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Getting ready to head to my home town for my first tattoo. Although right now I'm looking forward to the Chinese I'm indulging myself in (I've only ever ate Chinese at this local place in my home town) becuase I am starving!


I'm also pretty thankful for an amazing husband who despite not liking the idea is supporting me none the less and who is giving me pointers since he's been through the process before himself.

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A really good day that turned into a cluster bomb for Hell in about 0.5 seconds.


I got to my home town about 12 and stopped by the tattoo place for them to look over the tattoo idea I had. Then I swung over to the local mall and had some chinese - yummy!!!. L and I skyped for an hour while I was sat at the food court eating and then I met my best friend at the tattoo place. She has 3 different tattoos but she has this one on her stomach she's been wanting to touch up for AGES so she picked out some stuff to get it touched up with. I got mine first and she came back into the little area with me so she could hold my hand. About 10 seconds before he started my heart started racing - I'm afraid of the anticipation of pain - and I seriously thought I would chicken out. I never thought of chickening out but it was that thought process of I thought I would.


Then he started and I had to say, it wasn't as painful as I invisioned. It was pretty much how L described it - them dragging a needle over your skin - and it wasn't unbearable. It wasn't comfortable to say the LEAST but it was bearable. The closer he got into my wrist the more painful it got (at one point I was grasping my best friend's hand so tight her thumb started to go blue) and a few choice cuss words came from my mouth at the high moments of pain. All in all, it was about 5 minutes and he was done. And I love it!


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After I got mine my best friend touched her tattoo up and we went to the local pharmacy and picked up some of the lotion stuff the artist suggusted we use. Then we went in my best friend's car and picked my niece up and then went to dinner at this Japanese take out place (SO yummy!!)


And here starts where it turned into a cluster bomb.


After I said good bye to my best friend and niece I was driving in my hometown in the right lane (of a 2 lane on both side road). I turned my turn signal on, looked in my driver side mirror, looked over my shoulder and went on over... and then there was suddenly this amazingly loud crashing noise. Yeah. Me and another car collided. I say car but this was a HUGE car. We both stopped where it happened (right before an intersection) and called the cops, naturally. The damage to my car was the worse - driver side mirror was dangling off, his car's tires (not his truck, but tires) had scraped all down my side of the car... only thing wrong with his was a scratched headlight. Police come, take our info, do the paperwork. No ticket was written, we just have to file the papers with our insurance companies.


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You can't see the side of my car but you can see the dangling mirror. Right after it happened I phoned my mom and then texted L. L was asleep but apparently woke up and saw said text. After everything was sorted and I was on my way he jumped on Skype and honestly was absolutely amazing. He was EXACTLY what I needed in those moments after the adrenaline died down. He was calm, steady voiced... he completely went into damage control knowing his wife was on the verge of having a emotional panic attack. He even got me laughing toward the end of the conversation which was what I needed. Still processing it as I'm an emotional reactor but I def. feel calmer having had L in those moments to talk to.


So yeah... great day! (slightly sarcastically said)

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I am so glad you are ok OG!! Phew!! Accidents are so scary!


Your tattoo is lovely btw.


They are, and it was my first one (I wasn't in the car when my ex wrecked a few years back. I was my car but I wasn't in it) so it felt like a million times worse. My left shoulder is fairly sore (it was hurting earlier today for some reason and I'm sure the jostling I got rattled it around a bit).


Thank you.

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I will. I def think the wreck aggregated whatever was going on today.


Renny - it is will usable. I just have to pull the mirror in and roll the window up while I drive and the door shuts and opens fine. I have full coverage on it but the only thing I feel Must get fixed is the mirror. The door isn't as important.

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I'm okay today. Woke up achy and just taking it easy at work today. Still a little rattled from it but I'm sure that will go away over time. I called the insurance company today and I have a appointment at 1 on tues for them to do an estimation on my damages. No idea how this is going to pan out.

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Wreck aside, I love my tattoo. no one at work has noticed it because unless I'm flailing mh arms around you cant see it (not that I'm worried, a few other co workers have arm tattoos). I'm also glad I went with my best friend, one of those memories I'll always cherish. Now I'm just ready for this up coming weekend, visiting my uncle!

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Who was determined to be at fault? Good thing you are moving in a few months. Your car insurance payments may very likely increase. I'm glad you are okay. Cars can be replaced, people can't. I drive the make and model car you do, only mine is white. There is a HUUUGE blind spot on the driver's side. When I bought the car, the dealer told me about that blind spot and said to be very careful when changing lanes. I can just visualize how your accident happened. The body of the car is sleek and racy looking, but you can't see much from your mirrors, unfortunately.

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No one was. I wasn't written a ticket, neither was the other guy. On the paperwork under me it's circled that I contributed to the crash but idk if that's the same thing - when my ex wrecked my old car he was found at fault and written a ticket. I didn't know our car was known for the major blind spot. Looking back I swear I saw that car when I looked over my shoulder and it was further back than where it hit me. That or another car just like it was behind it, idl

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If you contributed then you were both at fault.


So what would that mean? It's all so damn confusing and it's my first wreck which doesn't help. On the paper (my copy, at least) under the other person's name the cop circle no to 'did this person contribute to the wreck' but yes under mine... but I Wasn't written a ticket. Not complaning about not being written a ticket but if your at fault, should that be what happens?


My insurance company told me today if I'm found to be at fault after their investigation (which is normal, the investigation, but I have an excluded driver on the policy - L - so they have to make sure he wasn't driving... which obviously he wasn't) I would have to pay my $1,000 deductible before they would pay for any repairs to my car. I could come up with $1,000 but we have other things that needs to go to - my visa is $1,300 (it WILL go up come April), Jasper is $1,300, my plane ticket will not be below $1,000 (I would be shocked if it was!) and I still have $900 worth of dentist stuff to be done to my mouth. If I'm found at fault, I'm just going to duct tape the stupid mirror on. It's still attached to the cord, just part of the base that holds it to the car is missing.

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Don't confuse at fault for insurance purposes with getting a ticket. A police officer may decide that s/he isn't going to issue a ticket for various reasons. But from an insurance perspective someone has to be at fault to determine which company pays for repairs, damages etc. So you can still be determined to be at fault on the accident/incident report and your insurance company has to pay (which means usually your rates go up) but there is no ticket issued for dangerous driving or whatever.

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Don't confuse at fault for insurance purposes with getting a ticket. A police officer may decide that s/he isn't going to issue a ticket for various reasons. But from an insurance perspective someone has to be at fault to determine which company pays for repairs, damages etc. So you can still be determined to be at fault on the accident/incident report and your insurance company has to pay (which means usually your rates go up) but there is no ticket issued for dangerous driving or whatever.


I guess that does makes sense. I suppose the reason my ex was issued a ticket was he completely failed to yield to the right of way of traffic. I mean, I myself believe I was at fault. Even if he was further behind me and possibly increased his speed (we were coming to an intersection with a turning lane) I still should have looked twice before going over.. or idk. His car had absolutely no damage but a dented/scratched headlight. 'Tis life.

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