down and stopped meowing and went back to his chill self. He weighs 14 lbs (up a lb. since the last time I took him in) so back on the diet we go! He's not going to like me...

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Do you have a laser pointer? That will give him lots of cardio while you sit back and relax!


I use to, but he gets bored of the laser pointer fairly quickly (only cat I know who does that!). I'll just have to put him back on the feeding diet the vet put him on last May. God he's going to be insufferable... and my mother and stepfather don't help with the situation at all.

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My Ming is called a "Caution Kitty" at my vet's office. He has layed open many a vet tech in his day. The funny thing is, at home he is the sweetest cat I have ever had. I can't remember him EVER even trying to scratch any of us. He is just so sweet, when he wants your attention, he gently paws you or licks you hand or arm. He's a 26 lb. baby doll. But not at the the vet's.

I hope Jasper's diet goes well. I can't get weight off of Ming no matter what I do. I have two others, and one needs to GAIN weight, so I have to free feed. I can't win.

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My Ming is called a "Caution Kitty" at my vet's office. He has layed open many a vet tech in his day. The funny thing is, at home he is the sweetest cat I have ever had. I can't remember him EVER even trying to scratch any of us. He is just so sweet, when he wants your attention, he gently paws you or licks you hand or arm. He's a 26 lb. baby doll. But not at the the vet's.

I hope Jasper's diet goes well. I can't get weight off of Ming no matter what I do. I have two others, and one needs to GAIN weight, so I have to free feed. I can't win.


He was doing fairly well but he went off it and now he's just being a stubborn child about going back on. It's only 4 lbs for crying out loud!

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My Ming is called a "Caution Kitty" at my vet's office. He has layed open many a vet tech in his day. The funny thing is, at home he is the sweetest cat I have ever had. I can't remember him EVER even trying to scratch any of us. He is just so sweet, when he wants your attention, he gently paws you or licks you hand or arm. He's a 26 lb. baby doll. But not at the the vet's.

I hope Jasper's diet goes well. I can't get weight off of Ming no matter what I do. I have two others, and one needs to GAIN weight, so I have to free feed. I can't win.


Jig your story reminds me of a cat that would come to the vet I worked at name Winky. He was the baddest cat at the vet. Would poop on the table everytime he came in because he was so afraid. Would hiss, growl, and try to bite everytime. We had to wear bird gloves in order to treat him.

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Ahahahaha I love that pic. My Shay does that if you put him in a carrier.


After a time does he calm down and settle down Vic? I've noticed this with Jasper. After about 20 minutes he stops meowing like he's being murdered and settles down and is his normal calm self.

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I really wanted the wide frame sides since the one I have now are the really thin kind - I feel like I'm going to break them!


I usually don't like sparkly nails but that colour could completely make me change my mind, lol! I haven't painted my toe nails since before my ingrown was cut out (as the nail is still growing back on that big toe). I think it's time to break out some nail polish and girl up!

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