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Right now i've got some broccoli cooking on the stove and a 'salad' of sorts with red potatoes and carrots in the oven. Soooo looking forward to that lunch tomorrow!! I also picked up a banana and apple to try - no on both. the banana actually almost made me throw up it tasted so bad to me.

Tomorrow (the 23rd) is our 2 year couple anniversary. Feels like it's been so much LONGER than 2 years!


Wow such a healthy meal!! I'm with you on bananas - I hate how mushy the texture is too. Do love apples though.. espeecially when they are sliced into really thin little wedges..



Congratulations on two years together!! It feels great to hit these anniversary milestones doesnt it?

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Wow such a healthy meal!! I'm with you on bananas - I hate how mushy the texture is too. Do love apples though.. espeecially when they are sliced into really thin little wedges..



Congratulations on two years together!! It feels great to hit these anniversary milestones doesnt it?


It does. I happen to look at the calander at work and went 'tomorrow is 2 years'... has it REALLY been 2 years already?

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Long day at work. Super busy as it was delivery day and HOT as ever! It was like 70 degrees today - in FEB! - Lord. Suppose to get some storms tonight and tomorrow morning. Wonderful.


That salad of red potatoes and carrots with broccoli was SO good today! Completely filled me up at lunch and that's all I had. I did have to grab a small bite to eat when I got home and I just had dinner but I'm pretty good for the day. I also drunk a lot of water today.

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You should try mangos, OG. Do you like peaches? If so, you'll probably really like mangos.


I eat basically all fruits but my faves are pomegranites, peaches/mangos, kiwis, apples, and pineapple.


I don't know if avocado is a fruit (think it is) but I always want to smear it on my sandwiches. Subway used to have avocado during the summer and I swear I went there almost everyday for a week! Have you had that, OG? It has some fat in it but it's delicious and filled with vitamins, so it's good in moderation.

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Avocadoes are very, very, good for you. I do believe they are loaded with the "good" cholesterol and aren't as bad fat-wise as many people think. They're good for your insides, too. They do lovely things for your skin. I have friends who used to break out and have a lot less pimples now that they eat avocadoes. I spread some in my sandwiches, too. Here in California, we have them year round. The trees grow EVERYWHERE and they are also available in stores year round.

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I don't know - if OG has never had fruits before I don't think she's going to like any of them..


I grew up without fruit and veg. I learned to like some fruits and all the shouldnt-really-be-a-vegetable vegetables (like potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potato, fried onions etc). It's very hard to stomach that food group if you grew up without it. Really wish my mum had made me eat fruit and veg as a child..

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I wish my mom had too Circe. I mean, mom tried but I got super sick as a kid and that's when I became a picky eater. I would only eat chicken nuggets and drink milk until mom strapped me in my high chair and force fed me spaghetti one day. I use to not like broccoli or carrots but I love them cooked now - still can't eat carrots raw. And I love strawberries in like strawberry daqs but can't eat them whole.

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Picky eating is simply mental. Just to have teach yourself. You otherwise know my thoughts on picky eaters haha.


I really only like warm pineapple. Don't care for it fresh but love it on burgers and in desserts. Never liked kiwis. Like oranges but they're too acidic for me. My favorites are apples, bananas, any sort of berry for the most part, and cantaloupe.


Try cantalupe. It's so good. I ate probably 4 whole ones on our cruise last year bc they had an endless fruit buffet the whole cruise and I totally took advantage.

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I would give a try OG. Like hers said it is all mental. You do not want to teach these eating habits to your children. It makes for VERY unhealthy people. Fruits and veggies contain so many nutrients that are required by the body. They are essential or you destroy your health. One my step brothers, his wife does not eat veggies or fruits either. She is 38 now and she had had high blood pressure and cholesterol since she was 32. She always gets sick. She totally stubbornly refuses to recognize this is entirely due to diet. Her son also has her eating habits. He is 10 and all he eats are white buns and milk and orange pop and a few other things. This child is always sick. He has had 2 operations and he is 10, TEN!! Luckily her daughters eat veggies like their dad. I just think it is horrible the eating habits she has taught her child though.

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My husband is so picky simply bc he learned it was ok to be. It's to this day our biggest disagreement.


I understand texture on a lot of things so that may be some of it. Hate the texture of raw broccoli but love it cooked and can eat it plain, as long as it's cooked. Carrots too.


Avocados are good but I tyPically don't go for them.


Ooh try edemame! So good! I'm addicted to them. and they're good for you! They're fun to eat to bc you eat them out of the shell. Yesterday I was eating some while doing a puzzle and put my shell into my jigsaw puzzle box and a puzzle piece in my mouth. I'm an idiot.


But try those! Super quick and easy treat.

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I hated strawberries my whole life up till a few years ago but made myself eat one and try it and I love them now. Taste buds do change. It's why I continue to try coffee and alcohol even though I've always hated them. But my taste buds change and suddenly begin liking things they never liked before so I keep trying.

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Personally myself I HATE apples. I just hate the texture of them but I eat almost every single other fruit out there. I can not think of another one I dislike. I love most veggies off the top of my head I can not think of one I really hate.


My husband used to hate everything if it was not an orange or an apple or banana or peas and carrots. He was brought up in an incredibly bland household. He even choked on the pit of a plum I gave him because he did not know plums had pits because he never had one. A plum! Really?

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