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Headache has eased off - thank you Universe. Now I just have that 'blah' feeling you have after having a major one. You don't want to do to much in case it comes back, lol. I finalized plans with my pseudo family to go visit them next weekend. I have next Fri, Sat, and sun off so I'm going to spend the long weekend with them since i won't see them next month (my off weekend falls on my niece's birthday weekend so I'll be spending time with her and my bestie). I'm def going to schedule more webcam time with L even though I'm down with the pseduo family - I may be trying to spend as much time with them before i move 4,000 miles away but I also have a marriage to maintain. Taking an hour or 2 early in the morning to chat with my husband won't hurt anyone.


I was suppose to work first tomorrow morning and then be off Fri but a co worker had a family thing come up so we switched days, I'm now off tomorrow and work first Fri. I actually work first this whole weekend. Lord. And I now don't have a day off for a week - oh well, it was for a good cause.

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Have you seen a neurologist about those headaches, OG - or is that a possible option for you? There may be special medication that you should/could be on?


CIRCE!!!! I've missed you!


Mk, now that I got that out of the way - ha!


It isn't possible now (with no medical insurance) but I went when I was younger. There are a few factors that contribute to my headaches - I had a stigmatism in both eyes (why I wear glasses now), the first bone in my neck is out and would take 6 months of going to chiropractor to fix (not cheap), and they are hereditary. My mom has them, her mom, my aunt, my dad, my cousin... When I move to the UK (granted it will take a few months) but we plan on getting them seen to or to see if there is any kind of medication I could be on to help with them.

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CIRCE!!!! I've missed you!


Mk, now that I got that out of the way - ha!


It isn't possible now (with no medical insurance) but I went when I was younger. There are a few factors that contribute to my headaches - I had a stigmatism in both eyes (why I wear glasses now), the first bone in my neck is out and would take 6 months of going to chiropractor to fix (not cheap), and they are hereditary. My mom has them, her mom, my aunt, my dad, my cousin... When I move to the UK (granted it will take a few months) but we plan on getting them seen to or to see if there is any kind of medication I could be on to help with them.


Well, I would say that I have missed you too but the truth is I actually get a fairly regular OG fix from your blog and from reading on here - I've just pulled out of posting because I get so addicted to it - it takes up all my time!! lol


Now - it's way too late to say this but CONGRATULATIONS!! Mrs L.


Ok, given the possible range of reasons for constant, bad migranes I'm glad to hear what the reasons for your headaches are.. Man I'm so frustrated for those of you who don't have public health care

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Well, I would say that I have missed you too but the truth is I actually get a fairly regular OG fix from your blog and from reading on here - I've just pulled out of posting because I get so addicted to it - it takes up all my time!! lol


Now - it's way too late to say this but CONGRATULATIONS!! Mrs L.


Ok, given the possible range of reasons for constant, bad migranes I'm glad to hear what the reasons for your headaches are.. Man I'm so frustrated for those of you who don't have public health care


lol! I was beginning to wonder if anyone read our blog tbh. How have you been??? It's been ages! I miss reading your journal!


Thank you! Never too late to be congratulated! Did you receive the pictures I sent you of the wedding?


I'm frustrated too - but we'll have it looked at as soon as we can. I'm sure I'll have to have the bone fixed and the headaches aren't as bad as they were since I got my glasses over a year ago. I think to some degree i will always have them because they are heraditary. Mine are all at the back of my neck though, right were the hairline is. Usually a good 30 min neck rub takes care of them but you have to have someone willing to rub - and the hubby is 4,000 miles away.

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Wow - and 30 mins just on the neck area is a long time to focus on such a small area. But yeah I remember you saying that if you tie your hair up at all you get the headaches


I did - absolutely stunning - you had a really good photographer!


I've been great. Doing really well at uni - going into my third year now (but not even half of the way through!!). Had a lovely european vacation over December and came back to a mother whose fallen in love with our dog (who stayed with her during our trip - mum has always feared dogs to bits!) .. and now I'm just marking exam papers. We celebrated our three year wedding anniversary a couple of days ago which was just amazing. I can't Believe how quickly the time went!!


And.. now I'm looking forward to a party I've put together on Saturday for my husband's 30th. Wish I could lose a couple of kilos before then though so I could fit into the dress I want to wear (not gonna happen - all that holiday weight). I tried getting "spanx" but it just doesn't work for me..

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Yep, and with my job my hair has to be up at all times. Doesn't help.


Aw, thank you. I don't think I ever got around to uploading videos (except for on facebook).


So you still have 3 more years to go? Wow. I admire your dedication - I was always a horrible student, lol! A European vacation sounds amazing! No idea when our next one will be... 3 years! I know what you mean - sometimes it feels like yesterday we were married and others 5 years ago.


Spanx has never worked for me either. What about a corset or something? I had bought one to wear under my dress and then didn't - wish i had because in some shots I look like a pregnant bride! lol

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I think a corsett may have been a better option - but now I just don't want to spend any more money on trying to get into this dress


Vacation was great but too long and we tried to fit too many destinations into the 4 and a half week period. From now on sticking to two week holidays if and when we take them.


Yup - two more years of undergrad/honours - then two years of masters in order to qualify to do the work I want to do. I don't mind being a student but the not having a full time job aspect continues to get to me!


But - a lot of people have spoken to me about wanting to do what I did (leave one career for another) and I feel good about having gone ahead and done it and being able to say something helpful to these people.


Now is it the end of this year or the end of next year that you'll be moving to the UK?

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haha! I know that feeling. i bought mine offline for $60 I think - sure I could have found it cheaper some place else!


Ah, I know that feeling. We kind of did that on our NY trip. i loved our NY trip and that we got out and did things - by far the most 'adventurous' vacatoion we have had - but we really should have stayed 2 weeks to do the things we did and enjoy them, per say.


I know you must be ready for it to be over with. How's the hubby these days?


This year. Hopefully 3rd of Oct - all depending on how long it takes L to find a house that accepts cats and how long it takes for them to grant my visa. If we can't make the 3rd of Oct deadline our 1 year annivesary is another deadline. If we HAVE to go past it we will but ideally we want me moved over there the beginning of Oct.

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Hi circe!!


OG, you did not ever look like a pregnant bride. shush.


have you tried having your hair thinned out so it’s lighter?


I did! lol There's this one shot (okay, one out of the hundreds of pictures) during the ceremony were L and I are holding hands - I got a tummy on me. Like a pregnant tummy, lol


I did when I was younger but it didn't really help. I'm over due for a hair cut - haven't had one since before the wedding - and the longer my hair gets the more I tend to have. SODs law, I love my hair long but when I have it ubber long I get headaches more often.

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Hi Redrose!


October this year? wow - see time really does fly by (although it probably feels like forever to you.. but it will be gone in no time..)


Hubby is great... Seems to be a lot happier with his job .. and yeah - he's happy. What more can you ask for?

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Yep, this year, everything willing. It does and it doesn't with the distance. In some ways it feels so much longer than 4 months since we were married and in some it feels like a year. Right now we're at the point we were last year when we had that aborted trip and had to wait the additional 8 months to see each other so we're almost half way there.


Can't ask for more than a happy hubby

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My migraines were hereditary, my mom had some, her mother had AWFUL ones! Warning: They get really bad when you are pregnant and you can't take much to stop them. BUT, they get much less severe and come on much less often once you have a child. My doctor explained that while there may be actual physical problems that cause them, it is our body's hormonal reaction to those problems that cause the headaches. I don't understand all of that but I do know that after I had my son I went from having a severe migraine once a week or every two weeks to having one once every six months or so. Then they went down to once a year. I haven't had one now in years. So have a kid, it helps

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I wonder how he gets them, that is odd. My kitties are indoor too.


L was wondering the same. I mean, I know we as humans can sometimes track them in - and now that I think about it when he was sick awhile back with the hair ball stuff I did take him outside so he could eat grass, maybe they got on him then. The vet gave me stuff LAST June when I had him vaccinated and I remember seeing some on him shortly after using it.

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