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$1000 deductible? That’s insane. I guess it’s a moot point since you’re moving, but a review of your policy might be a good idea to help you save some $$. Hope you’re feeling okay today. Car wrecks are scary...


Yeah, no idea why I chose that tbh. The thing is my monthly payments are awesome - for full coverage I pay less than $100 a month (which will obviously change after this). It went from $140 a month to $90 a month when L and I got married.

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Nice! How does that work?


Apparently when your married (here, at least, no idea about Canada) your car insurance drops like crazy. I was paying $140 for full coverage and when we got married just switching my marital status and adding him as an excluded driver (actually putting him on the policy lowered it even more) it's now (or was) $90 a month. A lot of insurance companies give reduced rates for married couples apparently.

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And sometimes they make you stand and cheer. Such is life.


Very true.


I was reading an article about that teenage girl who jumped in front of the bus because she was being bullied and about all these horrible people going on her in memory page on facebook and posting horrible stuff. I actually went on the actual page and it was just appaling.

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Bullying should be a punishable offense in a court of law. I know it comes from people's own pain, but it should still be illegal. We all have some form of pain inside us. That does not give us the right to pick on others. Life is too short for that. We need to help each other, not tear each other down.

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I love British tv shows but one thing I will always loath is the amount of episodes they do for a series. 3 is not a series people, especially when it's an awesome show like Sherlock! Although I did just learn both the main actors from Sherlock will be in The Hobbit -- most def. seeing that (even more now) with the hubby come next Dec!

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Apparently when your married (here, at least, no idea about Canada) your car insurance drops like crazy. I was paying $140 for full coverage and when we got married just switching my marital status and adding him as an excluded driver (actually putting him on the policy lowered it even more) it's now (or was) $90 a month. A lot of insurance companies give reduced rates for married couples apparently.


Dear God you guys have cheap rates. Here for two cars is $200 and we live in a little nothing nobody town and it is a group rate the army gets. Back home because of the high volume of vehicles it was $300 a month. Even when we moved here they did not reduce it so we went with the military group rate.

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Dear God you guys have cheap rates. Here for two cars is $200 and we live in a little nothing nobody town and it is a group rate the army gets. Back home because of the high volume of vehicles it was $300 a month. Even when we moved here they did not reduce it so we went with the military group rate.


Cheap car insurance is one thing I will miss when I move to England. However having access to other things greatly make up for that!

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I have full coverage plus theft and fire for about 60 dollars per month! I know England has a lot to see and do, but doesn't it rain a lot of the time there? I've never been interested in seeing Western Europe. I want to see Greece, Turkey, Hungary, and places like that. I don't know why, I just do. It would be cool to the castles and all of that, I suppose. As a history major, you would think I would have more interest in England, but I don't. I am happy that you are happy about going there, though. I think you will just be in 7th Heaven, OG!

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In some areas it does rain a lot, thankfully where L lives it rains about the same amount as it does here. The weather is over cast and gray more often than here but I love those kinds of days here (and wish we had more of them!) Oh God yes, I will be. I have always loved England's history (I know more about it than L does) and we have decided that before we have kids (or during the period when we want to try to start to have them) we hope to take a week long trip to London. I could either go to Paris or London - the history nut in me won.

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If you like history - spend a day at the Tower of London. also, take a river boat up the Thames to Hampton Court Palace.


From The Houses of Parliament you can visit Westminster Abbey and the Middlesex Guildhall (now the Supreme Court), walk up Whitehall to Downing Street and as far as Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery. Then you can walk up the Mall to Buckingham Palace and St James's Palace. From there you can go through all the Streets in St James and go down Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus.

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Happy New Year!


I just had a thought OG, on my FB I'm on a page which deals with historical places, pictures and facts about my home town. Things i knew and things I had absolutely no idea about! No idea who runs it but they regularly put up old photos and documents. It's fascinating. I know my boyfriend is on a similar page for his hometown - I really should join it to get prepped But maybe you could look for a group dealing with the town and area L lives in? It would give you an insight into what life and the surroundings were like then and also may give you ideas of local places to visit, seeing how london is horrendously expensive!


Just this past week I've seen old photos from the 1800's of the houses opposite my house where there was a huge funeral procession and this morning there was a picture of a tram down the road outside my neighbours house, i had no idea trams ran up this road at all!

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^ Happy new year Superfox! I love that idea, I may have to look into it!


I'm so happy with where I am in life. The accident def. shook me up but I'm looking at it and trying to find the lesson the Universe wanted me to learn from it. I think the short term lesson is to be less emotional on the road (I have major road rage as my husband knows!) and calm, be that safe driver I was when I was 18. And I think the bigger lesson is to just be thankful for what I have, not concentrate on what I don't or what I precieve as people not doing because it could have been so much worse in an instant. And I'm doing this in other areas of my life. A girl I went to high school with got married at the end of the year last year and her wedding was absolutely breath taking. Her parents had the money to make it breath taking and I guess it comes with the whole hind sight. In the moment that day our professional photographer didn't capture a lot of stuff I wanted (or we didn't get that shot given to us) and so I see all these other weddings and I'm like 'I would have done this and that differently'... and then I just have to stop myself and remember our ceremony. How we were so in love we couldn't take our eyes off each other and we didn't notice the million things around us - the photographer 5 feet from us, my niece running around (literally) - it was just us. Or the first time L turned to me after the wedding and said 'Hello Mrs. CS'

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Honestly, your wedding, and your photos, are/were perfection.


I’m so glad you’re happy with where you are


Thank you Sherry. I think it's one of those things as a control freak I will always look back and go 'could have done this different' and blah, blah, blah but on the other hand, I wouldn't. Because it was perfect even with all the faults. It's taken a lot for me to peacefully cenetered in life.

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