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An old co worker stopped by tonight about 30 minutes before my shift ended - he gave me a heart attack is what he did! I got out of the truck from my last pick up, walked up the ramp and was stood there about to open the door when I heard a male voice really close to me. I looked up and didn't concentrate on the face and just saw this big guy walking toward me and my first thought was 'F, I have no weapon!' and then it was like my brain caught up to who he was. My heart literally skipped a beat. We caught up though while I finished up my closing stuff. I'm so glad to be off for the next 2 days, even if I will be in some pain, lol. So ready to have this stupid thing out!


I have heart burn all day (found something else that gives it to me!) so I'm just blah. I didn't sleep well and I have to be up at 8:30 for the toe thing so I won't be long or bed tonight.

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Oh gosh, it's toe time already? Hope it goes smoothly for you.


It is. I've had this bloody thing since before Christmas, I'm tired of my toe barely touching anything and me feeling like I'm dying. And T for SOME reason goes right to that bad toe and like to squeeze and stomp on it. It's like he has pain radar!

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Your mom is an angel. My mom always had an open door policy for any of her children, but you had to pay rent. If you were broke and unemployed, she would let you stay for a little while, but then she would drop hints that maybe you could move in with a friend. I admired that, really. She taught me to work hard and to always stand on my own two feet. Right now that is getting hard to do, but I WILL do it!

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Your mom is an angel. My mom always had an open door policy for any of her children, but you had to pay rent. If you were broke and unemployed, she would let you stay for a little while, but then she would drop hints that maybe you could move in with a friend. I admired that, really. She taught me to work hard and to always stand on my own two feet. Right now that is getting hard to do, but I WILL do it!


She def. is. We have our disagreements but that's mostly chalked up to we are SO much alike - both of us are short fused, hate repeating ourselves... I def. inheriated her temper (and apparently it only gets worse with age!) And she's made mistakes before as a mother but she's also done some pretty awesome things for me - such as living rent free and such. Our relationship is a more loving one when we aren't under the same roof. I learned a hard work ethic when I was a kid watching her raise 3 kids and work 2 full time jobs while my dad sat on his bum and didn't even watch us kids - she def. showed me women can be independent.

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That's about the same as I got from my mom - my crazy moments, my temper, my work ethic, and my emotional strength. For whatever wrong she has done I watched her go through hell for 8 years with my dad, not many women could come through that. It changed her in many ways (some good, some bad) but she still came through it. My stubbroness, however ill it makes me to say this, is from my father's side of the family.

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Holy mother of God that hurt!!!!


I had my infected toe nail cut out today. Mom drove me since it was on my right root (which is my driving foot) and we got there and I did all the paper work and such. got weighed (215 lbs.. yikes), I'm 5'5" (have somehow grown an inch!), and my blood pressure was good (despite being medically over weight, ha). The doctor looked at it and said it was by far not the worst she had seen, she had seen some that were way more infected and that me pouring proxide on it nightly probably helped combat the infection into not being so bad. So they numbed my toe by sticking me with lidocaine, 2 times at the base of my toe and one right next to the infected area - can I just say that crap hurt SOOOOO freaking bad. Like on a scale from 1 to 10, it was easily a 15. Getting my tattoo didn't even hurt as badly as that needle going into my toe to numb it! So after we waited a few minutes for it to go into effect the doctor went to start and I was like no, I can feel the scizzors go in under my toenail. No pressure but I can FEEL them. So they gave me another shot of lidocaine (4th one) right next to the area again and we waited. Doctor went to do to procedure and AGAIN I could feel her start! So she ended up giving me my 5th lidocaine shot at the very top of toe.


APPARENTLY my toe is retarded and isn't like most people's toes, the first 3 she gave me is the 'standard' amount to numb a toe. But apparently the tip of my toe had to be difficult and although the rest of my toe was numb (and even the top part of my foot) the tip of it hadn't even been touched by the numbing stuff. That last lidocaine shot hurt like a witch. God. But then she was finally able to cut the blasted ingrown out - and again, I'm a weird patient because she put a rubber band around my toe so it wouldn't bleed while she was doing the procedure... it bled while she was doing the procedure. But it's out and over with thankfully! The doctor said I'm just one of those people who metabolise lidocaine fairly quickly - good to know for future purposes! Mom drove me to Walmart and I had my Vicodine prescription filled (you know your going to be in pain when they prescribe the good stuff to you). Right now it's not hurting (it's a pain that it's uncomfortable but in no way unbearable) but I've been through the process before to know in about 12 hours, it WILL start to hurt.

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My brother and his youngest daughter have that. They finally had to cut out part of the root of the offending to so now, they both have a toenail on one foot that is one-half as wide as it should be. But neither of them has had any toenail problems in years. I know about being resistant to numbing meds. I'm the same way at the dentist. It takes many, many, many (close to ten) shots to numb my mouth in one little area. It takes two or three for most people. Even with that, I am not completely numb. It sucks.

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My brother and his youngest daughter have that. They finally had to cut out part of the root of the offending to so now, they both have a toenail on one foot that is one-half as wide as it should be. But neither of them has had any toenail problems in years. I know about being resistant to numbing meds. I'm the same way at the dentist. It takes many, many, many (close to ten) shots to numb my mouth in one little area. It takes two or three for most people. Even with that, I am not completely numb. It sucks.


That's pretty much what she did with mine today, took half my toe nail away. i had one cut out when I was in high school on my other foot and you could always tell becuase it was smaller than the one I had worked on today. I honestly never knew you could be resistant to numbing meds... I'm glad I found out before I get my root canal done!

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Actually, I had a very good dentist do the one root canal I had done and I felt no pain whatsoever. She was a great dentist that I had through my job's insurance. I would love to go back there to work just for the dental insurance. 100% covered, no copay. Same with the medical.

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Actually, I had a very good dentist do the one root canal I had done and I felt no pain whatsoever. She was a great dentist that I had through my job's insurance. I would love to go back there to work just for the dental insurance. 100% covered, no copay. Same with the medical.


That's pretty awesome. My dental is 1/2 covered on major stuff like root canals and such. How did they numb your mouth for the root canal, shots in the mouth? I have been wondering how they were going to do that.

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