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Here's to new beginnings!!! It's technically a new year where L is (as of 7 PM here). 2011 was by far our hardest year - what with the little Feb incident and having to go a year without seeing each other. But SO many good things happened!! I watched my niece turn 2 and my nephew turn the big ONE... we got married!... and we started the last stretch of long distance! Tomorrow is the start of the last year we will ever (hopefully) have to spend any length of time apart!


Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!

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Tyler has decided to start the new year off with a bang...


I was lying in bed settling down (at 10:30, I know... such an old woman) when I heard my mom and stepdad arguing and Tyler crying - something about that cry wasn't his normal 'I want attention' cry so I got dressed and walked out to see Tyler sat in my mom's lap with blood POURING out his mouth. He had been doing this thing where he was spinning around the living room all day and decided to do it again but he tripped and fell right into mom's computer desk and knocked out his front tooth, root and EVERYTHING. And I mean it was just pouring blood. We finally got it to stop bleeding and my sister and BIL are on their way to the ER with him to see what they will do (becuase it's pretty much just an open wound at this point).


Poor little guy. Once the pain subsided he was giggles and smiles as usual. He's the only kid I know who can hurt himself, knock a tooth, and look even cuter than he did before now that he has a snaggle tooth!

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I'm glad he's OK! At least he lost his tooth while he's young and another one grows in haha.


When I was 3 I was at nursery school and I fell in the classroom while running over to the rug for circle time. I chipped one of my front teeth and had to go to the dentist. He had to put in a fake tooth for the part that fell off and for years it would change color depending on what I was eating haha. Thank god that was a baby tooth!

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Not to my knowledge they won't. The dentist could decide differently but the doctor said it would be fine as long as he didn't get an infection. My mom kept gong on about them putting it back in and my sister and I were like it's a baby tooth... Was gonna fall eventually! It was actually the one (go figure) they were going to have to get taken out because it was disclosures for some reason or another.

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I worked for 10 hours today - I am TIRED! I also went to the gym after work (I'm as shocked as you all!) and stayed for about an hour and a half - so full work out. Warm up, stretches, 40 min. cardio. I love doing the cardio where it has to get my heart rate up to a certain number (based on my age and weight) but it KILLS my lower back because in order to get my heart rate that high up it goes to the max incline and it just tortures my back. I may have to start doing my own incline adjusting so I'm not having to grasp the heart rate monitor and I can grasp the top of the machine which doesn't make my back hurt as much. I also did lunges today and there wasn't as much pain in my thighs as in previous times of doing them (and I made sure to keep proper form this time so as not to muck up my knees again). However having an infected toe, it hurt like crap when I did them and had to put weight on my right foot. So glad when this thing comes out....

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Do you have any OTC heartburn meds? That can help. What usually causes your heartburn?


I took some tums. It seems to be everything nowadays.. even orange juice.


toothaches suck too. Ugh!


Aww, I'm sorry darling!


L and I did date night tonight when he got home from work. We watched one of Russell Howard's live comedy things on youtube - hilarious! I told L when he's touring and we can afford it, I so want to go see him live! Today officially marks the 9 month mark for me moving to England - visa willing, of course. Out of curiosity we looked at how much my plane ticket would be (as of right now)... $1,500 for ONE WAY! Geez. I mean that's what we are budgeting (my entire tax money is going into savings as the bulk of my plane ticket) but Christ. We're seriously wondering if I can buy a round trip and only use one trip...


I called the doctor (the one doing my toe thing) and asked if they could also look at this action going on under my arms when I come in on the 18th, which they said they would. My left armpit (TMI) is extremely itchy and has a rash like thing, webmd states it could be a yeast infection - never knew you could get that there! But I'm also having a MASSIVE break out in pimple under my arm and going down my side and I almost never break out this bad. And I have one really sore one under my left arm. I'm just falling apart at the seems.

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ticket prices will go down as the day gets closer. I KNOW you like to be prepared and have everything completed, but if you wait until a week or two before, you’ll get a much better deal.


You are falling apart lol. Sorry, it’s just reminding me of this cartoon rabbit named Fall-apart from a tv show Bonkers. link removed

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They do (and technically we can't buy my ticket until our visa is approved just in case they don't approve it) so it could very well be weeks even days before the date we want to move. We always bought L's plane tickets about 3-4 months before the trip and this last time (for some reason) he rechecked them after he had bought them and they were like a few hundred pound cheaper than what he paid for. But it's still something we have to budget extreme for.


I feel like that cartoon, lol. I'm praying this toe makes it for another 2 weeks as well as this under arm crap. On top of that I need to go to the dentist and continue that hog nosh as well as making an eye appointment with the new vision person (Walmart isn't covered under my new vision insurance!) BUT I can't do that until we get the new insurance cards from human resources.. blah.

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