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i am SO ready for Thurs! One more day, one more day... we are so short staffed at work it isn't funny. We have 1 out on medical leave, 1 just had a surgery and will be out for almost 2 months, we still are short 2 positions.. it's just madness. And I, for SOME reason sat there and told the boss 'if you need x upstairs to cover more days there I can work more days down here, just make sure I have at least one day off during the week'. >.


I get paid tomorrow - woohoo! Barely just going to make it with gas.

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I love OT, but I love my job and it is mentally challenging, but physically very easy. My supervisor always throws any extra hours my way. I get mentally fatigued, but not tired, from my job. My hat's off to you, OG, I could not do what you do and work ANY OT.

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The more time I have with the idea of us not being able to start a family until 2014-2015 at the earliest the more accepting I am of it. Not like I'd have any choice really! But it helps to embrace the path you have to walk rather than fighting it. I'm looking at the positives that can come from it rather than dwelling on the big, super negative of the situation. I have to keep reminding myself that fertility wise I still have YEARS to go vs. how I feel fertility wise. Life never works how we chose for it to or how we even want it to - and that's a beauty that I'm slowly starting to apprectiate.

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Hopefully. Lately I’ve really been thinking that it’s nearer in the future than I thought.


What I was talking about though was our wedding. At first I was so sad that it’d have to be later, and you know how upset I was when our savings had to be spent, but maybe it’s just that I’m super busy right now and don’t have the time to even think about it properly. At some point, it stopped mattering so much. We have an amazing relationship and we have our whole lives ahead of us. We’re going to get married and it’s going to be a day worth waiting for. Babies of course, are also so worth waiting for.

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It is. I mean, when you put it in actual numbers for us it's only 2 years at min until we start trying, 2 years isn't long at all! Shoot, this month we've been together as a couple for 2 years. I guess it's just when you want something, when you FEEL like it's something you were meant to have/be, 2 years can feel like 10.


I know. And I think it's okay to have days were it's not okay, you know? We all have bad days. I'm accepting of the situation now but I can bet you in 5 months, a year there is going to be something (a baby, someone says something) and I'm going to go into that funk of thinking of all the negatives. And I think with a long engagment you will too every now and then but that's why we have Alex and L - they are our grounding points, the reminders that great things don't just come in 5 seconds, that sometimes a great thing takes a while to get to you. And because it does you cherish it all the more.

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I waited approximately 17 years to start trying to conceive - I was engaged at 23 and supposed to be married at 23 (we would have started trying fairly soon after) but realized he was the wrong person for me and ended the engagement. Over the years I knew more and more that trying to conceive before being in a stable relationship (preferably married but at least planning to marry ASAP) wasn't going to be right for me. It was so hard to wait especially in my 30s- luckily my gnyecologist was very sympathetic, supportive and tried to show me a balanced view of where my fertility was. Others weren't as kind but whatever. I know it's not the same as being married and needing to wait for one reason or another but I can relate to waiting and again waiting through a declining fertility window is not fun at all. I guess the silver lining is I had my baby in the right circumstances and if it's possible it makes me appreciate being a mom and having my little boy even more if that's possible.


Most couples I know who marry in their 20s wait at least a few years before starting a family so it sounds like all is as it should be and will work out great for you.

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Thank you Batya. I guess the biggest hang up I have is I always saw myself as a young mom - I'm two years older than my own mom when she had me - and it's just shifting focus and realising I wont be a young 20 something mom. And while that disrupted my life plan for me the Universe obviously has other plans for us - and 26-27 isn't too late to really start. But it does mean we probably won't have the big family we envisioned (we'd rather not have any kids after L is 40 which will make me 36) but again, maybe that's just the way it's suppose to be. I just have to trust it will happen when it does (if we are able to).

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You never know. Don't give up on the idea. Many people have kids back to back. Look at Tink. There is not even 2 years between my husband and his sister or my mom and her brother. It is just where your priorities will lay. Somewhere we have to give up something for our dreams or give up a part of our dream for something else.

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