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My legs are killing me. gah! I stopped and got some of those patches - Icy Hot wanted $7 for THREE patches!!! No way. I found 3 for $3 (apparently they don't come more than 3??). And I picked up some actualy Icy Hot. At least I can try to waer the bandages tomorrow while I'm work. Hoping they aren't still hurting tomorrow when I wake up to go back to the class.

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Actually, the best thing to do is go for a walk or a jog. You probably got your knees a little ahead of yourn feet during the lunges and that hurts your knees and everything around them. If you don't walk or use them some way tonight to loosen them up, they will hurt muchn worse tomorrow. Take it from one who knows.

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Actually, the best thing to do is go for a walk or a jog. You probably got your knees a little ahead of yourn feet during the lunges and that hurts your knees and everything around them. If you don't walk or use them some way tonight to loosen them up, they will hurt muchn worse tomorrow. Take it from one who knows.


I worked today (did the class Monday morning) and with my job I'm constantly on the move (and having to go up stairs >.

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Ice your knees. For the most part, pain from working out is caused by inflammation... icing helps reduce that by restricting the blood vessels in the area. Twenty minutes with ice on, twenty minutes with it off, then repeat! If it's the muscles right above your knee, then I know how you feel! Those HURT when they are sore-- but it's probably just a sore muscle if the pain isn't in the joint itself.

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Off tomorrow, thank you Universe! I have to take Jasper to the vet at 10:30 to get microchipped - so it'll take me about 20 minutes to get him IN his carrier - and then I have a eye appointment at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait to get new glasses. These are so thin on the sides that when I constantly have my head down (which I sometimes do for my job) they jut keep sliding down my nose and it's irratating.


We're apparnetly suppose to get some super bad storms tonight. It was over cast and muggy all day (which in the South means only one thing - thunderstorms!) and it was starting to lighten on my drive home. Hopefully we don't get it too bad...


Oh! I totally had a battle win tonight. I was craving (and when I say craving I mean emotionally craving) some Subway tonight right before I got off work... but I didn't get it. HUGE win for me. And I feel awesome about it, of course. You always feel awesome when you don't indulge in what you now is wrong for you and you feel so damn guilty when YOU do indulge that you can't even enjoy the guilty pleasure!

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So proud of you OG!


I was that way too today - I just wanted to get a footlong roastbeef sub stuffed with cheddar cheese, mayo, and lettuce for lunch. NOM NOM. I didn't get it though.


Will power does feel good when you KNOW that you're in control and can push through those cravings. It makes you feel great!

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Subway can be good, just depends on what you get. But I know what you mean when you are craving the fatty sandwich, and not like the turkey breast or ham with veggies, no cheese, and some mustard (no mayo or other fatty dressings). I like their honey mustard. It's tangy and not too many calories.


it's all about the small victories!!

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Today was the last day for $5 footlongs and they gave free cookies away for leap year. I totally caved and bought that for lunch.


What?? I hope my local store keeps doing the $5. They were suppose to stop in October but just kept it up.


Subway can be good, just depends on what you get. But I know what you mean when you are craving the fatty sandwich, and not like the turkey breast or ham with veggies, no cheese, and some mustard (no mayo or other fatty dressings). I like their honey mustard. It's tangy and not too many calories.


it's all about the small victories!!


I def. don't get healthy. Well, I do and I don't. I always get a foot long roast beef on Italian Herb and Cheese with Chiptole sauce. Not TOO bad... until you add in those little bowsl they put soup in? I get that 1/2 way with chiptole sauce so I can dip it in. OH.MY.GOD I love chiptole sauce...


So proud of you OG!


I was that way too today - I just wanted to get a footlong roastbeef sub stuffed with cheddar cheese, mayo, and lettuce for lunch. NOM NOM. I didn't get it though.


Will power does feel good when you KNOW that you're in control and can push through those cravings. It makes you feel great!


It really does. I really had to talk myself out of it. I almost convinced myself to stop and get it but then I thought of the weighing in thread and was like 'you had it last night, if you have it again you aren't going to lose any weight.'

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yeah, that chipotle sauce is a killer!!!


I usually order a sandwich with light mayo and mustard (like the roast beef, or turkey or ham). I sometimes like to order with oil and vinegar (no mayo or mustard then). Gives it nice flavor. All the veggies. As many as can fit, and no cheese. Diet coke, and then baked chips or apple slices, and it is a nice dinner. 6" too. Not the 12". I liked their buffalo chicken sandwich they had for a while. that's low in calories too and has a lot of flavor.


OG - you should make your own chipotle sauce at home. But make a lighter version of it. Maybe Fat free mayo with some pureed canned chipotle peppers? I'm not sure, we can probably find a recipe so you can make the swap at home.

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it's a killer on my heart burn too. It's one of the things that set it off but God I can't stop eating it...


I can def. make my sandwhich 'healthier' - I could get it on wheat or whole grain bread, drop the cheddar cheese and no chiptole. And only get a 6 inch. The biggest thing for me in my weight is portion sizing. I have an appetite that rivals a man's and I can easily put a foot long away.. but I don't need to. A 6 inch would do fine, but it goes back to that emotional hunger that was in that blog I posted about.


You know my mom said she found a chipotle reciepe the other day, but I think it's Subway's (or as close to it as it can be). Could you actually make chipotle sauce healthy?

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I have a huge appetite too. I find that having broth-based soups or a huge salad with light dressing with my meal helps out. It gets that "bulk" I want. I'll look around - I'm sure we can find a healthier chipotle sauce recipe!

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I've found that out too - soups really fill me up and if I have a small salad with something it def. give you that 'full'. Even drinking water with food helps me. So far today I've almost had 2 liters of water. The thing with water and any drink really is I just don't drink a lot during the course of the day. I'm so on the go at work I don't have the time to simply stop and take small sips of water or anything. I have went days were all the fluid I have taken in is what I've drank when I ate.


Def. let me know if you find anything annie! I'd be willing to give it a try on a healthier version of my subway sandwhich.

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