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I found this on Pinterest a few days ago, def. going to do for a visual help:


image removed


Each marble stands for 1 lbs. For every pound you lose you put it in the 'lost pounds' jar. If you gain you have to put it back and you have one fat gem at the bottom that designates when you've reached your goal weight.

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OG- I'm really wanting to lose as well. If you like we can PM or do it in journal weekly what we lost to help with accountability. Not sure if you're interested but if so just let me know. I usually weigh in every Saturday and if I have someone that I have to check in with I will lose more (the WW approach)

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L and I were discussing old jobs we use to have and the subject got brought around to our exes. He asked me how long my ex and I had dated before we moved in together and I was trying to think back to when we actually started dating.... apparently mine and my ex's anniversary date was the same as L and his ex fiance's anniversary date (although obviously years apart because L is older than me). I found this hilarious for some reason, lol


I also discovered an old online journal I use to keep as a teenager... OMG. It's like reading another person's words! I'm reading this and going 'you poor thing'...

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I wonder if in 10 years I'll look back on this journal with the same out look. I'm re reading these old posts from when I was a teenager and it's filled with 'oh my geez' and 'I can't live without him'... typical teenage stuff, the stuff that makes ME roll my eyes at teengers nowadays.


You will be laughing your butt off in 10 years I guarantee it! I look back at old diaries and laugh myself silly.

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So ready for my weekend off, it feels like it should have been a Friday today but it's only Wednesday, blah! I came home and tried to do pilates but my mom kept wanting to talk to me while I was doing it and Tyler, well... when I started to do it he just stood there watching me like he couldn't figure out what I was doing. Then at some point he tried mimicking whatever move I was doing and eventually got tired of that and decided to attack me while I was doing it. *sigh*

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It's not unusual to be loved by anyone

It's not unusual to have fun with anyone

But when I see you hanging about with anyone

It's not unusual to see me cry,

Oh I wanna' die.


It's not unusual to go out at any time

But when I see you out and about it's such a crime

If you should ever want to be loved by anyone,

It's not unusual


It happens every day

No matter what you say


You find it happens all the time

Love will never do what you want it to

Why can't this crazy love be mine.


It's not unusual, to be mad with anyone

It's not unusual, to be sad with anyone

But if I ever find that you've changed at anytime

It's not unusual to find out that I'm in love with you



This song always brings a smile to my face. When we were on our honeymoon we went and saw The Three Musketeer's (horrible movie). Before hand we were walking around Broadway at the Beach and they play music throughout the area over loud speakers and such. This song came on and it's apparently one L likes - or knows well - and he started dancing with me in the middle of Broadway while singing it to me. He even twirled me at one point and I've never been twirled before.

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awww love it. So sweet.


My fave oldie is “Happy Together” Long ago I told Alex it would be our first dance song and ever since, he learned it and hums it all the time.


Plane ticket!!! The end/beginning is in sight. Maybe that’s why 2012 feels like a time-warp, the universe wants to bring you two together, faster.

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awww love it. So sweet.


My fave oldie is “Happy Together” Long ago I told Alex it would be our first dance song and ever since, he learned it and hums it all the time.


Plane ticket!!! The end/beginning is in sight. Maybe that’s why 2012 feels like a time-warp, the universe wants to bring you two together, faster.


That is my husband's fav song for us too.

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awww love it. So sweet.


My fave oldie is “Happy Together” Long ago I told Alex it would be our first dance song and ever since, he learned it and hums it all the time.


Plane ticket!!! The end/beginning is in sight. Maybe that’s why 2012 feels like a time-warp, the universe wants to bring you two together, faster.


That's a good way to describe 2012, lol! Jan is almost gone, so we are almost at the 8 month mark (if I fly in on the 4, that's completely dependent on how long it takes L to find a house that accepts pets and for them to process our visa).

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