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I stopped by Walmart on my way from work tonight to pick up some Christmas gifts for my niece. I had stopped by their earlier in the day to pick my nephew's christmas up. I went in on a gift with my mom, it's this zoo like thing and has a bunch of different animals that make sounds. I dunno. It only came with 4 of the animals though so I told mom I would pick up the other 4 which were $3 a piece - geez! He's worth it though. And then I also picked him up this:



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So I literally spent 20 minutes in the girl section looking for my niece's presents. I def. want all little boys now. Little girls just have wayyyy too many choices to make from. I evnetually went with this cat that meows and stretches when you pet it's back (hey, it's a pet that she doesn't ACTUALLY have to look after), a Beauty in the Beast wand, and a Ariel Barbie Doll:


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My bestie told me not to get her anything but she's my niece, she's 2 12 and it's my last Christmas to be able to buy something without having to get someone else to buy it. 3 things won't kill her and only one makes noise! I'm still making her a few gifts as well.

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Yea Luke liked it. Think it's gone now though.


We are both set on one child. But we will let god handle it for us. If we get pregnant, cool (even though I prefer not to-- would rather adopt) and if we don't get pregnant, we will take it as we aren't meant to have kids. Neither of us believes in in vitro or surrogacy but we would adopt if we are one day able to.

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lol! Having my niece and nephew (who are about a year and a half apart I think in age) the night before our wedding WAS exhausting. But for me i was loving every minute of it. Def wouldn't want them that close in age though. 2-3 years. Because technically it's going to be 4 kids no matter what counting Jasper!


My body can't make up it's mind if I'm constipated or I'm about to start my period. Blah. The only side effect to not taking BC...

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I have BC but I don't take it when I don't see L. He's actually pretty against the whole extra hormones but I hate condoms so we compromise on 2 months before I see him and for a month after I take the pill and then after that month I'll stop. i've been taking the pill every day since I was 15 as well - sure my body could use the rest! I'll start taking it again a few months before I move over and up until a few months before we start trying for a baby. I take it (other than not to have a baby right now) to regulate my periods. Like yours mine are just all over the place. Not too irregular and they it always comes once a month when I'm not on BC but the way it falls sometimes is weird.


I have felt all day between feeling like I'm constipated and that pulling sensation you get in your abdomen with a period cramp. I dunno.

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save up and get the one that L can control!!!


I had actually forgotten about that one, lol! I think if we were doing the distance for longer I would but with our work shcedules and the time difference we don't get but once a week (if that with work) that we can get together to do stuff so it's mostly just us by ourselves. If you get my meaning, lol

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I have tried a bullet before - I think that's what it was called, you don't insert it it just stimulates - and it did nothing for me which I found ODD because stimulation THERE is the only way I can orgasm which is why I can't have just a dildo, I need a vibrator. I think my brain tricks my vagina because it knows that's in there but it does nothing.. it's like a prop to get me off. If that makes sense, lol

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