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I love both of them...

I have say though, when I was scrolling down to see the pics, the way the gold/brown looked on CS's card, I thought it was a chocolate bar!!! Looks awesome.


LOL yes - it does look like chocolate!

Beautiful cards..

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Oh my god - before I check those cards out in more detail I have to say that is the sweetest thing ever .. I cant believe he got you a card from your cat. That is just so gorgeous..


Fudge.. I love fudge.. havent had any since I was a kid!


Mayabe your circathiam rhythms (sp?) have been screwed up a bit because of the strange hours you have to keep to chat with CS and if you have any weird shift hours too.. your body might just be saying 'I dont understand whats going on - should I be asleep? Awake?'


It's not the houre I need to talk to CS, no. Honestly the five hour time difference is just perfect. When he goes into work I'm usually falling asleep,by the time I wake up he's home from work. The only time I have to get up in order to talk to him for a long time is on the weekends and he's in in bed by four pm my time. My shcedule hasn't changed either, I think my body is doing it's weird thing again. Normally my bed time is three or four am and i"ll sleep til 11 am but lately I'm crashed before two and can not make myself go back to sleep past eight. I'm normally an insomniac though. It's been like this since I was sick two weeks ago. I want to go back to normal.

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Oh, and I agree Indigo, the whole card from Jasper had me laughing and smiling like a goof ball. And me being a dork turned to Jasper (who was lying next to me) and said, 'look what daddy did!' Jasper of course looks at it and meows, then looks at me like yes? lol


I'm awake, again, after four hours of heavy sleep. Damnit. I also just went to get a glass of water. As I stood up my left knee kind of gave out on me. :s It also hurts to walk on it, looks like my knee is acting up again. I hit it when I was about... oh... 13 on a sharp corner of a step. I was walking up a flgiht of stairs and tripped and the dead center of my knee struck the corner of the stair, every now and then it flares up and gives me trouble. Gah. Looks like I'm the old one now, lol.

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Got to webcam with CS today. That was quality time I was glad to have. Poor guy had a headache though so he went early to get a nap and hopefully get rid of it. If he still has it when he wakes up he's just going to go back to sleep. Poor guy. I know how bad headaches can be, I have migrains.


I actually have a slight one myself now, lol. Going to try to get rid of it and scrapbook a little before CS wakes up.

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I'm having the same problem. Keep waking up at 5 am after going to bed at midnight. Last night I went to a Christmas party and we all went to bed at 4. Guess who was awake at 8? lol. Yesterday I came home from my first job and actually napped for an hour because I was so whacked. We need to learn to sleep!

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Yesterday was a very productive day. After CS and I hung up for the night I spent literally the entire rest of the afternoon scrapbooking, hadn't done that in a while. It was mostly doing some finishing touches up on some pages I have had forever. Some still aren't done, needs pics or something else to go with it. Scrap booking can be such a expensive and long process sometimes, lol. I"m getting better though, come a long way since I first started. I'll post some pics of the pages I do have done up later. My phone camera is crap, I need my mom's digital one to take better pics of the pages.


I also managed to get a somewhat better nights sleep last night. Fell asleep before midnight and was up at 8 this morning, better than it has been. Talked to CS for a few hours this morning as well on the phone. Poor guy is sick again, hopefully he's resting right now.


I'm working on my NY scrap book pages now. Well, I can't actually do anything until the paper I ordered comes in the mail but I'm planning some of the pages out right now, shifting through mine, CS's, and CS's friend's photos from the tip. Probably a good 1000 pics to be honest between the 3 of us. I really loved that trip. My first time to NY and it was wonderful. It was just a brand new experience staying in an apartment, walking every were, being in such a huge city. I could never live there, I love my quite countryside but CS and I def. want to go back one day. I think we are aiming for maybe a five year anniversary trip, drop the kids off with my mom and head up for a week. It's one of those cities that you can't bring someone new every time because they will want to do all the regular firsts. Like we went to the ESB, The Met, Rockefeller, NHM, the River Cruise (I suggust this highly. Never thought there was that much green in NY!)... so when we go back we will concentrate on the places we didn't get to go that we wanted. That was probably the best trip of my life really. Something new, something amazing, and I got to experience it with CS.


It's also the city were CS and i 'officially' met so I think it will always hold a special place for us.

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CS rang me at about 11 PM my time (4 AM his). Poor guy is sicker than he was this afternoon. My heart almost leapt into my throat when I saw his caller ID on my phone. 11 PM and he's calling? I thought something horrible had happened. Why do I always go to the worst? lol We talked for a ltitle while before he went to try to rest. I doubt he will go to work today. Actually I know he won't since he hasn't been sleeping tonight. I Hope he gets to feeling better. I hate when he's sick and I"m not there to take care of him.


I think it's bedtime for me as well. Jasper is snuggled to me so looks like I'll be sharing the bed tonight, lol

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