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They do shots in the mouth, yeah. It sucks, not going to sugarcoat it. I’m resistant to numbing meds too, so it’s always a dozen shots. Some of the shots aren’t so bad, but in the roof of the mouth....no. Not okay.


Yikes. :s Can't they just knock me out?? lol. God. If those shots are ANYTHING like the ones today sweet geez....

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I dunno. Dentists are always reluctant to do that


I’m sorry, I should have sugarcoated it seeing as you just went through toe hell today. It’s not fun, but then you’re numb, they do their thing, and you get to go home and enjoy numb face for awhile. LOL one time after I was numbed, Alex and I went for pho after... big mistake. I was a drooling, dripping mess with broth all down my shirt. He was mortified LOLOL

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I dunno. Dentists are always reluctant to do that


I’m sorry, I should have sugarcoated it seeing as you just went through toe hell today. It’s not fun, but then you’re numb, they do their thing, and you get to go home and enjoy numb face for awhile. LOL one time after I was numbed, Alex and I went for pho after... big mistake. I was a drooling, dripping mess with broth all down my shirt. He was mortified LOLOL


I have done the SAME thing!! I left the dentist after having some fillings a few years ago..and was STARVING so I stopped by subway for a sandwich not even thinking about my mouth being numb..all of the sudden after ravenously starting to eat in the car..I see blood all over my hands and sandwich..I had been chewing my lips and tongue while chewing my food. -.-

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I dunno. Dentists are always reluctant to do that


I’m sorry, I should have sugarcoated it seeing as you just went through toe hell today. It’s not fun, but then you’re numb, they do their thing, and you get to go home and enjoy numb face for awhile. LOL one time after I was numbed, Alex and I went for pho after... big mistake. I was a drooling, dripping mess with broth all down my shirt. He was mortified LOLOL


Haha! I remember going into work right after having a filling and having my mouth numbed. They used too much and I couldn't move one side of my mouth so when someone commented on my droopy face and laughed I couldn't help but laugh with them. Only it was a weird lopsided laugh with one side of my mouth turned down like I'd had a stroke! Hehe! My colleague was killing herself laughing.

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I just woke up from about a 2 1/2 hour nap. I thought I would never fall asleep! I was kind of tired so I propped my foot up on some pillows to get it over my heart to see if that would help with the pounding and it just took me forever to nod off. When I finally did I kept waking up and feeling groggy and hazy. I remmeber waking up one time just as mom was putting my foot back up to be elevated (becuase I sleep like a freaking fish out of water) but then I quickly dropped off again. And then I had a dream I was wrestling with this giant sea turtle... yikes.

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Now that is an awesome dream! Napping will help your body fight off infection, so sleep away


I had a dream the other night that Alex and I were putting a vegetable garden together. His response “you have really lame dreams!” ahaha I know, it’s so sad how boring my subconscious is.

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Some of the side effects of the pain meds I'm on is drowsines and such.. nothing. I was wide awake for hours after taking it. Although my dreams were like in this 60's hippie theme, lol. L and I web cammed for a while today, good long conversation we haven't had in like the last week. I miss him. I got out his gifts and showed them to him, even wound his watch up so he could watch the second hand with the airplane go around. Jasper is being super loving (he always knows when mommy doesn't feel well) and has stayed away from my feet - usually that's his favorite place to sleep. He actually curled up next to my body to sleep while I was napping earlier. Although he did cause the door to hit my bad toe as I was trying to feed him...

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Are you taking percocets? I would sleep for HOURS on those things. They were awesome.


I love when kitties know you’re upset or hurting. Moe is a pretty independent boy, but when Alex and I had that big fight, he came into the bedroom and snuggled up with me.

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I'm taking a generic of Vicodin, Hydrocodone. Loratabs knock me out like that *snaps fingers*


They really do know us and can sense things. It's silly but I even hate arguing in front of Jasper, lol. In boredome I'm thinking of starting a blog from Jasper's view - I have no life, I know, lol.

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My mom is being super awesome today. Not only did she come in while I was sleeping and propped my foot back up for me but she just made me a cup of coffee.



Any mom that makes her child a cup of coffee, is cool beans! My mom always wants to give me coffee when I get home at 11:00pm. Ummm hello mom, I have to get up in the morning, no thanks to the coffee.

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Any mom that makes her child a cup of coffee, is cool beans! My mom always wants to give me coffee when I get home at 11:00pm. Ummm hello mom, I have to get up in the morning, no thanks to the coffee.


haha, my mom and I drink SO much coffee. But you know it never effects my sleeping? I can drink it at 3 am and fall asleep 30 minutes after drinking it.

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When you go to the dentist, or really a few days before, ask if they can knock you out with nitrous oxide. Laughing gas is its other name. You feel happy and relaxed, go to sleep, and wake up with your dental work done and your in a great mood. No numb mouth. You get great pain meds and you are out for the entire procedure. I know friends who get this when they have dental work done. No shots, no drool, no pain.

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maybe some people can have bad reactions but you can't have an allergy in the true sense of the word. (NO is simply too small to illicit an immune response.) I used it. it was like a really bad 1970s acid trip. really strange. but, it helped with the pain, for sure.

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no - i was awake. this was at the dentist. i knew what was going on, but couldn't really feel it. and there were like flowers and swirls and stuff, on top of what was going on. i could hear the dentist talking but things didn't really register. he'd have to say things a few times to me, like if he wanted me to turn left or whatever. i was just really out of it!!


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