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What are they charging you for the laughing gas? For my operation it was $200. It was actually the worst experience I have ever had dental wise and I would NEVER do it again. EVER. For me I would take the freezing. I am getting two filings replaced this afternoon should be a breeze though.

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I had two root canals one when I was 8 ( from being hit in the mouth with a swing which caused this year's subsequent surgery for chronic bone infection and then removal of the tooth) and then another root canal about ummm,, maybe 18 years ago.( that tooth was also subsequently removed because of bone infection as well) but they never offered gas as an option. I guess they did not do that with kids in the 70's and even 18 years ago I think they just expected people to suck it up. I don't know, personally I did not find a root canal that bad. However this last surgery was horrendous and I think it is cause I felt I had no control whatsoever and for me there is nothing worse in the world. It freaks me out beyond dimension. I would rather suck back a little pain and have control of the situation.


I don't have a phobia about needles either so maybe that helps. You could jab me a million times and I would not care. When I was in the Army and we were practising injections and IV's everyone would use me as their guinea pig because I had no fear of it at all and would just sit there while people practised on me.

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For me it's not that I'm afraid of needles (my brother is so afraid of needles he won't even give blood so he can find out his blood type!) but for me it's the anticipation of the stick, the anticipation of the pain. However after learning yesterday I metabolize numbing meds fast and it takes more than the required amount to numb something on me, I will want to go to the laughing gas route. I'd have to check what my dentist charges and what my insurance would cover on it.


Took my bandage off after the 24 hours like they suggusted. Were it had been bleeding the gauze was kind of stuck to the exposed skin so I soaked it in warm water and gently coaked it off. I'm letting it air right now but in an hour or so I'm going to rewrap it because I don't want Jasper's cat hair to get into it - and he has shed constantly.

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Yeah my insurance is pretty good too. They cover 90% except for cosmetic issues like braces and things like that,replacement teeth also are about 50%. But filings and root canals and surgeries and cleanings are 90%. And my full coverage expense for the year is $1700 I believe so it is not too bad. They do pay for freezing but gas is seen as an extra at least on my plan.

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i have literally slept all day because I had one of THOSE migrains, the kind that is so bad it physically makes you sick. Just came out of NO were this morning. I couldn't end web cam with L for the hour we were going to because every time I opened my eyes or even moved I felt like I was going to puke. It's just awful. My hair is completely drenched with sweat because I not only had mom put Icy Hot on my neck AND my forehead but I had her heating pad as well. But waking up just now is the first time I've woken up all day and not had the urge to throw up.

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I hate people who are in a certain profession and automatically assume everyone can handle it. Yes, I need to see a chiropractor about my migrains (one of the many reasons I have them is the first bone in my neck is out, among others). No, I can't afford that. No I can't afford it anyway because I'm moving to England in eight months, that isn't cheap. God!

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I hate people who are in a certain profession and automatically assume everyone can handle it. Yes, I need to see a chiropractor about my migrains (one of the many reasons I have them is the first bone in my neck is out, among others). No, I can't afford that. No I can't afford it anyway because I'm moving to England in eight months, that isn't cheap. God!
Is chiropractic care available on the NHS - I know it didn't used to be but things do change.
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I don't think it is but I don't think just chiropracticing will help with my migrains since there are other factors that contribute to them.
Well, when you do get on the NHS, talk to your GP and see if anything or combinations of things can be done. It may take a while but maybe they can help alleviate if not completely cure.
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Well, when you do get on the NHS, talk to your GP and see if anything or combinations of things can be done. It may take a while but maybe they can help alleviate if not completely cure.


We actually learned that the day I land the Agency will send papers to the NHS and within a week I'll have a insurance number. We thought it would take awhile but apparently not. But we do know it will take awhile for me to see a specialist if that's were the GP sends me.

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We actually learned that the day I land the Agency will send papers to the NHS and within a week I'll have a insurance number. We thought it would take awhile but apparently not. But we do know it will take awhile for me to see a specialist if that's were the GP sends me.
Yes, well that's standard for things that are not considered urgent. And much depends where you live.


My sister, who lives in the southwest, was recently diagnosed with cancer and within a few days had had surgery and will start chemo and radiotherapy as soon as she heals from the surgery (they couldn't get it all with the surgery). She says the level of care there has been amazing compared with what it would have been when she lived in London.

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Yes, well that's standard for things that are not considered urgent. And much depends where you live.


My sister, who lives in the southwest, was recently diagnosed with cancer and within a few days had had surgery and will start chemo and radiotherapy as soon as she heals from the surgery (they couldn't get it all with the surgery). She says the level of care there has been amazing compared with what it would have been when she lived in London.



Oh wow, yeah, it def. depends on were you live. We'll actually be living in the southwest ourselves.

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