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So I decided to brave Wal-Mart at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.




HUGE mistake! It was horrible. People shoving, leaving things in the aisle, pulling out in front of you at the end of the aisles, and the SLOWEST people on Earth. No lie. Who the H goes at 1 MPH down a jam packed aisle staring at every little thing. Come on!!! I did get all my shopping down though, dropped $80 too. :s Got my best friend, her daughter, and my nephew's gifts. Even managed to pick up a little something extra for my mom.


I also just ordered my wedding dress! *dances* Keeping my fingers crossed that it fits well and if there are any alterations they won't be that much. It would be hilarious if I actually had to gain weight to fit into my dress, haha

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It's crazy out there. Glad you finished your Christmas shopping.


Rain finally somewhat stopped after raining non-stop for 5 days. Then everybody rushes out to do their last minute Christmas shopping. Some traffic lights aren't working due to rain, so traffic is snarled.


Picked up my mom's gift. All she wanted was a Dyson vacuum. Best Buy was crowded, but not too bad.


Still need to finish a few more things.


Hope the wedding dress fits great.

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Thankfully it was dry and actually a little warm here today. It was like 60 degrees here! I had to turn the AC on in my car and wore capris and flip flops out. Felt good after the yucky, rainy weather yesterday.


I always wanted a Dyson... so expensive though!


I do too. We took the measurments right but you never know. I get 21 days to return or exchange it at least. My worry is if I lose weight just how much is my gran going to have to take it in...

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On the racial stuff - its a funny place the South. We havent actually been to the South but we were in Washington (this time last year actually) and this waitress, at that restaurant inside Washington train station - B Smiths? - who was very clearly a Southerner - came up and asked me what race I was .. it was very funny she said "now you're real indian, arent you? not indian indian" (as in not Native American) and then commented on how weird it was to see an indian person married to a chinese person (my husband). Now she didn't mean to be rude at all - she was actually an extremely sweet and friendly waitress.. but I'll tell ya, that conversation simply would not have occurred over here. It would have been considered extremely rude!

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Yeah see, it's people like that that give us Southerners a bad name. :S


Honestly with an average Southerner that conversation wouldn't occur here either. Ever here the Southern hospitality line? That's what we are best known for. No way would I ever ask someone that! To begin with it's not my business and secondly who cares! It's those like that, the crazy ones, who ruin the image of a Southern person really.


No wonder CS got a little scared when I told him I was from the South, hahaha. At least I don't have a Lousiana accent I suppose...

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Thanks Sweetpea.


I slept horrible last night. Didn't get to bed again until 3:30-4ish and then from 8 o'clock on I kept waking up literally every 5-10 minutes. At 9:45 I just said screw it and got up. Just got out of the shower and am waiting a bit to eat before I leave to go to the gym before work. I feel sluggish today, probably because I went 3 days in a row with not going to the gym. Def. going to break the days off at the gym apart from now on....


Hopefully the money CS sent me will go into my bank account in the next couple of days so I can get our honeymoon hotels booked. He's also getting the wedding bands this week as well.

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I'm having trouble sleeping again too! What is with this? I fall asleep anywhere between 12-1 am and wake up at 5 am. This morning I laid awake until 7 and finally said screw it. I'm getting really frustrated with my brain waking me up after 4 ish hours of sleep! Esp. when I have to work until midnight today. Exciting that you're getting your wedding bands soon!

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That's the one I picked Sweetpea.


Yeah, we were both pretty pissed ourselves since it's our main form of talking except for email. Usually we chat on my drive to work but with no Skype, that didn't happen. I was on my lunch break though and I heard my phone vibrant. I looked down and it was CS calling on Skype. Apparently it came back up, and it was such an unexpected and sweet surprise to get to hear his voice since I thought I wouldn't.


And it means we can webcam on Christmas! With me going to the gym it's cut into our talk time (especially with Skype being down). Feels like we haven't talked in a week even though we have emailed every single day, all day long.


A girl from the front office told me they are getting a new boss and said she would still put a good word in for me if I wanted to try for the filing position. I told her to go ahead, but I know I'm only going to accept it if a) it's 2nd shift and b) it's not a pay decrease. No reason to swift positions and LOSE income. While I'd rather not scrub toilets, if I make more money scrubbing toilets, I'm gonna keep scrubbin' 'em!


They also got a new resident on A hall today. Oh.My.God. I think she has dementia or something but she is one of the meaniest people. Seriously. The night nurse was getting water up and the lady (sitting in a wheel chair) reaches down and tugs the towel out from underneath the nurse, causing her to almost fall. Then she grabs the name tag of hte nurse and swats at her, she takes a swipe at another resident, curses like no business.... it's like cleaning the physch ward up!!!!!


Today was always our 10 month anniversary.

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