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She may, or she may not. People do change their minds sometime. You should take some pictures of England in June. I have a friend that says there is nothing more lovely than England in June. I would love to visit England, but I don't think I could live there. Too cold and rainy. But the historic places would keep me fascinated for awhile. Would you have room for tourists? (hint,hint).

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She may, or she may not. People do change their minds sometime. You should take some pictures of England in June. I have a friend that says there is nothing more lovely than England in June. I would love to visit England, but I don't think I could live there. Too cold and rainy. But the historic places would keep me fascinated for awhile. But I always tell myself we have plenty of history here, too.


They do but my mom is terrified of flying (even though she's never flew). I would be SHOCKED if she did come over tbh. At this point she's saying the only time she would fly over is if I'm dead - odd, right? I love the cold and rainy weather we get here sometimes.

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I think you are a strong woman, OG. To go for a year without being with your husband after only having about week with him after your wedding. I would have a hard time being long distance and it's not like you can jump in your car and drive to him. You def went after what you wanted and apologize to no one for it. I really admire that.

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I know you've told me before but which part of England are you moving to OG? It's somewhere in the south right? If it is, I wouldn't be concerned about it being too cold and rainy. I mean in areas way down south such as Cornwall, the weather's so mild and warm that palm trees grow there. I know that's not where you're moving but whenever I've gone down south (to visit family) it's quite noticeable how little it rains compared with the north. Also in summer in parts of the south of England, sometimes they have hose pipe bans because it gets so dry. Again, something we never experience in the stupid rainy north


I guess in comparison to the climate you're used to it will be different but not drastically so.


If your mum doesn't fly over, how's she gonna see her grandchildren? You'll have to send her on one of those 'conquer your fear of flying' courses

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Yeah don't worry about the rain. I was just there and it only rained once - from the day I got there to the day I left! lol Just kidding. It really was nice overall with not much rain. It was cold though. I'm sure your mom will travel over. It's not that big a deal once you get flying and I'm sure she'll want to see your new home. Just don't mention how long the flight is! =p

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Huntress - thank you. I def loath every mile between us every second of every day but he's worth it all. I don't know if I could have done this with any other man - or FOR any other man. He's one in a million.


Saffron - we'll be living in the south west of England. The weather down there is really like the weather here - minus humidity! - and L gets about the same amount of rain as we do. Cold wise temp wise we have compared it and we get colder winters than they do (temp wise) but I think the wind and rain give that part of England that extra chill that we don't have. I def won't miss Southern summers!


She basically won't see our kids. I have some hope that once we do have kids she will say screw it and fly but I doubt it. My mom is one of those old time birds (that's said with love lol) that once she has her mind set on something, even if she has never experienced it, she won't budge. I know my aunt is willing to fly and so is my uncle, his wife, and my best friend. Just a matter of them saving for the plane tickets and any food they want to buy that we don't make - they feed me every time I go to their house and never ask for money (although I always try to bring Dr Pepper and Pepsi as a way to contribute) so I def won't ask them to pay for any food we cook.

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It's been such a long day... I woke up at 9 this morning at my uncle's house and packed the car up and by 9:30 was leaving for the 2 hour drive to my work. I worked from 11-9 tonight so right now is the first time I have actually sat down and rested in almost 12 hours - I'm zonked! I over drafted my account this weekend (joy) and what sucks is what over drafted it I don't even use! My mom and brother do (Netflix). Thankfully I opted into this thing with the bank were they only charge me a one time $35 over draft fee plus whatever the amount was I over drafted. So off to the bank I go tomorrow morning because today was a holiday (and becuase it was a holiday it meant I couldn't withdraw money from savings for gas so I'm driving to work tomorrow on a wing and a prayer!)


{{Rant}} I can not stand people who complain about not having money to pay bills but spend their money on other things (or accumulate unneccesary bills and then don't pay them). I use to live on my own, it's not that hard to waste money if you have bills to pay {{/rant}}


My mom and I were talking on my way home from work tonight (in case I ran out of gas) and she isn't sure she'll have the money to buy my brother's $300 senior supplies by the end of next month - and he just got the basic stuff, like his cap and gown which HS requires you have or you can't get your diploma. I suggusted I could pay for his supplies with my income taxes (mom doesn't get her's til June because of an old issue with her and my dad's divorce) but she would HAVE to pay me back before Aug because my entire taxes is the going into savings for the bulk of my plane ticket. I have to talk to L about it though before I finalize it with her - I don't just loan out that much money, even to my own mom, without discussing it with him first (as it is his money as well).


L's Valentine's day gifts arrived today as well. I got him these:

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He knew about the watch (since he picked it out) but I was going to surprise him with the mug but the little turd guessed his gift!

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Speaking of Sherlock, it makes me wonder why the sequel to Sherlock Holmes is not in the theaters here.


I thought the first movie was great.


Really?? I think it came out here in Dec. I liked the first one but after seeing the show no one does Sherlock for me like Benedict Cumberbatch.

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New Zealand is behind the times in specific areas, like where I live unfortunately.

Plus the theater is own by Christians who object to certain movies, although I am not sure what they would object to in Sherlock holmes.....


They did object to featuring the hostel series....not that I enjoyed the gore on the big screen much.

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New Zealand is behind the times in specific areas, like where I live unfortunately.

Plus the theater is own by Christians who object to certain movies, although I am not sure what they would object to in Sherlock holmes.....


They did object to featuring the hostel series....not that I enjoyed the gore on the big screen much.


I saw the first and second and yeah... I hate the new 'scary' movies were they try to gross you out more than scare you. Give me some Nightmare on Elm Street for true horror movie.

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OG, you and your family really remind me a lot of mine..like the way you want to help your mom with your brother's HS stuff..i'm the same way. My mom struggles since my dad is disabled and if I know she needs help with the house payment or electric bill..i'll help her. L truly is lucky to have such a thoughtful, compassionate partner.

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Aww thank you Dang. I def do try to help er out were I can, and the only reason I've asked for anything I have paid for her back is what I have used to do t with is the money I have to spend on moving. She lets me live here rent, power, water, and food free - least I can do. That and when I graduated I didn't have my own cap and gown, I had just left my dads and he refused to give me mine so I had to borrow a friend's older sisters who had graduated from the same high school a few years before. And with the financial situation with my mom my brother doesn't get a lot of things most of his teenage friends have so if I can help him I do because I remember what it was like at that stage. Like my iPhone, we were going to sell it before I moved on EBay but I told my brother if he gave us $100 I would give it to him instead of paying a complete stranger.

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Yeah she does. After my ex and I broke up I couldn't afford the apartment we had on my own income and if she hadn't let me move in I would have been on the streets - especially as I also didn't have a car because my ex wrecked my old one right before our break up. So when I moved down here (out of state) I had no job either.

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But on the other hand don't you cook, clean, buy groceries and babysit?


I don't cook - not for like the whole family because I suck at it, ha - but for myself I do. I I want something other than what she has bought for groceries yes, I use my own money for my personal food. I try to help her keep the rest of the house clean and I do A LOT of baby sitting....

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Thank you Vic. I have had to borrow large sums of money from her before (big one was to pay my fine a few years ago) and mom paid $300 of the $500. I repaid her by giving my brother my Xbox (which I bought $350 brand new) so she didn't have to spend money on an Xbox (and it cancelled out my debt to her). I'm also only asking her to give us $200-$300 for my car since she has let me live here rent free. I COuLD sell it and get about $1,000 out of it maybe but her old car is on like 300,000 miles and tearing up.

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Yeah my mom and I don't expect each other to pay back in full so soon. I talked to L today about te money and he was okay with it - his one stipulation was that I have to tell her if for any reason we don't have the $300 by Aug (like my stepdad loses his job or something) then we are going to have to sell my car to make te difference up, we just can't eat $300 right now.

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