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We danced to "can't get enough of your love" by Barry white (first time ever dancing together anyway--we were terrible bc it's a faster-paced song). But "our" song is "I wanna be 500 miles" by the proclaimers bc it's funny.


Can't wait to hear the news that OG bought her ticket!!!

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I went to the gym after work - felt SO good to make that choice and stick with it. I did the treadmill for 30 mins and was pretty sweaty afterward. I can tell just from the last few days of watching how much and how often I eat and cutting down to 1 can soda a day the difference. I know it's probably water weight or something but the 'feeling' is def. keeping me going. As a bored eater it's hard to just eat and then go 'okay, nothing else!' Like right now. I ate when I got home and I'm sat here thinking 'I need more' but I'm not hungry, at all. I eyed a can of Spaghetti O's on the kitchen table and instead of giving in promised myself I would have them for lunch at work tomorrow.

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I feel like a bull in a china shop when I'm trying to give advise to others who have been molested, I really do. I don't know why. I don't know if it's the way I healed or the way I dealt with it but it makes me very nervous to help others in that situation because there is a certain finese you have to have and since I healed in a blunt way I don't really have that 'finese'. but I know this so I literally feel like this huge bull tip toeing around a china shop trying not to break something (or make something worse) but at the same time desperatly wanting them to see the light. It's a struggle.

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I just almost knocked myself out.


I was picking up linen and we pick it up from these bins where you lift the lid and have to reach down and get it. Well apparently I didn't push the lid far enough back because as I was reaching into the bin the lid came down and caught me right above my nose - hard.


image removed


I was on the main hall of the hospital so I couldn't cuss but it knocked me a for a loop for a few minutes. I was stood there holding my head when one of the CNAs walked in, assessed the situation, and dead pan said "are you trying to be the next Harry Potter?"


I have a headache now and it's throbbing.

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Has a roaring headache from getting attacked... ugh!!!!


Work was hard. Went fast but hard (that's what she said, ha!). L and I had one of those really nice chats over facetime on my lunch break. We were just joking around with each other and taking the pee (pretty sure the other P word isn't allowed on ENA) out of each other. I love that we can do that and know the other is joking. I am a complete football widow though, lol. he was like, "I want you to sleep in tomorrow, don't get up before 11." I said, "No, I'll get up at 10." to which my husband said, "You can't, Man United are playing at 10." Lord. I haven't even survived a true World Cup with him yet either. I mean we were together the last one but with the distance and time difference it wasn't that bad, I imagine being IN the house with him is going to bring it to a whole other level.


I'm going to get my taxes done tomorrow morning (joy). I'm lending my mom $300 to get my brother's senior supplies and the rest is going toward my plane ticket. L and I are going to sit down over the weekend and make sure we are still on track with savings and such for the big move. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow as well and see if I can make Jasper a appointment for my next day off (which is Thurs I believe) to get him microchipped and get that out of the way. I also need them to weigh him to see where he is weight wise.

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