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I thought there would have been a button inside the car to stop the car from turning on it's lights while it is day time?

Is there one in yours?


Only if you knew someone close by with some proper technical knowledge about replacing the bulb in your car.

I just don't believe a while assembly needs to be replaced.

I would consider that a manufacturing fault.


BTW googled your car, could be done up quite nicely


Not one I have every seen. My mom's is the same way (she has a Chevy Malibu) and her's stay on in the day as well.


I honestly don't see why it would either. I'm going to call up the local auto place and ask one of the mechanics. My mom seems to think it will because when a deer hit her the deer didn't break the outer glass of her headlight but it busted all the headlights inside it and she had the whole headlight assembly replaced - and her's is the same year as mine. I dunno.


Body wise you mean? Yeah, it's a pretty car. for almost 12 years old mine is in pretty good conditioin - only body thing wrong with it is on the front and back bumper the paint is doing this peeling effect but it's a pretty Jade green.

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To me, seeing lights on in the day time and made specifically that way is unusual to me.


If this is an automatic thing which can not be altered, I believe it may indeed be a sensor within the assembly itself which can not be replaced without replacing the whole unit.


As for the body, yes I notcied they can be done up quite nicely.

Jade green is a nice colourm, my car unfortunately is pearlecent white which is quite expensive over here.

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I never understood it myself. I use to think it was for electronical cars (like mine, to move the seats you have to push a lever down and it moves, no bar to adust) and I have the little chip in my ignition key (which if I lose it I HAVE to get one with the chip in, $70!) but my mom has none of those and her's does it. I dunno.


This is my mom's thinking - which sucks. But maybe I can find a cheap one at the junk yard because like I said, you can get a ticket with just one headlight in this country.


I could never have a white car. I can't keep ANYTHING white well, white. lol Even my wedding dress din't make it the whole 4 hours without getting dirty.

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Some places have a law that says there must be headlights turned on when the car is being driven - some have lights that are dimmer but studies have shown that cars with lit headlights are seen more easily even during daylight hours and reduce accidents.

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Lights on at all times is news to me.

May explain the reasoning for fixed auto headlights in your car OG.


My car was an impulse buy and have regretted it ever since.

The amount of sour glances I get from need for speed addicts puts me off.


Personally still looking for an ATV.

Maybe a British diesel range rover as diesel prices here are relatively good over here.

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Lights on at all times is news to me.

May explain the reasoning for fixed auto headlights in your car OG.


My car was an impulse buy and have regretted it ever since.

The amount of sour glances I get from need for speed addicts puts me off.


Personally still looking for an ATV.

Maybe a British diesel range rover as diesel prices here are relatively good over here.



Or you could get something that won't burn 6 litres of fuel every time you so much as turn the ignition....

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It sounds complicated OG. My husband just replaces headlights in our cars easy as pie. Our one car is a 99 and the van is a 2005 and he can change both with no issue at all.


I would have to buy the complicated car, lol.

I called Auto Zone and asked the guy and he said if it's a blown bulb, I would only have to replace the bulb, not the whole assmebly. Some ray of hope at least!

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You can probably take your car in and have the chip reprogrammed to turn off day-time running lights, most cars have that option. I have mine turned off. Any dealer can do that and most auto repair shops. As to the bulb, that's a quick and easy process as well. You just go in the trunk (rear) or under the hood (front) and pull the bulb and replace it. I can't think of any modern car that requires an assembly replacement for bulbs, though GM is kinda weird at times. =p It could also be something as simple as a bit of corrosion around the bulb assembly. That can make a perfectly fine bulb not work. You just need to have someone pull the bulb and clean around the contacts - I had to do this with my car not too long ago. My lights now work fine. I'd try the simple - cheap - options before replacing the entire assembly.

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You can probably take your car in and have the chip reprogrammed to turn off day-time running lights, most cars have that option. I have mine turned off. Any dealer can do that and most auto repair shops.


I never knew there was that option, JW. My "Corolla S" series has the day time running lights, which I feel is a good thing, yet my husband certainly doesn't agree. I'll have to keep this new found information under my hat!


OG...Hopefully you can find an affordable solution.

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I never knew there was that option, JW. My "Corolla S" series has the day time running lights, which I feel is a good thing, yet my husband certainly doesn't agree. I'll have to keep this new found information under my hat!


OG...Hopefully you can find an affordable solution.


Thank you Heart. The guy at AutoZone said he had never heard of having to replace the whole assembly just because a bulb went out - who knows. I mean, I have no problem them being on during the day - I rather like the extra safety precaution in case I were to forget in certain weather conditions to turn them on.

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Well it's the Eve of Christmas Eve. Say that 5 times fast! I thought I would have a bunch of conflicting emotions about this being my last Christmas (physically) with the family but thus far nothing really. Obviously I will miss them - as much as they drive me bonkers I DO love them - but I don't have an overwhelming sense of sadness that 'oh, this is the last year'.. I guess it's because I have always held the belief you don't have to be with people to celebrate with them. I mean, there were plenty of Christmas' in the last 5 years that I couldn't attend for more than an hour (or at all!) because I had to work that day. I didn't go last year because I had to work, actually. So me not being there isn't something new really.


But I also know for me I'm going to start a brand new life, in a new country, and it's kind of like an adventure (a really expensive, long adventure) whereas for them once they say good-bye to me at the airport, that's it. No exciting feelings of seeing a new country or getting to immerse themselves in that countries' customs... they're going to drop me off and go back to the same lives they were leading before - only I want physically be there any more. So I guess with that in mind I have tried spending more time with them than I normally have. I'll take my laptop out in the living room so I can physically be in the same room as mom (even if I am watching something on my computer and having to fend off my drooling nephew who is attracted to ANYTHING mechanical). And I try to spend a bit longer playing with Tyler since he'll only be a little over 2 when I leave. I'm not worried about him forgetting me - my niece has shown me even the smallest bonds started can still hold root.

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I ended up saying It's the Creave of missmiss eve.


Seeing these elderly couples who have been together for so long makes me smile, yet makes me a little envious.


ROTF - that really made me laugh Dark.


Awww! There's a Mrs. Dark out there somewhere! It def. gives me hope that L and I can make it that long. My grandparents and his grandparents are the only ones I know who have made it that long (I believe his have been married for more than 50 years as well). L actually reminds me of his granddad a lot (even though I have never met the man). his grandad has that 'yes dear' mentality and okay, L isn't a push over by any means but he def. lets me run the show 90% of the time and is okay with it - so in that regard he reminds of his grandad.


Oh! Dark, it ended up being just a bulb. So $10 and 10 minutes later, I have two headlights again.

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Maybe there is a Dark lady out there, but due to my real life social circles or lack there of, finding her would be very hard at the moment.


Sounds like L is the easy going type.

Sounds to me like the relationship dynamics work very well in that manner.

I think it is great to have a partner who can also take initiative and say, "we are going here" rather than "I'm bored, what are we going to do?" or ask them a question and they say "I dunno....what do you think?"


As I mentioned I was skeptic of a vehicle needing to have the while unit replaced.

Good to hear it was a cheap fix as it should have been.

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She's out there. Your too good a guy not to find her one day.


He is, and that's exactly what I need. I'm such a control freak and he's completely okay with me running the show as long as I don't overstep that boundary of respect (such as making a huge decision myself that should have involved the 2 of us unless it just couldn't be helped). I do that he's not afraid to stand up and go 'No'. And because the man doesn't ask for much (anything, rarely) when he does ask I have no problem going with what he wants at that time. Something as simple as he wants a star on the top of our Christmas tree. I grew up with an angel on top but he doesn't want that, he wants the star - so, we shall have a star. Things like that. There ARE times I do want him to take the lead (such as when we were on our honeymoon and I didn't care what we did, I told him to make the decision on what we did).


Me too. Now I just have to figure out why my temperature gauage doens't work!

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Just hopped out of the shower with Tyler (he LOVES showers!) and I'm waiting on my hair to dry before I hit the sack, gotta be up at 5:45 tomorrow morning for first shift (ugh!) At least L and I will be able to talk 3 times tomorrow: on my way to work, my 30 min lunch break (where we can actually facetime), and on the 20 some odd minute drive from my work to my sister's house. So we don't have to lug our presents to the family thing on Christmas Day we are meeting at my sister's house to exchange gifts between me, my mom, my brother, and most of Tyler's gifts. I actually still need to wrap my sister's gift and then tomorrow bag my best friend's into a christmas bag.

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Such a looooonnnnggg day!


Worked from 7am-3pm today. I didn't even get to sit down to eat breakfast until 10 am they were running me so ragged! Then I got slightly lost trying to get to my sister's house but eventually I made it there. Watched Tyler open all his gifts and loved the penguin I bought him. Mom got me a pair of Tinkerbell pjs and a bunch of fuzzy socks - I loooove fuzzy socks!. My sister also loved her zebra plaque I painted her. Mom also bought Tyler this like zoo thing with a bunch of different animals - of course it's something you have to put together. my sister decided to try to do it without looking at the directions... about 45 minutes after watching her swear, grunt, and pull on this thing I grabbed the directions and helped her put it together. So an hour after she started, we finished it!


image removed


I'm so tired. Blah! Still got package the best friend's gifts and wind down from work and everything AND be up by like 8 or 9 tomorrow morning. Wonderful.

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