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L is still sick. Poor guy. Hopefully he feels better by tomorrow. I'm okay - throat still hurts and I'm sneezing constantly but I can breath. It's like this cold is teasing me. I'll feel like crap one day but then everything will go away in 12 hours. Like come on, just let me BE sick so I can get it over with... tonight is our resident Christmas party. Joy.

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It's like the body shaking kind too where it's so big I literally bounce when I hiccup. Blah. I threw one of these big bouncy rubber balls at him and it bounced off his head and into the Christmas tree - and my mom who was in the OTHER room shouted at me not to throw balls in the house (20 years later she still can see through walls) and I guess my intake of breath to laugh caused me to have hiccups.

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haha, I can just imagine the scene.


OG, I hope you and L feel better soon. It's that time of year for colds and such.


My cousin's coming back to visit my mom for Christmas with his daughter. I love that baby to pieces, esp since I probably won't have kids.


I want to go shopping for her (indulge my love of baby clothes).

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Oh vibes. I need a new one. I’ve killed my favourite one hahaha. It’s a bullet with a remote control and different settings. The wire to the remote has a short. Incredibly frustrating!! It’s like if a guy went soft all of a sudden. LOL.



Oh baby things. I trolled through the baby section in Walmart and I wasn’t even intimidated. We need to get me married so I can has babies! lol


Edit: that’s kind of politically incorrect, but we’re traditional in random ways.

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My niece and nephew def give my womb a good tug when I'm around them. Especially Tyler. He'll run to me when I come out and he tries to beat me up with toys and anything he can get his hands on. He's in a stage of when Jasper comes near him he'll grab Jasper's tail, no idea why. Trying to break him of that.


I ordered that vibe today, hopefully won't take long to get here! Lol

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I rarely do that with myself (maybe once a month if that) but my husband does a few times a week (more now that he's not working haha) and we have sex about once or twice a week usually. So I do it only if the urge is really strong

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Hmmm, I'm with Hers. I love L but sometimes I just want a quick one and he feels the same. I have a SUPER high sex drive - if I could did it every day I would. But I can't. - so 2-3 x a week depending on how busy work schedules are is normal for me. L's is your average 27 year old. But on top of that 2-3 x a week I'll masturbate by myself maybe once or twice. But L and I are big about using the toy even we are together so it gets used fairly often even when he's here!

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Got the christmas work schedule today. I work 2-10 Christmas Eve, off Christmas, and then work 11-8 Dec. 30th and have New Years Eve off. Hoping I have News Years Day off as well so I can go to my uncles and spend the weekend since I haven't seen them since the wedding and I'll have gifts to give them.


I'm off Monday for our Christmas party for our department as well. I've decided to bring a Mac and Cheese dish - it's a pot luck type thing - I just need to find a reciepe I like. Mom makes it really creamy and while I LOVE Mac N' Cheese like that I kind of wanted to do the casselore kind - were it's dry but it's not dry. Hard to explain. I def. have to do some research this week. I also found out I drew one of the floor tech guys as my secret santa. I was like crap - I hate buying gifts for men, they are SO hard to shop for. If it had been a woman I could have just bought something that smelled good but buying a co worker that is male cologne is a LITTLE to personal for me. He happens to live with another floor tech so I asked that floor tech and he look at me and said 'beer'. So beer it is! comes in under the spending limit and hey, at least I know he'll geuinely enjoy his present!

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Well when they put the holiday sign up sheet up I signed up for Thanksgiving (which I worked), Christmas Eve (which I'm scheduled to work) and I asked for christmas Day, News year eve, and News Year Day off. The woman who works opposite me wrote the exact opposite of me (she wanted to work new years eve/day) so I'm guessing I'll have New Years Day off, it's my normal weekend off anyway but I am getting the Sunday off (Christmas Day) on my work weekend.

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You're definitely an adult when you start requesting kitchen appliances over sex toys.


Jared bought me a cooking pot with a strainer lid for Xmas. That's better to me now than a vibrator. Wasn't the same 10 years ao hahahaha

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