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Well, my last Christmas with the family is over!


Woke up at 8 am and promptly rolled back over and slept another 50 minutes! lol. Got up, packed the car, got dressed, and left at 9:45 for my best friend's house. L and I talked on the way (we face timed for a few minutes when I first got up since that was the only time we were going to 'see' each other today' and I got to her house a little before 11. My niece met me at the door as always and she even said my name (whole name, and proper, and in a tone you could hear it clearly) and that was the first time I had ever heard it. Melted my heart. She opened her gifts from me and my best friend loved the little photo cube thing I made for her. I bought one of those square cubes and Mod Podge pictures of us at various important times in our friendship - the very first picture of us together in 10th grade Biology, a picture we took when we were in college when we were suppose to be writing papers, my niece's first birthday, and then one from my wedding). I also got her this vanilla scented bath stuff. She framed one of the pictures of my niece with Santa they took this year and gave it to me - best present EVER. Then I sat in the floor and put my niece's baby doll's playpen together (because I'm an awesome aunt like that!) After putting it together she, however, decided to get in it herself.


After I hung out with them for about half an hour and showed my best friend some stuff on her iPhone (that I only knew thanks to my hubby) I headed to our family thing at my grandparent's church. We ate (mmmmm, Mom's Mac N' Cheese and Aunt D's ham!) and then we opened presents. Christmas from the family was scarce this year but the kids had plenty to open. Nanny even addressed my card to me and L. My aunt gave me this purple crocadile looking wallet and some cort of candy that I'm sure I don't eat (but mom does) and a 5 LBS. Hersey bar. No lie! I opened it and was like.... 0.0 Are you TRYING to make me fatter?!


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Then we took pictures (that really only mom wants, tbh) but I had a blast with my siblings. We bicker like cats and dogs but catch us on a good day and we actually act like we love each other. I even talked my brother into taking a goofy picture just for me because it was my last Christmas with the family. Nanny's gift from all of us was this family blanket and mom inserted pictures from waaayyyy back when her and Papa got married, then kid pictures of my mom and aunt, kid pictures of all of us grandkids and the great grandkids. It made her cry - she loved it.


Afterward I was going to stop and get something to eat with my brother but ever fast food place we went by was CLOSED!! I have never known fast food places to be closed on Christmas Day, ever! I always had to work when I worked in fast food! Umf! Overall it was a great last Christmas day with the family.

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Cheer up! You’ve got 5 lbs of chocolate


lol! i had a good ol' cry on the way home from work for no reason but that I felt like doing it - made me feel better. Kind of gave myself a headache but it was worth it. My brother just texted me something that I PRAY he is joking baout because if he's not, our mother is going to whip his butt - 18 years old or NOT!

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That would have to be the biggest chocolate bar I have ever seen.


I've had it with chocolate due to many of the presents being chocolate.

I have quite a sweet tooth.

So far have gone trough my Teacher's Whiskey Truffles and half of my Cadbury favorites box.


So today my Grocery shopping consisted of savoury stuff

Importantly sesame and poppy seed crackers with Camembert.

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That would have to be the biggest chocolate bar I have ever seen.


I've had it with chocolate due to many of the presents being chocolate.

I have quite a sweet tooth.

So far have gone trough my Teacher's Whiskey Truffles and half of my Cadbury favorites box.


So today my Grocery shopping consisted of savoury stuff

Importantly sesame and poppy seed crackers with Camembert.


I had a big sweet tooth when I was younger but I really have to crave chocolate nowadays... I usually eat it only every few months.

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I was craving a healthy meal today too. I cooked up a big batch of chicken, rice, and roasted veggies for all of us tonight. Can I just throw out all of the sweets now? I have a visible spare tire LOL


I am REALLY curious about what your brother did. Knocked up...?

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I am REALLY curious about what your brother did. Knocked up...?


lol, no, nothing like that. he texted me saying he needed to tell me something when he got home. I asked him was he in trouble and he said yes, he had been arrested. I asked him was he serious and he said yes, he was arrested for public intoxication and public nudity. He comes strolling through the front door and busts out laughing - I told him the next time he texts me and says he's in jail, he better actually be IN jail.

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My brother is stumbling through the house drunk as a skunk and giggling over EVERYTHING - and when I say giggling I mean the girliest giggle you can imagine. As I was typing this he apparently tried to step over the baby gate separating the hallway from the living room and didn't make it over. I haven't went outside to check on him yet but I heard a rather large crash followed by giggling about every 10 seconds. It's like silence... giggle... silence... more giggling... silence... giggling.


ETA: He apparently got up and wasn't mamied from his fall and went to use our bathroom. I shall be using mom's because God knows if his aim is worse or better when he's drunk....

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He actually just came in my room - to apparently try to tell me something but he just stood there giggling the whole time - and about half way through his 5 minute giggle fest I noticed the front of his pants were wet... guess he forgot to actually undo them before going to the bathroom. That's def. going in my big sister blackmail drawer....

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When we got married, I had to have a discussion with my husband about his aim while sober. He would check his iPhone while peeing and hold it to the side... which caused his whole body to shift slightly to the side and adversely affected his aim. He's improved greatly.

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When we got married, I had to have a discussion with my husband about his aim while sober. He would check his iPhone while peeing and hold it to the side... which caused his whole body to shift slightly to the side and adversely affected his aim. He's improved greatly.


lol, this made me laugh! L seems to be able to hit the toilet (at least, what I have observed while we are on vacation together) but this could all change upon us living together... at least I already know I have a fight with him coming for years about putting the toilet paper BACK on the roll...

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Jasper is really playing the martyr on his diet! The other night he went into my trash bag in my room, got out a single Dorito and was trying to munch on it - I don't know why he isn't taking too well to the diet this go around. I'm thinking I'm going to just start completely over with him tomorrow. Measure out a cup and then remeasure in 24 hours and see what he's eaten of it and whatever is left cut it by a quarter. I'm off next Tues I believe - may take him by the vet since they won't charge me to just weigh him and see where he's at.


I made an apointment for the 18th to have this ingrown cut out. I needed 2 days off in a row and it just wasn't working during this pay period (we are not only short 2 people on medical leave but one walked out the other day) so things are tight and I'm one of the ones who covers for everyone. It doesn't bother me as much as it did but it's still there and needs to be taken care of. I remember the pain from when I had one cut out when I was a teenager - not looking forward to that again. :s


I can't believe there is only 3 more days in this year! So ready for 2012 to get here...

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Today has been a cluster bomb. From Hell. I was putting out patient clothes and almost caused the rack to topple over not once but twice before I even unloaded them. Then I did topple it over and clean clothes went every where on the dirty ground - I also gashed my thumb in that process. Then all I heard was 'that's no my shirt!' when it had their name plainly written on it or 'don't take my empty hangers!'. - why are older people so fascinated with hangers???

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