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Once I lose some weight I kind of want to get into buying clothes that work for me. I'll always go for comfort over style (I have no style, lol!) but I am a woman and every now and then don't mind putting some effort into looking nice for my guy. I['ve been using Pinterest to store some ideas (keeping in mind the English weather for the future!) and I really like these outfits:


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Wow - all of those looks are gorgeous!!


I was the same for my whooolle life - never wore any makeup, don't like shopping, put minimal effort into appearance, no heels, could be ready in 10-15mins no problems, never into anything girly..


.. but recently I've gotten really into all this girly stuff - and you know what? It's a lot of fun!!


I'm about 12 days late with my period. I'm not usually late so I actually got a pregnancy test yesterday (all clear) because I started to freak out and worry as worse than the fact that I've had a few big nights out with a few drinks over the last 6 weeks, I've been eating smoked salmon practically every day (which is a big no-no if you are pregnant). Phew.

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I loooooooove boden. They're a british clothing company. Great stuff. And they have a cool thing on their website where you can put together outfits and see how they look.


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It's a little pricey but their fabrics are high quality and I get compliments all the time when i wear their stuff.

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Wow - all of those looks are gorgeous!!


I was the same for my whooolle life - never wore any makeup, don't like shopping, put minimal effort into appearance, no heels, could be ready in 10-15mins no problems, never into anything girly..


.. but recently I've gotten really into all this girly stuff - and you know what? It's a lot of fun!!


I'm about 12 days late with my period. I'm not usually late so I actually got a pregnancy test yesterday (all clear) because I started to freak out and worry as worse than the fact that I've had a few big nights out with a few drinks over the last 6 weeks, I've been eating smoked salmon practically every day (which is a big no-no if you are pregnant). Phew.


I'm def. not your average girly-girl. I wear make up maybe 2 days a month and I loath shopping. I want to go in knowing what I want, get it, and get out. I can't stand to 'window shop'. Heels, why I love the look of them, i just can't wear them. Ever. I can admire them but not wear them, lol. But yeah, I'd like to take some effort into my clothes in the future. Shop to have outfits rather than buying random articles and then not have anything that goes together, lol


Oh my! Have you actually started yet or have you been stressed? could that be why you are so late?

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I loooooooove boden. They're a british clothing company. Great stuff. And they have a cool thing on their website where you can put together outfits and see how they look.


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It's a little pricey but their fabrics are high quality and I get compliments all the time when i wear their stuff.


I love some of their stuff but the prices kind of made my eyes bulge, haha! I've been meaning to message my SIL and try to figure out what types of clothes I should buy. I won't be needing my entire collection of tank tops, that's for sure...

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I like anything that isn't skinny jeans. I just can't wear them. They don't look right. But I love the skinny jeans with boots look right now. Just can't pull it off


I'm not a fan of skinny jeans either - mostly because, like you, i just can't pull them off. With me being short I know I should wear some type of hell to make my legs look longer but I just can't get into heels.

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I love some of their stuff but the prices kind of made my eyes bulge, haha! I've been meaning to message my SIL and try to figure out what types of clothes I should buy. I won't be needing my entire collection of tank tops, that's for sure...


no, bring the tank tops. layering is good!!!


obviously, a lot of stuff on boden is going to be good for england. yes, the prices are high but the quality is good and i find their stuff lasts me quite a while. check out some things when you get there. maybe there is a boden outlet store. they have clearance sales too.

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no, bring the tank tops. layering is good!!!


obviously, a lot of stuff on boden is going to be good for england. yes, the prices are high but the quality is good and i find their stuff lasts me quite a while. check out some things when you get there. maybe there is a boden outlet store. they have clearance sales too.


I'll def. keep them in mind. I really need a good coat (good enough for English weather, ha!).

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Oh my! Have you actually started yet or have you been stressed? could that be why you are so late?


Nope - still havent. I'm usually very regular but every now and then I can be very late so I assume this is one of those times. I don't think I'm more stressed than usual lol.


I like the third one best I think - I love the colours and they look trendy but really comfy..

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OG, as a short girl, you should really learn to wear heels. They add height and make you appear much slimmer. It's a win/win! Of course you wouldn't wear them to work, but when you are off of work, why not? When I was younger, I actually had my mother enroll me in a class that taught us how to do our own eyebrows, makeup, how to keep our nails nice and attractive, and how to walk in heels. Guys love girls in heels!

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OG, as a short girl, you should really learn to wear heels. They add height and make you appear much slimmer. It's a win/win! Of course you wouldn't wear them to work, but when you are off of work, why not? When I was younger, I actually had my mother enroll me in a class that taught us how to do our own eyebrows, makeup, how to keep our nails nice and attractive, and how to walk in heels. Guys love girls in heels!


I just don't like them. I love the look of heels and can admire a beautiful pair but as far as walking in them, I'm just not a heel girl. I'll always be a flip flop girl. I didn't even wear heels at our wedding because a) I knew I'd be uncomfortable in them and b) when I wear heels it puts me closer to L's height and I much prefer to stay beneath his chin. L likes the looks of heels occasionally for the bedroom but outside he likes his woman very practical.

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I love some of their stuff but the prices kind of made my eyes bulge, haha! I've been meaning to message my SIL and try to figure out what types of clothes I should buy. I won't be needing my entire collection of tank tops, that's for sure...

lol! I think you may be surprised at the weather not being as bad as you expect! And you will be living a lot further south than me so you will be warmer, most of my day clothes are t's and light tops/vests!


Boden is quality stuff (not 'rock' enough for me though ) and their childrens clothes are awesome, but very pricey! You're a young girl OG, check out a UK shop called New Look, they have some bang up to date fashion but also sell a lot of basics and great t-shirts and coats from UK sizes 6 - 24 (maybe more than that, I know a friend of mine is a 22 and looks great with her clothes from there). Every high street has one and they're online too.

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Did you do the whole debutante thing, jig?


LOL! No, It's just that when I was going to middle school, these classes were offered as a part of P.E. I can actually balance 5 books on my head and walk, my nails are always immaculate (we'd get points taken off of our grade if they weren't and it's a pattern I've followed). I can run in heels (though like OG, I prefer flip-flops but I can't were casual shoes at work). I never slouch, and when I sit in a chair I sit straight up and never touch the back of it with my back. I never burp in public or cross my legs at the knee. I look like the perfect lady, but looks can be deceiving (insert wicked laugh here).

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Short day at work today, left at 7 since I have to be in at 7 am tomorrow morning. Looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow after work!


I stopped by the store after work and picked up some groceries. Right now i've got some broccoli cooking on the stove and a 'salad' of sorts with red potatoes and carrots in the oven. Soooo looking forward to that lunch tomorrow!! I also picked up a banana and apple to try - no on both. the banana actually almost made me throw up it tasted so bad to me. My mom told me to try a LITTLE salt on the apple and it made it eatable but just still had no taste to it.


Tomorrow (the 23rd) is our 2 year couple anniversary. Feels like it's been so much LONGER than 2 years!

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