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Glad you have a 3-day weekend. You deserve it.


That's cute about Tyler saying "hi" through the glass and watching you go. Do you ever bring Tyler with you when you go out on errands? If he is pretty well-behaved, it could be an adventure for him.


I normally don't bring him for the simple fact he isn't well-behaved. I love him to death but he's a very emotional needy child. I have taken him out and about when I was taking him to show him to someone but running errands, no. It takes all my mom has to run errands with him when she has him.

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So I'm trying to quietly sneak through the living room so as not to wake the baby up and I of course almost trip over the baby gate. In trying to not body slam the floor (and wake everyone up with my big butt hitting said floor) I do this weird ninja move which actually puts me off balance. Since I'm behind gravity centered I over compensate by lurching forward and start to fall. I go to grab something - anything - and end up grabbing onto the Christmas tree and knocking it down on top of me.


Fat girl hitting floor wakes whole house up as well as Christmas ornaments breaking. Wonderffulllll!

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Yikes, hope you and the tree are ok.


It's always an adventure to try to sneak through a house when it's dark and you can't see what you are stumbling into.


My bum is sore and the poor tree is going to have to be redecorated but other than that we're good. Poor Jasper didn't know whether to investiaget to see if mommy was okay or just eat the tree.

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I'm making a lot of people's gifts to save some money but I really haven't started that in earnest. I've finished my sister's and am working on my boss' right now but I still have my mom's, my best friend's, and my niece's to make. I'm only actually buyiing something for my nephew - my brother is getting money toward a game he wants and I'm getting two gift cards for my uncle and his wife.

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Alabama is going to the National Championships. I don't give a crap at all, but I know Jared and his family are thrilled...


Clemson apparently won the ACC championship (whatever that is) and is going to some bowl (again, no idea what that is). At least with L's football I can get somewhat involved since I use to play it myself...

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I love football. Watching the game right now Unfortunately, my team's home game was blacked out today (so embarrassing). I was upset all week that I couldn't watch it until I had the idea to find a site that streams the game and then hook my laptop up to my TV. Great idea in theory. I think too many people were streaming the game because it kept freezing and when I tested it out yesterday I had no problem. At least I semi got to watch it though. Yea I'm that kind of fan.

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^ L's that kind of a fan when it comes to European football. lol. I always joke that if I were to go in labor during the World Cup he would tell me to wait until whatever match was over. He was explaining the difference in the national league and the premier league this weekend and I was trying to be a good wife and retain something of it for when he brought it up in the future I could go 'oh yeah!'

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You might get more into it when you live there. I love when I'm with a group of people watching the game and your team is winning...such a great feeling. You'd be surprised how quickly it turns you into a sports fan Especially when there's some hometown pride involved.

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I can def. at least watch European football - with American football my distate for it goes back to high school. I was in the marching band and naturally was at every football game every Friday night. Even then I could never keep up with the ball, they were stopping every five minutes.. it was just not my cup of tea. I use to play soccer so I can at least half way watch a game with L and somewhat know what's going on.

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I also wonder about the reason for all the gear.

Where I come from the main sport is Rugby and we don't tend to use any gear except for maybe head gear on occasion.


Rugby was in my face all the time as a child.

My Father was in a 1st Division team, and whenever there was rugby on, there goes the use of the TV.


Dad slouched in the center of the couch, one hand stuck at the top of his shorts and a beer in the other hand.

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I also wonder about the reason for all the gear.

Where I come from the main sport is Rugby and we don't tend to use any gear except for maybe head gear on occasion.


Rugby was in my face all the time as a child.

My Father was in a 1st Division team, and whenever there was rugby on, there goes the use of the TV.


Dad slouched in the center of the couch, one hand stuck at the top of his shorts and a beer in the other hand.


Such fond memories Dark, lol

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