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Once the water heater heats back up I'm soaking in a very hot bath to try to ease my leg muscles. ugh!


Today was re-enrollment in our benefits at work. I once again opted out of medical (way too high monthly payment, crazy deductible, and the % after deductible was laughable) but I reenrolled in dental and vision. We changed carriers so I have to find out the individual name of the doctors at Walmart to make sure they are coverd under my new plan. If not there is a vision doctor close to me that is. Thankfully my dentist is still one of the dentists covered under my insurance. I also opted in for short and long term disability - you never know really. My life insurance with work is 2x my monthly income (which isn't much) so I took out an additional $150,000. Was only $6 a month so why not? That would leave plenty for L if something happened to me between now and the move over. I could have went with the life insurance that carries over even when I move to England but with the exchange rate it wouldn't be worth it. Better to just a new policy on me once I move over.

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Tired and burny eyes?


Just tired eyes. Like that drowsy feeling you get in your eye area when you have sinuses. My throat isn't hurting this morning so maybe I'm fighting whatever it is off. I'm up at 9:30 - ick! - eating breakfast then heading to town to buy some new workout pants (since my old ones have a huge hole in the thigh area) as well as picking up a lock for my locker at the gym. Then I'm working out before work.

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My legs are killing me. More pointedly, my knees. They feel like there is just a heavy weight sat on them and even something as simple as shifting my weight from one foot to the other gives a small pang. I tried soaking in a hot bath last night but nothing so I'm going to try icy hot tonight to see if it helps. I worked out again this morning and was okay until I got on the treadmill. I was able to do 10 minutes before I had to stop because my legs (my left knee mostly) was hurting. Even on the stationary bike and the cross country machine it was just painful.

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I'll try icing it, thanks Daligal. My left knee is my bad knee - I fell going UP stairs as a teenager and the very center of my knee hit a sharp wooden corner of the stairs and ever since it's given me trouble sometimes. But this feels more muscle (if I raise my legs I can feel the pain right above my knee) but when standing it feels like the pressure is ON my knee.

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I don't know if it's proper, tbh. I warm up on the stationary bike for about 5-10 minutes, enough time to get my heart rate up and then I'll stretch before doing cardio and I always make sure to do a five minute cool down from the cardio. My gym doesn't have any trainers (it's like a wellness center attached to our hospital) so there are people there who make sure only members come in but no trainers. I switch days on what I work on resistance. First day of the workkout week is always lower body so it's like lunges and squats and my legs always kill me after that because I never keep going long enough for it to not hurt as much.

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I would stretch after you do cardio too. Your knee might just need time to get stronger. Make sure you vary your workouts too. The only other thing I can think of is to make sure you have good form when doing lunges and squats...doing it wrong can cause injury. Since you don't have trainers there, I would google some videos. Make sure your knee isn't going over your toes at any point. And try to really think about using your muscles to get through the workouts so you aren't inadvertently putting pressure on your knees.

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I have a lot of knee problems. Try ibuprofen and icing it, no heat. My trainer discovered that I have an IT band problem, so I use a foam roller to roll it out on both legs and it's helped SO much.


Yes, cold is much better for most injuries than heat is. I'd suggest spending an evening icing it-- twenty minutes of ice followed by twenty minutes without ice.

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I'll start stretching after cardio. I had to go shopping today so I short changed my workout time before work and it was just blah. I def know my form on lunges and squats is properly not good. I'm very heavily cenetred (since my weight is in my stomach) and I tend to lose balance very easily. That and the second I take the step to do the lunge my thigh muscles start screaming. i know it's from not engaging them in that way in forever but Lord. I wish we had a pool so I could do that as a cardio option and not put so much strain on my knees but the nearest one is an hour away. I hate living in the middle of no were...

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Well it went well on my end at least. I haven't heard from L yet to see what they thought. It doesn't help I'm a very introvert person and upon first meeting anyone I'm extremely shy and quiet (which is SO not me!) but it's just how I deal when meeting someone the first time. Once I get to know them better I open up and become more of my bubbly, less introvert self.

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