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I adore coffee. It keeps me going. A spoonful of sugar is all I need.

Pop I really don’t like all that much. If you want to go off it, just put a nail in a glass of coke and leave it. The result is what happens to your teeth and other body parts with too much coke. I’d say you’d be better off popping a caffeine pill while trying to quit drinking soda.


Our coke here isn’t that good anyway. It goes flat so quickly.

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I adore coffee. It keeps me going. A spoonful of sugar is all I need.

Pop I really don’t like all that much. If you want to go off it, just put a nail in a glass of coke and leave it. The result is what happens to your teeth and other body parts with too much coke. I’d say you’d be better off popping a caffeine pill while trying to quit drinking soda.


Our coke here isn’t that good anyway. It goes flat so quickly.


And the sad thiing is it's not even the caffeine that keeps me going back - becuase I in no way drink coffee like I do soda. I usually don't even like coffee unless I'm super tired or it's freezing outside. For me it's the taste, that feel good feeling it has on you while going down. I'm sure the manufactuer's have put some vile thing in there to do this, lol

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Yeah it is super bad for the body and diet just positively pickles your brain and organs. I never really drank pop till I was pretty much adult so that has saved my teeth a lot of wear. I have only had about 4 or 5 filings and I am 45 so I am not doing too bad. My husband however because he was drinking this stuff from babyhood has tea stains and stuff on his teeth that are almost impossible to get off and he had 9 filings by the time he was 9. Now as an adult though he has not had a cavity in years.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that US coke is made with corn syrup and the rest of the world use sugar, and that there was a bit of an issue a couple of years ago where some US guys would drive to Mexico just to stock up on non corn syrup coke cola


And hey, you might start liking tea! Earl grey, nom noms

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lol! Yeah L takes 2 spoon fulls of sugar (I think.. should really memorize that, shouldn't I? lol) while I take no sugar in my coffee. blah! When I was about 5 I wanted to drink coffee like my gran so she would pour 3/4 coffee and 1/4 milk to cool it down and not make it so strong... seriously at 23 that's the only way I can drink my coffee. No creamer, no sugar, just milk. I have tried L's tea and yeah... I shall remain with my coffee and sweet tea, he and the kids can have the hot tea, lol when he's not around me L very rarely drinks sodas, he drinks this squash drink or something or water - or, tea. So I really am like pleassseee let the British Pepsi and sodas be so nasty I never want to pick another one up again!



Lol or something - don't you have dilutable juice?


Perhaps the cost will cure your addiction in extortionate Britain!

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I have been up since 3:30 this morning and I am about to pass out tired. I also went to the gym this morning before work (much prefer that if I can get up) and L and I face timed while I was on the treadmill. That was... interesting. he got a glimpse into what I may look like during child birth at least, lol!


So tired... over 24 hours without a soda as well. I'm drinking tea with dinner but it's not a soda. I don't even have an urge for it... progress.

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Ouch! So I've worn my gym pants for so long (and I have such meaty thighs that they rub together) that I have worn a hole in the thigh area. Didn't realize this until after I got to the gym today. I could feel the chaffing but didn't realize how bad it was until now. Holy cow! Gotta pick up some more gym pants before Thurs. :s


And my cat just farted. *sigh*

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I passed put at midnight thanks to Tylenol pm, only to be woken up a few times by the ridiculously loud show Jared was watching on tv in the bedroom. I stayed awake till 4, then finally decided to watch never been kissed on Netflix. Then woken up at 8 by my alarm and/or crazy MIL.


Now I have to get ready for work.


This day can suck it.

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