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In L.A. we have some very nice British pubs that serve British cuisine. Most of it is bland beyond words, but some of it is really tasty and good. I'm so used to spicy foods like Thai, Mexican, and Italian, that anything else has no taste at all! OG, I absolutely adore Southern cooking! It may be my all-time favorite after Mexican. Do you think you will be able to get red beans and rice or fried chicken in England. I know, you open a restaurant that serves Southern dishes and make a million!

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Thank you Renny. It has been ridiculously windy here today - we are actually under a high winds alert as well as severe thunder storm warning.


A bit of side thinking - I hate not being able to give L something he wants. I wish it were financially possible for us to handle certain things and to make a different choice than we already have but unless I hit the lottery or write this book and it becomes a hit, it just won't happen. Either way we jump it's a risk, it's just WHAT are we willing to risk. Some things we can control now and others are left in other's hands and it could change after we have made that jump... I almost wish one of us lived in a super horrible place, tbh. Would make it easier. We haven't even started trying to concieve yet and I already wonder if the choices we make now will aide our children in the future or not. Of course that's not something you can control (as every parent who is reading this knows) but it is something I wonder. And if we made the other decision I would wonder the same thing it would just be on the opposite side. It's odd but in this situation L and I have switched places. Normally L is the one who thinks rationally and without emotion, who looks at what he has and can make a decision with all emotion devoided whereas I always react from my heart - this time, it's opposite. L is reacting with his heart and I'm the one looking at it all objectively.


I like what we were talking about at lunch though. L has always lived in the same 8 mile radius his whole life (much like me until I moved down here after the break up) and he would really like to live out in the country. Neither one of us wants to buy a home any time soon - and when I say soon I mean before 10-15 years - but when we do decide to do it (probably when the younger kids are older and almost flying the nest) it would be nice to find a little place out in the country. I wouldn't mind living in the middle of no where, as long as the middle of no where had somewhat of a view (unlike now where I live in the middle of no where and it's horrible, lol). It's a nice dream to keep us going.

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No one knows where life will lead them. You could both end up in the States, or somewhere else in Europe. When kids are very young they don't care where they live as long as mom and dad are with them. When they get older and have friends, moving is very hard on them. I moved many times in middle school and high school and resented my mom for that for years. I now understand why she had to move a lot, she was a widow and money was often tight, but it still hurts meto think about it. When your kids are young or when they are much older, it will be time for you two to explore the world.

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No one knows where life will lead them. You could both end up in the States, or somewhere else in Europe. When kids are very young they don't care where they live as long as mom and dad are with them. When they get older and have friends, moving is very hard on them. I moved many times in middle school and high school and resented my mom for that for years. I now understand why she had to move a lot, she was a widow and money was often tight, but it still hurts meto think about it. When your kids are young or when they are much older, it will be time for you two to explore the world.


This is true, and thank you Jig. We def. plan on sticking with the decision we have made (finanically we couldn't move again in a few years to another country any way) but I can still look at it and go 'if we had x, y, and z, he would be moving here for a and b reasons'. And then you always worry if every decision you make for kids (even ones in the future) will be right for them - but as I told Dang not long ago, you can only make decisions you feel is right and hope for the best! I def. don't want to move around a whole bunch - I lived in the same house, same town for 17 years and it was very grounding. Okay, we may switch houses every now and then but countries, no, def not.

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I would make a fortune if I opened a southern restaurant lol! I def plan on blending British with Southern food in our house, some way lol


Southern food, best food on earth (I've just decided I like it a wee bit more than Mexican). Ren, collards are my idea of Heaven! Oh, biscuits, collards, red beans and rice, fried chicken, sweet potato pie, ribs, watermelon...oh I could go on and on!

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Reading Dang's post about Hayden's premature baby cousin who passed away shortly after birth completely made me bawl while at work. And when I got home tonight I gave T a bunch of extra snuggles and cuddles because I couldn't stop thinking all day how he's such a miracle. How my Munchkin went from this:

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To this:

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