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Work was crazy last night. Not even busy but I worked in what use to be the morgue last night and apparnetly it was just a night were my imaginaton was running wild. It didn't help that before my shift first shift was talking about a bunch of the unexplained things that have happened down there over the years (and in fact while I was sitting there and they were talking we yet hearing this noise come from the back room) so that just set the tone for the whole night. Literally every bump and noise I was having a mini heart attack. There was one moment were I heard a knock on the wall BEHIND me and I just put the scrub top I was folding down and walked outside - I walked outside a lot last night, lol.

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Aww OG I’m sorry you have to work in the creepy room. Are you all by yourself in there too?


It’ll be here before you know it (in a sense)


I am. It doesn't bother me when someone is down there with me or during day time - I have worked first down there and it's never crossed my mnd - just sometihng about being alone and knowing the thing were they use to burn bodies is STLL in that back room... jibbers. I believe and have a wild imagination - never a good combo but last night was the worse it had ever been. I usually don't look forward to dong pick ups but last night, I took my time with them, lol.


It will. After the holidays it will drag a little but at least the momentum wll get us into 2012.


We've also been married 2 months today - god time flies!

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Another co worker is on medical leave (although we all know this is bogus because of something someone else saw) so it's just ugh! I don't have to work any extra days but I'm down in the morgue area a lot over the next 2 weeks. So ready for my three days off starting sat, just one more day... and instead of working 2-10 Christmas Eve I'm now working 7am-3 pm. In a way that works out better since I can just leave work and head to my sister's where we are having Christmas Eve and opening up the bulk of Tyler's gifts and such. Stll off Christmas Day at least!


L and I have a date night planned for Sat - I picked the movie The Immortals to watch, not JUST because of the half naked men runnng around - so I'm looking forward to that.

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Curious question. How do you guys watch the movies together?


In my experience, usually with a dozen beers.

A bit of cursing and saying 'mate' in a commentary every now and then.



Oops I thought you were talking about GUY guys.

Teach me for not looking at the previous posts.


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I dreamed last night I was standing in a garden (backyard for Americans) - not a huge one but a nice small one. There was a clothes line to hang clothes and a little plot of white daises growing in the corner and I could smell the freshly cut grass. It was grey and overcast but the weather didn't have that yuck feeling to it, just one of those days you could curl up inside under the covers with a good book and hot drink. I heard something behind but for some reason couldn't turn around. I remember trying but it was like a statue was stood in front of me holding my arms and head in place. I started to panic (who wouldn't panic when they hear something behind them and can't move in a dream?!) but then I heard the smallest, sweetest little voice say 'Mum?' When I went to go turn that time whatever had been holding me let go and I was able to turn completely around. It's weird the clarity you have with certain things and others you don't. I could vividly explain the garden and could almost FEEL like I was stood there but when I turned around (were the house would be) I can't remember what it looked like. It was there and it wasn't blurry or anything but even now when I'm awake I can not recall any details of the house. Strange.


But even though I can't remember the house, I can vividly remember the little boy stood about five feet from me. He was in that stage of not a full blown toddler but he wasn't a baby either - kind of how I would describe my 1 1/2 year old nephew - a toddler's body but he still had the baby fat in his cheeks. He had whispy brown hair and blue eyes.. L's blue eyes. I could see both L and I in that chubby little face but over all I saw L - the eyes, the nose, the mouth. He even had a little 757 airplane toy in his hands. I knelt down and he broke out into a smile - L's smile - that absolutely melted my heart and took off running to me. He kept saying 'mum, mum, mum' until he got to me and I hugged him. The second my arms went around him something inside me clicked and I felt completely and utterly whole, inside and out. I don't know how long I knelt there hugging him - in dreamland it felt forever, in real life it was probably only minutes - but I closed my eyes in the dream and when I reopened them I was lying in bed with Jasper snuggled to my side.


Welcome back baby fever!

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Awesome dream. I had a daydream/waking dream type thing like that years ago. It was a brunette girl with my eyes, about four years old. It was so strong and so moving. She just popped into my head and I felt such complete peace all of a sudden, in the middle of a very stressful day.


My baby fever is back to a dull roar for now. Good thing!

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