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I just had one of those 'ah-ha' moments that makes you just feel so centered life.


I was cleaning the bathroom before going and picking my brother up for my mom and Tyler happened to see me at the other end of the hallway and of course stretched his little arms out while opening and closing his hands - who coudn't resist that? So mom took the baby gate down so he could walk back there with me while I cleaned. I asked mom to bring me the broom and she handed it to Tyler on one end of the hallway and he bought it to me on the other end - so adorable. Then after I got finished sweeping he picked up the broom - which is huge compared to him - and started trying to sweep himself. So damn cute.


But the 'ah-ha' moment was when I was cleaning the sink. Tyler was just running around, picking through the trash I had just swept up, messing with the broom. It was literally:


Wipe the counter

"Stop that Tyler."

Wipe the counter

"Tyler, put that down."

Wipe the counter

"Tyler, don't put that in your mouth"

Wipe the counter

"Tyler, don't play in the toilet"


And do you know in that moment I felt happy? Running around trying to clean with a 19 month old running around getting into everything I felt at home. I'm messed up, lol

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I was talking to my brother on the way home from picking him up, he wants a tattoo. Our mom has always had the rule we had to be 18 to get one (my brother and followed that, my sister got one before she was 18) but now mom is apparently saying '18 and moved out' which is clearly not what she said years ago. He's paying for it with his own money so I'm backing him and trying to point out he HAS waited until he was 18 to get one unlike our sister. I told him if he wanted I would even drive him to the parlour.

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Wonder what's the deal with your Mother adding in a new rule to getting a tattoo when it comes to your Brother :S


Does your Mother know what the tattoo is going to look like?


I think it comes from the fact he's her baby, he's about to graduate and leave home and then a few months later I'm leaving... and she's never been fond of tattoos (although she herself has one).


She does, he showed her today. He wants this almost Celtic cross looking thing - I think it looks great myself.

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Long day, been up since about 10 after having only gone to bed at 4 am. Web cammed with L today, was very nice. Helped mom with Tyler since she's sick while trying to stay away from her so I don't get sick. I don't have a day off until next Thus - Lord - but hten I have a 3 day weekend!


Had a shower and am settling down for bed now since I have to be up at 5 AM to work first tomorrow. Going to be weird working the next 3 days on first but it's a nice change of pace. Completely have fallen off my better eating thing, going to hop right back on that horse tomorrow. I'm preparing myself for the scale to show me gaining some of my lost weight back on Monday but I'm willing to pay the crime since I did the crime.


So tired, sleeping pill kicking in...

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The Hobbit was all the rage when I was in high school. For that very reason I have never read the books or seen any of the LOTR movies. All of the mean girls were into it and I still refuse to get into it. Even so, I don't like tats, but if I was to get one it would be like yours. I work in education and they are pretty much frowned on, so I would have to have it in a place it wouldn't show.

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The Hobbit was all the rage when I was in high school. For that very reason I have never read the books or seen any of the LOTR movies. All of the mean girls were into it and I still refuse to get into it. Even so, I don't like tats, but if I was to get one it would be like yours. I work in education and they are pretty much frowned on, so I would have to have it in a place it wouldn't show.


I love the books, I was read them as bed time stories as a child and I def plan on continuing that wih or kids. Thankfully my current work place doesn't care about visible tattoos and Emgland is far more relaxed about tattoos. L works in government and has 4 lower arm tattoos and wears short sleeves shirts.

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I agree, og. She sounds like a brat and what she said was SO rude. I think it's absolutely hilarious. I wish more parents would put a boot up their kid's butts..kids these days act so entitled and act like they shouldn't do chores or anything.


I agree. I was reading the post and I was like 'Good God, if I had said that about my mother she would have made sure I never forgot it.' I mean, we ALL complained about our parents at one time or another but I guess with the generation change it's no longer done in notes exchanged in class or face to face with friends - it's done on facebook.

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We all used to complain about our parents when we were 15. The only difference was that there was no Facebook, so we just complained to our friends in private. I think what he did was over-the-top. it was a very violent action. He could've given away the laptop to a needy family or charity. Yes she's a bratty 15-year-old, but his actions aren't that of a mature man himself. He seems to have some serious anger issues and seems very violent. I think he needs anger management. That family is not a happy family.

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He didn't display large signs of anger. He just retaliated. The gun maybe was unnecessary but a sledgehammer would've produced the same reactions.


Giving a laptop to needy is a security issue though. It's too risky to do.

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