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Don't beat yourself up over it. It takes persistence, not perfection! Just get to the gym tomorrow. And remember that yucky feeling when you eat too much. it doesn't feel good.




Thank you Annie. I go in at 1 tomorrow so I'll go to the gym after work (I go in at 1 on Tues and Thurs so L and I can talk on the way to work since other days he's still at work when I go to work). But before work I'm going to swing by the gym and talk to the instructor about the classes, what I'll need, what to expect and such and do the 20/20/20 Wednesday morning.

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yay! and don't get intimidated by the classes - they are usually for all age and fitness levels. if something is hard, it's ok to take a break, or do a modified/easier version. I take some all-level yoga classes. Where some people are making themselves into pretzels and I'm sweating just lying there, lol. actually, i feel like i spent half the class in child's pose instead of doing some of the poses!


if it's an aerobics class, it's ok to walk in place, or go out and grab a drink of water if you feel you need a break, and then just jump back in when you are ready.

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Yeah... I don't blame you and I feel you completely. L and I do not want large amounts of debt


I'm sure there are many "secrets" to a happy marriage/relationship but surely the biggest is putting the least amount of financial strain/stress on yourselves as you possibly can...


That's the thing about starting a diet tomorrow (I do this so often) - you feel like you really have to indulge today .. lol. You just need that first day of the diet plan to stay on track and then the motivation gets stronger and stronger..

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I'm def. nervous. I hate even working out on the treadmill in front of other people at the gym so the class kind of scares me. A lot. Because of my work schedule and the fact I live 30 minutes from work I'm super limited on what classes I can do. It either has to be before work (like the 9 AM classes) or the once a week one that's at like 8:30 (I usually get off at 8) because all the other classes are at like 4 or 5 PM when I'm at work. I could easily do the 20/20/20 class on Mondays and Wednsedays and Body Scultping on Tues mornings and even Kettle Bell 101 Wednesday nights.


I still have my pilates mat from a years back, I could start talking my mom into using the living room tv for an hour every so often and doing pilates at home.

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I'm sure there are many "secrets" to a happy marriage/relationship but surely the biggest is putting the least amount of financial strain/stress on yourselves as you possibly can...


That's the thing about starting a diet tomorrow (I do this so often) - you feel like you really have to indulge today .. lol. You just need that first day of the diet plan to stay on track and then the motivation gets stronger and stronger..


I 100% agree with the financial strain/stress SO much.


lol, I know! It's like eat as much crap today as you can before tomorrow!

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I have a James Bond laptop, lol


Apparently there is a button on my CD driver that if you even BARELY touch it the CD player comes whipping out. I was just picking up my laptop to open it and I guess I hit the button against the bed and the CD driver shot out like something that would shoot out of Bond's suit sleeve. Scared the crap out of me.

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I hate battling insomnia. I've been battling it since i was a child - I can clearly remember being up til 5 am at 8 years old working on my book - and it's just always been a fixture in my life. My body naturally is awake more at night than it is during the day. I've tried all the sleep stuff and they help for a while but eventually the pattern gets knocked out for whatever reason. It sucks. And I'm not 18 any more - I can't survive on 4-5 hours of sleep like I use to. I remember being able to run a whole day on a 2 hour cat nap.. if I did that now, I'd be useless.

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awesome! I wish mine would do that. Hey Moe, think fast! Whhhhpt! Cd comes flying out at him hahaha.


I’m sorry you’re still having such trouble with insomnia. I got maybe 6 hours of sleep but woke up wide awake today. WTH? I WANTED to sleep in, thank you very much! Can definitely relate to the needing proper sleep thing. On my random 6 am shifts, I feel great all day at work but as soon as I get home I am sooo loopy and grouchy.

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I used to have insomnia and found that changing my environment helped me. First off, if you have an electronics really close to you, you should move them away. I think electrical fields like that can be bad for you (ie, computer right by your bed).


Next, get rid of the electronics. Don't sit in bed and watch TV. Move TV sets out of the bedroom. Put away your cell phone in a drawer. Your bedroom should be a quiet, relaxing place. you can consider redecorating - getting rid of clutter, making it more peaceful, like a spa-like retreat.


Try lavender sheet mist or lavender body lotion at bed. That could help you. I take showers at night, i find that helps me relax too.


These things have helped me get asleep and stay asleep.

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I'm about to join a gym again and that's my biggest fear..working out in front of people. It doesn't help that guys think it's a good place to hit on girls..I just wanna be left alooooooneeeee! And I don't really have any friends to work out with so the classes are just terrifying to me.

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I agree with the electronics but in this house it's not really doable. If I put my computer out of the bedroom it'll have to be in the living room and I'll just get complained at that my crap is in the living room.


I don't have a tv in my room (I watch TV on my laptop) so I don't have that any more, lol My cell phone is my alarm clock but I do put it on silent nowadays so all I'll hear in the morning is my alarm clock.


I have this lotion I've been using for a few years now, eucalyptus spearmint - smells so good and just instantly relaxes me.

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eucalyptus and spearamint are kind of "energizers" though. So that's good in the morning, but for night time, I would really try lavender.


Well, put away your laptop at night. Have the computer on the opposite side of the room as you. If it's currently 5 inches from your head, that is not a good thing.


Also, what time do you exercise? if you exercise too late at night, that doesn't help either. But I found that doing yoga at night can calm and relax me.

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eucalyptus and spearamint are kind of "energizers" though. So that's good in the morning, but for night time, I would really try lavender.


Well, put away your laptop at night. Have the computer on the opposite side of the room as you. If it's currently 5 inches from your head, that is not a good thing.


Also, what time do you exercise? if you exercise too late at night, that doesn't help either. But I found that doing yoga at night can calm and relax me.


OG- my husband and I have recently became tea drinkers in the evening. We drink tea that has chamomile in the evening and we're both out like lightbulbs within an hour and 1/2. Also reading books puts me out pretty quickly.


I'll have to try tea - although I'm not a fan of hot tea. Reading books wake me up, lol. I get so into it and I'll go 'oh I'll go to bed after I finish this chapter' and then it's like 3 chapters later....


It tends to have the opposite effect for some reason for me. I used it last night and even rubbed some on my face and I started yawning within 10 minutes when I was wide awake when i put it on.


It's not really feasiable to put it on the other side of the room - I live in a virtual small box, no lie. The other side of the room is the door, lol


Most of the time I exercise at night after work since I'm not a morning person (so about 8 or 9 at night). One of the reasons I want to try to do these morning classes a few times a week.

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I stopped by the gym on my way to work and talked to the instructor who does the classes. She was super friendly and explai ed how the 20/20/20 class worked and that even as a beginner I could do it. It's mostly elderly people in the morning she said so I shouldnt feel self conscious.


I feel like I'm about to start my period - ugh! According to my period app I should have started yesterday.

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Exercise at night is a great way to stay awake. Exercise gets the blood pumping and makes you alert. Here in L.A. I see everyone working out after work. Never a good idea. I am the worst morning person in the world, but if I go to a gym, I think it's a waste of money to be honest, it's always been in the morning.

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