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Thank you Renny. It was just one of those days were everything went wrong. I was still dealing with something that happened yesterday and then I forgot to take the carseat out of my car and put it back in my mom's - our only car seat - and my mom and I got into a fight over that. Then I tripped going up stone steps and wacked the crap out of my shin. I was just like, ugh!!!!!!! It's better now though.


I really need to get this toe looked at. I had a ingrown toenail and most of the time I can get them out on my own but this one has become infected. I have had them all my life (and had to have one surgically removed a few years ago) so I know when it's looking worse for wear - and this is one of those times.

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Since you work at a hospital, can you have someone there take a look at the toe and do something for it, if something needs to be done?


Sorry to hear that your mom and you got into it. Not to be nosy or whatnot, about the carseat, don't carseats have to be put in by professionals (at the DMV or your local PD), or at least the base has to, so it is deemed crash safe? I dunno. Never had kids.

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Not really. If it's as bad as I think it is, it will have to be surgically cut out like my last one (which required the then doctor to numb my toe). I guess I can call the doctor I go to when I need a work excuese and see how much their office would charge to do it.


Naw, they don't have to be put IN by the local PD but it's highly encouraged to parents or anyone who will have a carseat to go to the PD and have them show you how to properly put it in - preferablly whenever you buy a new one as each car seat is different.

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Good lord, the Universe is trying to tell me I'm too fat and I need to lose weight! I have had this really weird itching sensation under my left armpit (never right) for a few months now, comes and goes. I was looking at it in the mirror today and for some reason thought it looked like a yeast infection. Didn't think you could get yeast infections under your arms buy you CAN and what causes it mostly? It's caused by an area in the skin that has a large fold (ie fat) that gets moist. Lord. i get it universe - I'm hitting the gym tomorrow.

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So I finally got around to calling the doctor I use when I need a work excuese to see if they could cut this infected ingrown toenail out. They couldn't but said a podiatrist could so I googled it and called the only one in my town. Their quote? $325 - $210 to cut and chemically burn it so it wouldn't grow back with a $105 doctor's visit and they don't accept payment plans. I was like F. I got to work and was talking to one of my co workers about it and they suggusted a doctor's office they use that go by your income. I gave them a call on one of my breaks and they said for my income they would chrage me $25 - that's to cut it out, chemically burn it, any anti-biotics, blood work, the doctor's visit, and a follow up. Hell yes. My only problem then was trying to find a way to make the appointment that wouldn't inconvience my mom - since it's on the foot I drive with I couldn't drive myself and I need 2 days off for the procedure - but then I was standing there in the kitchen and looked over at my brother and a little light bulb went off in my head. He doesn't have his license BUT as long as someone over 21 with more than a year's driving experience is in the car with him (that would be me) he can drive. So he agreed to drive me that day to get the procedure done. that's one thing off my mind!


Next month is when we start saving big time for the move. thankfully they have reduced the stuff I have to do for Jasper to move over but I need to get him microchipped next month (since that's the first step anyway) just to go ahead and have it done.

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So after I got my director to switch a day around on the 3 so I could have two days off in a row for the procedure I called the place and the doctor won't be in until Jan 8. My fault really. We'd I'm going to get with the boss and see if we can rearrange some stuff after the 8th or it could be after the 14th before I get it done. Dorsnt help some idiot with a pair of high heels in the frot office stepped on that toe today - lord.


L also picked our tv up today. Looks good he's loving it of course, lol

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And I just learend that since my headlights are the kind that stay on during the day, I may have to replace the whole headlight assembly. Cost of that? $200. And I don't have $200 - and it's illegal to drive with one headlight. FML.


Ouch. Hope it doesn't cost that much to replace.


What are you going to do?


The guy who originally fixed the water leak issue in your car, can he fix the headlight issue? Maybe he will give you a deal on it.

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No idea. My stepdad is going to look at it tomorrow - could be a lose wiring but I doubt it. I'm going to call some auto places tomorrow to see if I do have to replace the whole thing.


Putting it on isn't the expensive part - the headlight assembly itself cost $200. J wouldn't charge me labor but it's still going to cost a pretty penny if that's what it is.

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There was a time not so long ago that when a headlight went out, you took off the glass cover with a screwdriver (from the outside) replaced the bulb, replaced the glass and went on your way. Took about five minutes.

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There was a time not so long ago that when a headlight went out, you took off the glass cover with a screwdriver (from the outside) replaced the bulb, replaced the glass and went on your way. Took about five minutes.


I remember that time... *sigh* All because I have one of those stupid cars that the lights stay on during the day. F. Maybe I can find one for cheap in a junk yard.

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What kind of car do you have which needs the whole headlight assembly to be replaced?


I'm still in that time where I can simply twist the bulb out and replace it.


I have a '99 Chevy Monte Carlo. Everyone keeps telling me I can't just replace the bulb, that the whole thing has to be replaced becuase my lights stay on during the day when I crank the car. I think they are full of it but hey, wouldn't be the first time the Universe tries to one up me!

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If the lights are staying on during the day, I would have assumed it was an electrical fault where the sensor somewhere inside or in the bumper of the car, can not telll the difference between night and day.

I would not believe both headlight assemblies have the same identical fault.


I don't know anything about the modern yank tanks as New Zealand is predominatly Jap import, so maybe (although I'm skeptic) the sensors are in the headlight assembly for some reason.

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If the lights are staying on during the day, I would have assumed it was an electrical fault where the sensor somewhere inside or in the bumper of the car, can not telll the difference between night and day.

I would not believe both headlight assemblies have the same identical fault.


I don't know anything about the modern yank tanks as New Zealand is predominatly Jap import, so maybe (although I'm skeptic) the sensors are in the headlight assembly for some reason.


Oh not, we have cars (over here, at lest, to my knowledge) where even in the daytime the headlights automatically come on when you crank the car. The only time you have to adjust them is to go from regular beam to high beam at night but they never shut off - unless you shut the car off, of course. the driver side headlight still works but the passenger one is out.

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Oh not, we have cars (over here, at lest, to my knowledge) where even in the daytime the headlights automatically come on when you crank the car. The only time you have to adjust them is to go from regular beam to high beam at night but they never shut off - unless you shut the car off, of course. the driver side headlight still works but the passenger one is out.


I thought there would have been a button inside the car to stop the car from turning on it's lights while it is day time?

Is there one in yours?


Only if you knew someone close by with some proper technical knowledge about replacing the bulb in your car.

I just don't believe a while assembly needs to be replaced.

I would consider that a manufacturing fault.


BTW googled your car, could be done up quite nicely

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