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Thanks. It def. helped to see that the instructor (while healthy and fit) was breaking a sweat right along with us and in some of the more difficult ones (like the lunge thingie) was pushing herself to complete it as well. Granted she had heavier weights than I did but it still helped me, I know.

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yeah, international romances are not easy!! my friend (from germany) married an american man last year. the paperwork has been insane, and as well as the name change. her mom has been helping her from there, but my friend is from a small city and very far away from all the passport offices and major cities in germany... and many of these things need to be done in person.


it's insane, I tell you. lol. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with 2 passport books, lol

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that's really great to have 2 passports when you travel. unfortunately, I don't have 2 passports, but i think i would be able to get a second based on where my parents are from. some places charge entry fees for some nationalities, but not others. so, traveling with 2 can make some things easier.

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that's really great to have 2 passports when you travel. unfortunately, I don't have 2 passports, but i think i would be able to get a second based on where my parents are from. some places charge entry fees for some nationalities, but not others. so, traveling with 2 can make some things easier.


True. I wont have one until I take British citizenship though so I'll just have the one for now.

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If you have dual citizenship, it will make your trips back to the US (like going back to NYC for a trip, or seeing your mom) a lot easier. I've been accross the border so many times, in and out of the US in airports and I'm surprised at how US officers give UK people such a hard time. I came back from India wearing foreign garb and some weird paint on my face, henna ALL over my arms and this really strict-looking officer looked at only my passport, not my face, and said "Welcome home." But I saw a couple UK students coming abroad with visas and they were getting all sorts of crap.


Dual-citizenshp would really help, that's for sure. And if for some reason, things in the UK ever went South economically or socially (let's hope not!) and you and L want to come back to the US, you having that citizenship will definitely, DEFINITELY help you and your family.

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Oh yes. If for some reason I had to give up American to take British I wouldn't, for the simple fact I'd have to go through the none resident line like L does. It's going to be interesting when we come back for visits with me and the kids going through the American citzen line and poor L having to go through the other, lol

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traveling is definitely easier!! if you fly with both passports, and you come back to the US, you can go in with your US passport and bypass the long wait lines for the foreigners. though i was recently hassled at miami customs by an officer wondering why i spent so long in south america. the immigration official was fine though.

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traveling is definitely easier!! if you fly with both passports, and you come back to the US, you can go in with your US passport and bypass the long wait lines for the foreigners. though i was recently hassled at miami customs by an officer wondering why i spent so long in south america. the immigration official was fine though.


When L came in Oct. '10 all the officer asked was 'here for bussiness or pleasure?' and L said 'to see my fiancee' to which he had to show his return ticket. When he flew over for us to get married he got like 20 questions!

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Oh yes. If for some reason I had to give up American to take British I wouldn't, for the simple fact I'd have to go through the none resident line like L does. It's going to be interesting when we come back for visits with me and the kids going through the American citzen line and poor L having to go through the other, lol


Wouldn't the kids have to go through the foreigner line with L? Since the kids wouldn't be born in the US, they wouldn't be US citizens.


traveling is definitely easier!! if you fly with both passports, and you come back to the US, you can go in with your US passport and bypass the long wait lines for the foreigners. though i was recently hassled at miami customs by an officer wondering why i spent so long in south america. the immigration official was fine though.


Oh man, you're absolutely right. I remember those lines. The foreigner line is always like 5 "layers" of people thick, and the American citizen line is practically non-existent. You usually get to zip right there, no questions, muhahaha.

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Wouldn't the kids have to go through the foreigner line with L? Since the kids wouldn't be born in the US, they wouldn't be US citizens.




Oh man, you're absolutely right. I remember those lines. The foreigner line is always like 5 "layers" of people thick, and the American citizen line is practically non-existent. You usually get to zip right there, no questions, muhahaha.


Because I'm American the kids automatically have dual citizenship. They would never be able to run for presidency in the US beause they weren't born on American soil but they would hold British-American citizenship.

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Wow, I didn't know that! That's really cool! The US allows for this for all children of all nationalities born to American parents? That is so cool.


Well, poor L, looks like he's standing alone. He better bring a good book cause those lines are long.

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Wow, I didn't know that! That's really cool! The US allows for this for all children of all nationalities born to American parents? That is so cool.


Well, poor L, looks like he's standing alone. He better bring a good book cause those lines are long.


To my knowledge. If the kids were being born here it would be flipped as well - although not being born in England because L is English, they would have English citizenship (or be able to get a English passport at least).

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I remember what Annie said about stopping if I have to and there were a few exercises were I had to. ...



When you stop for a break - try to keep moving (even if that is just walking around in a circle or shuffling a bit from foot to foot). If you slow your heart-rate down too much it's really tiring and difficult to get it back up again when you start up - but if you keep it going by moving a little bit during the breaks its easier to start up again..


You are doing great OG!

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When you stop for a break - try to keep moving (even if that is just walking around in a circle or shuffling a bit from foot to foot). If you slow your heart-rate down too much it's really tiring and difficult to get it back up again when you start up - but if you keep it going by moving a little bit during the breaks its easier to start up again..


You are doing great OG!


I never thought of that, thanks Circe!

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I stopped in to see a friend (who also manages my gym) and asked her for some advice. She said that doing cardio, then weights, and then a second round of cardio can be more effective for weight loss than just going in and doing cardio and then weights, or just cardio. She said 15 minutes of hard cardio and then weights is a good idea. Gotta love free advice!

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I stopped in to see a friend (who also manages my gym) and asked her for some advice. She said that doing cardio, then weights, and then a second round of cardio can be more effective for weight loss than just going in and doing cardio and then weights, or just cardio. She said 15 minutes of hard cardio and then weights is a good idea. Gotta love free advice!


that's pretty much what we did (kind of). We did some cardio without weights, then added weights, then did core strengthening, then flexiability. I think after a few classes i'll add 30 minutes of cardio after the class.

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Doing both weights AND cardio instead of twice as much cardio but no weights....well, the weights and cardio are better for weight loss. The weights will help you build up muscle mass and will help increase your metabolism. You'll look more toned in addition to being more lean.


7 years ago, I was much, much thinner due to a lot of weight training I did in a group class 3x a week over a year or so. I actually got pretty buff and I was much healthier! Gosh, I have to get back into that again. I'm a roly-poly.

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To my knowledge. If the kids were being born here it would be flipped as well - although not being born in England because L is English, they would have English citizenship (or be able to get a English passport at least).


Yes, they would be able to get a British passport. My husband has one because his parents were English.

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Well I've been the busy bee today!


Made a eye appointment at a new eye doctor (Walmart isn't covered under my new vision insurance. Poo) for Thurs. I'll probably ask my mom to come with me since I also have Jasper's microchip appointment that day. I also made a tentative appointment to have my root canal done but the dentist has to call me back and let me know if there has been a price change on what I'll pay out of pocket (due to my employers switching insurance companies). I have it set for March 9th in the morning but I'm honestly probably going to switch it to the weekend of March 31st (my next weekend off after the 9th). The 9th is my niece's birthday and her party is the next day and I just don't feel like dealing with a root canal when I'm trying to enjoy her last birthday while I'm here.


I also called the USDA vet about the certificate to which they told me to just have my vet call them if he had any questions on how to feel it out - awesome.


I also rebudgeted my income and am pretty happy with were we are thus far in saving. I printed out the birth certificate application and filled it out and scanned my DL (they want a photo copy of my ID to be sent with the application) so I'll send that off tomorrow before work. I also even went ahead and printed out the passport application and filled out what I could of it (which was most of it, tbh) and went ahead and printed out the photocopy of my DL they are going to want.


I've been up since 7 this morning and am only now starting to get tired - and have NOT taken a nap this afternoon. I don't go in til 12 or 1 tomorrow (I can't remember) and then I'm off Thursday (woo!)

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Be careful and watch your form. ie, if you are doing squats or lunges, make sure that your knees don't go over your toes. That is bad.


Being overweight is very difficult on joints. For every 1 pound of weight, that is 7 pounds of weight on your joints. The good news is that as the weight comes off, it will be easier on your joints.


and drink lots of water!!!

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Make sure your feet are aligned properly during squats and lunges too. These exercises are AWESOME for you but only when done right. If done improperly, you risk having strain or injury to your knees and ankles, and that's true of everyone, not just overweight people.


Don't be afraid to ask a person at the gym who works/is a trainer for a couple pointers. For the most part, they are more than happy to help you out and like to share their knowledge!

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