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Sounds like he's a cheater. Had she stayed in the UK, I'm sure he would have left her for an English woman!

Really makes no difference. I think she doesn't want to put the blame on her cheating ex husband and instead, American women are the scapegoat.

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Ew, what a jerk. She has every right to mad....at him! But not at you, lol.


If B dropped me for, I don't know...a Russian bombshell (lol), I'd be as MAD as heck at him, as well as the girl, getting involved with an attached guy. But that doesn't mean that all Russian women are scumballs and "out to steal men". LOL. It's not like women "entice" men to cheat on their girlfriends or wives. Sure, it takes two, but the man has a choice. It's not like he was "dragged against his will".


If you guys talk again, I'd tell her that you're extremely sorry but please not to blame you and can't we be friends.

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Exactly. Takes two to tango. While I feel for her having been cheated on myself in the past, it still doesn't excuess her behavior. Especially considering she has acted this way toward me for a while now and I just assumed it was the whole 'you are houskeeping therefore you are below me' attitude that SO many people seem to have in that nursing home. If in the future she can approach me like a mature woman I'll talk but friendship by passed us a LONG time ago...

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well at least you know the real reason why, right?


Yeah, nothing excuses the behavior. I hope you get an apology from her, you deserve it.


I totally understand if you won't be friends though. I'm a stupid puppy dog when it comes to "Friendships". It's hard for me to say to someone "no we can't be friends" unless they manipulate me. I had a nasty freshman roommate (oddly enough, we were BOTH in LDRs with older men at the time, only hers was a 25 year gap, mine was 15) and she liked me and hated me at the same time. SHe told me off and said bad crap behind my back. I cried and moved out.

Then I get this email from her months down the road, how she's getting medication and therapy done for her "issues" and she's so sorry for being that way with me and how I was the only friend she had.

gahhhh I just had to forgive her. Now we talk via email a lot while she's at home on medical leave.


I swear I'm gonna get taken advantage of one of these days, lol.

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True. And while I can see why she would act out like you said, it sitll doesn't excuse it.


In some ways I'm the same when it comes to friendship if it's a long established friendship. I have a hard time saying no but if someone backstabs me that's it. No problem cutting 'em off, lol. I had a best friend in HS. Ended up setting her up with my ex's best friend. They ended up in a relationship and everything and he (my ex's best friend) told her about my ex cheating on me.... and she didn't tell me. So of course when I found out I was crushed and just could not forgive her. In my eyes her betraying me was FAR worse than what my ex had done. For a while we went back and forth between friendship and hatred. I think in the end the only reason we even tried to stay mutual was my ex and her husband were best friends. Once me and my ex broke up we stopped are pretense.

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Yeah I don't like being taken advantage of or someone disrespecting me. These days, if a friend actively and PERSISTENTLY bothers me about my boyfriend, they are gone. I'm just losing tolerance for that.


That's sad about your H.S. best friend. I wonder why she didn't tell. She really should have. I mean, I'm not the type to see a stranger cheat and then go tell the stranger husband, but when it's friend? that's different.

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She thought in not telling me she was protecting me. What angered me the most was the fact she had JUST started the relationship with her husband (they were literally on their second date when he told her) and he asked her not to tell me (bc obviously I would know he was the one who told). So my line of thinking she chose to keep a promise to him over our friendship. I suppose it wasn't much of one if she could do that. I can't even imagine doing that to my bestie, if some one were to tell me something I knew she deserved to know, I couldn't dial her number fast enough.


And to top it off when my ex DID finally tell me he had cheated on me, and I told her (not knowing she already knew) she played dumb like she didn't know. I didn't find it she knew until months after I found out from my ex.

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Oh my god (just read your encounter with the CNS brits) .. I can't believe that.. what on Earth??? Er - what is she doing living in your country if she hates Americans so much? That's insane! How incredibly rude! Can't you report her to anyone?

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My CNA friend and I talked about it afterward while we were both on break. Apparently she moved over here with her husband couple years ago and he left her for an American woman. It sucks but come on!


Ahhh - so she's horribly bitter and taking it out on you?? Great. Last thing you need on a day when you are already missing your fiance!

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Up early, again. Gah. What is WRONG with me?!


I get to web cam with CS today! Never been so excited to use a web cam, lol. I just want to see him at this point. It's been such an off week. He had a meeting Tues (he does the beginning of every month) so that put off any large amount of talk time and then yesterday we barely spoke even through emails... it's just been an off week. I hate them really.


My mom made fudge, which she only does around Christmas. Mmmmmmm, my God it's the best fudge ever. No lie. One of my presents is always a huge tin box of it. It never lasts until the new year, hence why I'm a big girl. lol

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i had the worst time sleeping last night. couldnt get to sleep till about 2. then jared woke me up by sleep talking at about 615. he was up at 630 and i couldn't get back to sleep, so we talked for a bit while he got ready. then he left adn i couldn't fall back to sleep. i turned on toy story 3 and fell asleep about 30 mins into it. then woke up about 20 minutes to the end of it (it's maybe an hour and a half movie?) and coulnd't fall back to sleep. i tried. god, i tried. at least sheila let me sleep in a little later than usual. i actually had to tell her to get up haha.

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So my sly fiance has been hinting all week that he has been forgetting to send off my Christmas card when, in reality, he sent it last week. He confessed to it today on web cam. Poor guy only had to keep quiet a few more hours because mom came in and handed me a package marked Royal Mail. it had two cards, a James Blunt CD, and a photo of pics from our NY trip. My card was a fairly large one (and some how he found one with fiancee on it!) that lights up on the front. So sweet. Then, in a separate envelope that was marked 'to mommy' was a card from Jasper.


Yes, you read that right. CS got a card that says 'from the cat on Christmas' and signed it as Jasper. It was the sweetest thing ever and is yet another reason why I love this man!


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Oh my god - before I check those cards out in more detail I have to say that is the sweetest thing ever .. I cant believe he got you a card from your cat. That is just so gorgeous..


Fudge.. I love fudge.. havent had any since I was a kid!


Mayabe your circathiam rhythms (sp?) have been screwed up a bit because of the strange hours you have to keep to chat with CS and if you have any weird shift hours too.. your body might just be saying 'I dont understand whats going on - should I be asleep? Awake?'

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