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Yep. There is artificial insemination were a guy will masturbate into a sterile cup (found at your local drug store) and hand the same off to the woman (at Starbucks, on his porch) and then she implants his sperm via a cup looking thing or a syringe. One person who was interviewed they met at the hotel (with her husband) And the guy gave the sample in the bathroom and then the woman's husband implanted it via a syringe. Then you have natural insemination

Were a sperm donor will sleep with the woman physically. One guy who was interviewed who did that was also MARRIED with kids with his wife and she had no idea he was doing the thing on the side.

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I didn't know it was on! Gonna have to hot Huli tonight! Is she? Aww I hoped her and Brad would make it.


Bachelorette hasn't started yet - Bachelor (with Ben Flajnik) is currently mid-season - but I don't think the next episode is airing for another 12ish hours..


Yeah - unfortunately didn't work with Brad ..

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Today felt more like Friday the 13th at work rather than Monday the 13th! Between the main water piper bursting and someone washing a feather pillow (which btw, those things EXPLODE when dried!), to people not doing their jobs, it's been an eventful day. It was a 10 hour day for me to - blah! Don't go in til one tomorrow though so L and I can chat on my way to work for the first time in forrreevveerr.


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I actually have mixed emotions about it really. To begin with, I've never been a huge V-day girl. I look at V-day as that day of the year for you to take a pause and show the person you love that you love them... but you also have to do that the rest of the year, lol. I just view V-Day as that day when life gets hectic it reminds you to stop and apprectitate your loved one. So I'm not big on gifts for V-day, at least, not the in the traditional man buys woman a piece of jewlery or something. All I want for V-day is a card and maybe some flowers (and it can even be a cheap bouquet, lol). I'd just rather give practical gifts than fret. So on that Valentine's is also a special day (for me, at least) because it's the day I realized I was falling in love with L. However, with that sad, the last 2 Valentine's Day we have been together have been bad on luck with us. Our first (the one were I realized I was falling for him) I was sick as a dog, running a fever of 102, L had a sympathy headache... it was just not a good idea. No idea why that day I chose to realize (and admit to myself) that I was falling for him but I did.


Then lets flash forward to last Valentine's Day were that wreck caused L to miss his flight... yeah. Valentine's day is just not our day, lol! I told L we are to NOT tip the karma scales into the negative tomorrow! It's our curse day apparently. But has it REALLY been a year since L missed his flight? God. Feels like so much shorter (and yet longer in other ways). In a way I'm glad it's here - because as of tomorrow it's the same length of time as last year that we had between the failed trip and us seeing each other in October - so we're in the final stretch.

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Does seem crazy that it's been a year since then though. It could've been your first anniversary in a couple days too but you were meant to be a fall bride!


I was. I was actually thinking about that at work today myself. Seems almost surreal, you know? With a year's worth of hind sight I'm glad we went through it though - it was our first major test as a couple that wasn't the distance itself and we came through it pretty well I'd like to think.


Speaking of anniversaries, someone's first is coming up in a few months!

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Awww! Our 2 year will be the 23rd of this month.


So Jasper's flea stuff arrived today. PetMeds apparently sends a little packet of cat nip in with your purchase (thoughtful) but Jasper is going ape crap over this. And I can't find his little mouse that I put cat nip IN and he's just going crazy. Gah.

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2 more days at work, 2 more days....


I haven't recieved L's Valentine's gifts yet (we both posted our packages fairly late) but I already know what I'm getting and I can't WAIT to get them!


image removed


I've already seen both but I love both, hahaha


Tyler is in a new stage and it's driving my mom and I batty. Truly. Apparently now whoever is stood up he'll go to (could be ANYONE) and if you pick him up and then put him down, he'll scream his head off. And I mean SCREAM until he's made himself hoarse and sick. He's never done this before and I have no idea why it started. He's always been an extroverted child (you can't step over a baby gate and he still be looking at you without him bursting into tears) but this is just on a whole new level. This morning my mom had to carry my brother to school, she brought him into my room for me to watch him while she ran out and from the second she sat him down to 20 minutes later when she go tback he never ONCE stopped crying. The only time he stopped was when I picked him up and put his head on my shoulder. And when I left for work today... broke my heart. We've always had to do a ritual were we tell him 'to go to the window' because he gets so upset when you leave without him. So I'll walk to the front window and he'll stand at the window and wave at me and such. No deal today. He sat in front of the window and just screamed until my sister pulled the curtain back.


Parents who read my journal... help? Is this a stage or signs of something else?

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