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Maybe they hate the idea that they have to deal with a community deal? They have been independent for years since they can remember and now they have become like little kids again and now even simple things like hangers do not belong to them. It can be distressing.


I know what you mean though. I worked in a retirement home for nuns for about 10 years.

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I'm off for New Years Eve but I have to work 12-8 New Years Day. Tomorrow I'm meeting the girl I'm rekindling the friendship with at 12:30 and then L and I are going to have date night (prbably watch one of Russell Howard's comedy sketches or something short). He will - At 7 my time it will be midnight his. He's going to get up at 5 til midnight my time so we can be on the phone together when the ball drops like we did last year.

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I'm off for New Years Eve but I have to work 12-8 New Years Day. Tomorrow I'm meeting the girl I'm rekindling the friendship with at 12:30 and then L and I are going to have date night (prbably watch one of Russell Howard's comedy sketches or something short). He will - At 7 my time it will be midnight his. He's going to get up at 5 til midnight my time so we can be on the phone together when the ball drops like we did last year.
You two really organise this LDM well.
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You two really organise this LDM well.


Thank you DN, lol. it takes a lot of work and sacrifice on one of our parts sometimes... like tomorrow since I won't be home for a good chunk of our prime talk time, we'll SKype on the hour drive to me meeting the friend. Then L will probably eat and nap (such an old man and then we'll do the date night and then he'll go to bed. It's a sacrifice on his part to get BACK up when he's really a morning person to be on the phone with me for 5 minutes but I'm going to try to get up early so we can webcam tomorrow morning.

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I just had one of those 'aw' moments you can only have as an Aunt.


I took over trying to get Tyler to go to sleep so I picked him up, wrapped him in a blanket, and was humming to him. He kept going in and out - wide awake one minute and looking like he was going to pass out the next - and at one point I looked away and looked back down (and was still singing) and he looked me dead in the eyes and with a straight face just went 'igty bep'. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help breaking out into a big smile - which in turn caused him to break out into a big smile. After that every time I looked down at him he would be in serious face mode and then just break out the crap eating grin.

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I love being an Aunt. I go to my sister's every Friday for dinner and I've been there a lot because of the holidays. My younger niece (almost 3) has started this habit of asking why I have to leave and then going "but I'll miss you!!" There no words for how much I love those kids.

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I love being an Aunt. I go to my sister's every Friday for dinner and I've been there a lot because of the holidays. My younger niece (almost 3) has started this habit of asking why I have to leave and then going "but I'll miss you!!" There no words for how much I love those kids.


God, I completely agree. My niece (best friend's daughter) will be 3 in March and I don't get to see her as much as I did when she was a baby (since I live an hour away). But every time I walk into the room (even if it's 4 months between visits) she runs to me and throws her arms out. I heard her say my name - full name, proper name - on Christmas Day and it just melted my heart. And my nephew... God. He screams everytime I walk out the door to leave for work so we started this thing where we will tell him to go to the window (the way our house sits if your stood at the window outside your face is almost level with the living room floor on the inside). So now when I got to leave I'll say 'Go to the window' and he'll run to the window and be standing there waiting on me to come to the window and smile at him before I walk to my car.

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That is too precious! I never get sick of my nieces first reaction when I get to the house on Fridays. It's like they haven't seen me in a month or something. My younger niece just wants to cuddle with me all night and play games on my phone (right now the favorite is dreidel and she quickly memorized the four Hebrew letters on there, not bad!) and my older niece (she's 7) just wants to play play play. Today she decided we should play Scrabble Jr. so I can get better at Words With Friends. My sister is destroying me.

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lol! I love Tyler's reaction when I walk in the door from work, like tonight. He was stood clear accross the room with his back to me holding his sippy cup. When he heard my voice he turned and gave the biggest grin. I knelt and opened my arms and he just took off running to me. Melts my heart every time. He's very into technological things that light up - he loves my iPhone, constantly wants to hold it and play with it or has to investigate my laptop screen when I'm out there with it. He's come so far since the beginning...

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Isn't it great watching them grow up? I feel so lucky to be a part of it. Even for the little things. The little one very excitedly told me today that not only is she not sitting her high chair anymore, but that she went pee pee in the potty TWICE today! She also likes to fart on me and then announce it. And grab my arm and exclaim, "MY Aunt Dali!"

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God it is. Tyler had such a rough start too - he weighed 3 lbs. 15 oz. when he was born - and I remember that distinct moment I reached my hand into his incubator thing when he was in the NICU and got to touch his little feet.. I still love his feet. They are so fat for a baby! He gets so hyper sometimes he can't contain it!

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I am. I'm going to buy my mom, best friend, and my uncle a webcam (same as an old one I had, $10 a piece) and set up Skype for them and show them how to use it. Luckily now with Iphones you can iMessage other people who have iPhones at no charge (kind of like BBM) so I can still technically text my best friend (she has an iPhone and so does L) so I can still have that basic communication at least. And I can facetime with her whenever we can grab it.

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Meet up with the friend went really well IMO.


We hugged upon seeing each other, grabbed lunch, sat down, and just started talking. Both of us lost track of time and ended up sitting there chatting about anything and everything for 2 1/2 hours almost. Still in it's infancy of course but we've finally tried to rekindle the friendship for us (no one else) on the foundation of those past memories. It was nice. No idea when the next time we will be able to catch up in person is with both of us working full time and her having a kid but hopefully we can work something out.

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