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I love my husband but he can be a lazy bum sometimes. The other day I asked him to send me a sexy picture - nothing too out there, but like a chest shot - so he sends one. Not exactly the sexy i meant so I asked him to send me another one so he did. After he went to bed I was looking at the two pictures and noticed that in picture 2 he had some major facial hair gong on (like not a 5 o'clock shadow thing but a full blown bear beard) but in picture 1 he was clean shaven.




I know my husband grows facial hair fast but even he isn't THAT good. Sneaky man had sent me a picture he had taken before the first time but then took a new one when I asked for another one. I'm on to you!

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So I was giving my nephew a bath for my mom tonight to give her some peace and as soon as I sat Tyler down in the tub what does he do? He pees. In the tub of fresh water. I didn't know whether to laugh or be slightly annoyed so I took him out and reran some fresh water. About 10 minutes into that bath - and thankfully AFTER I had already washed him and his hair - he did it AGAIN! Silly baby.

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I'm nervous. An old friend messaged me on facebook - the one who our friendship kind of took a nose dive because her partner (my ex's best friend) told her about my ex cheating on me and she didn't tell me and I was stpuid and naive to hold a grudge for that - congratulating me on getting married (I guess she didn't realize I had already gotten married) and that she was wondering if I wanted to meet for coffee before I moved. I admit, my heart started poudning when I read the message. This is the ONE person who I always held onto the hope that we could make it work as friends again. So silly but in this instance my username is so true... even through everything (being jealous of her, all that was said between us over the years) there was always that one small hope we could be friends again. It could never be the way it was when we were in high school - I'm an adult to know it never could - but that doesn't mean it couldn't be something good again in another way.


We're making plans for New Year Eve to get together. I'm nervous. I literally can't sit still right now. I'm one of those people if you give me a small ray of hope, I grab it and run with it... I'm thinking about this too much, aren't I?

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Pee in the bath won’t really matter. It’s sterile.


Oh I remember hearing about this old friend. Of course you’re nervous, but don’t over-think it or put a lot of stock into this meeting Go with the flow. That keychain is so sweet. What a nice gift!


This is true. I guess two positive things are we continued to make plans last night after the initial message and she added me on facebook.

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I also say go with the flow. I think it's big of both of you to reestablish a relationship despite drama ofthe past. Sometimes those are the best friends. One of my best friends and I did that and we are stronger than ever now.

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I also say go with the flow. I think it's big of both of you to reestablish a relationship despite drama ofthe past. Sometimes those are the best friends. One of my best friends and I did that and we are stronger than ever now.


Thank you Hers. It's def a snails pace right now - we won't be able to meet in person until New Years Eve so any contact is a little rigid right now because, well, it's been years since we have properly talked. I decided since she took the initiative to message me yesterday I would text her first today and slowly we have been having a text conversation all day, asking little questions here and there and establishing where and when to meet.


It's like I want to jump in it with both feet but I also know that's not the way the relationship is going to be reestablished - it tooks years to break down, it's not going to be comfortable over night.

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I have been battling a headache all day. Ugh. It's probably because I woke up and didn't take a afternoon nap - I'm so old - but I'm holding of on going to sleep until about another hour. I made the mac n' cheese tonight with my mom's help and it tasted soooo damn good. So cheesy and sticky. I also bought a cookies and cream pie to take for a dessert. I'm meeting my BIL at 10 to pick up my nephew to take him to my work Christmas party - decided to show him off.

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Had a great time at my work Christmas party! I took Tyler along with me and everyone loved him - he was a little shy at first but he eventually warmed up to everyone. We had so much food and desert! Our bosses got us all huge stockings of different assorted bath stuff and my secret santa (who turned out to be one of the guys) bought me this amber scented candle and Sunshine Flower scent body wash from Bath and Bodyworks - LOVE both! And the guy I bought the beer for loved his gift, obviously, lol!

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I had an epic moment with Tyler earlier on. I was heading into the living room to see if he would lap down on the pallet and nap with me to help mom out. I went to throw my blanket and pillow into the living room and I didn't see Tyler take off running toward me. The bottom of my pillow hit him in the face (which obviously stunned the baby, lol) and the force of it pushed him back but my pillow flipped over his head so that when he landed on his back he actually landed on the pillow and then rolled off. It was truly epic. I couldn't stop laughing and I was the only one who saw it! God.

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